Welcome to MyOps-Query:

A simple collection & query interface for MyPLC deployments.


Collected Attributes


MyOps-Query allows an operator to very easily define and collect new attributes of a running system, and it provides a simple query interface to report and select these observations. MyOps-Query complements the existing and established mechanisms already running on PlanetLab, such as CoMon and Func().

Example Queries

The following are example queries that you can perform with MyOps.

Many other queries are possible by manipulating the query URL.

Supported Operators

  • == String comparison for equivalence.
  • != String comparison for non-equivalence
  • <= Given a number, <= converts the parameter into a number and compares it to the specified value. i.e. "root_free_disk<=0.2"
  • >= Given a number, >= converts the parameter into a number and compares it to the specified value. i.e. "root_free_disk>=0.2"
  • =~ Given a regular expression, =~ will return rows when the attribute matches this pattern.
  • !~ Given a regular expression, !~ will return rows when the attribute does not match this pattern.

Supported Conjunctions

  • && Logical 'and' for combining two or more simple operators. Also, can be entered on the url as %26%26, AND, or %%.
  • || Logical 'or'. Also can be entered on the url as OR.

Supported Parameters

  • fields a comma separated list of attribute names to report.
  • filter a simple logic expressions for filtering which values are returned.
  • within only return node records that have been updated in less than within seconds. (default is 3 hours (10800 sec))
  • skip_header do not print the attribute names as the first line.
  • rpmpattern a pattern to match against the rpm_versions attribute. Useful for checking a single package version.