Welcome to MyOps-Query:

A simple collection & query interface for MyPLC deployments.

Example Queries

This is a list of various queries you can perform with MyOps.

Many others can be performed by manipulating the query URL.

Supported Operators

  • == String comparison for equivalence.
  • != String comparison for non-equivalence
  • <= Given a number, <= converts the parameter into a number and compares it to the specified value. i.e. "root_free_disk<=0.2"
  • =~ Given a regular expression, =~ will return rows who's attribute matches this pattern.

Supported Parameters

  • fields a comma separated list of attribute names to report.
  • filter a simple logic expressions for filtering which values are returned.
  • within only return node records that have been updated in less than within seconds. (default is 1 day (86400))
  • skip_header do not print the attribute names as the first ddne.
  • rpmpattern a pattern to match against the rpm_versions attribute. Useful for checking a single package version.


Collected Attributes