#!/usr/bin/python # # Bootstraps the PLC database with a default administrator account and # a default site. Also generates the MA/SA API certificate. # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: api-config,v 1.13 2006/06/23 20:33:28 mlhuang Exp $ # from plc_config import PLCConfiguration import os import re import xml import CertOps, Certificate import Certificate import commands def main(): cfg = PLCConfiguration() cfg.load() variables = cfg.variables() # Load variables into dictionaries for category_id, (category, variablelist) in variables.iteritems(): globals()[category_id] = dict(zip(variablelist.keys(), [variable['value'] for variable in variablelist.values()])) # Get the issuer e-mail address and public key from the root CA certificate root_ca_email = commands.getoutput("openssl x509 -in %s -noout -email" % \ plc_ma_sa['ca_ssl_crt']) root_ca_key_pub = commands.getoutput("openssl x509 -in %s -noout -pubkey" % \ plc_ma_sa['ca_ssl_crt']) # Verify API certificate if os.path.exists(plc_ma_sa['api_crt']): print "Verifying API certificate '%s'" % plc_ma_sa['api_crt'] try: cert_xml = file(plc_ma_sa['api_crt']).read().strip() # Verify root CA signature CertOps.authenticate_cert(cert_xml, {root_ca_email: root_ca_key_pub}) # Check if MA/SA e-mail address has changed dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(cert_xml) for subject in dom.getElementsByTagName('subject'): if subject.getAttribute('email') != plc_mail['support_address']: raise Exception, "E-mail address '%s' in certificate '%s' does not match support address '%s'" % \ (subject.getAttribute('email'), plc_ma_sa['api_crt'], plc_mail['support_address']) except Exception, e: # Delete invalid API certificate print "Warning: ", e os.unlink(plc_ma_sa['api_crt']) # Generate self-signed API certificate if not os.path.exists(plc_ma_sa['api_crt']): print "Generating new API certificate" try: cert = Certificate.Certificate('ticket-cert-0') ma_sa_ssl_key_pub = commands.getoutput("openssl x509 -in %s -noout -pubkey" % \ plc_ma_sa['ssl_crt']) cert.add_subject_pubkey(pubkey = ma_sa_ssl_key_pub, email = plc_mail['support_address']) root_ca_subject = commands.getoutput("openssl x509 -in %s -noout -subject" % \ plc_ma_sa['ssl_crt']) m = re.search('/CN=([^/]*).*', root_ca_subject) if m is None: root_ca_cn = plc['name'] + " Management and Slice Authority" else: root_ca_cn = m.group(1) cert.set_issuer(email = root_ca_email, cn = root_ca_cn) cert_xml = cert.sign(plc_ma_sa['ssl_key']) ma_sa_api_crt = file(plc_ma_sa['api_crt'], "w") ma_sa_api_crt.write(cert_xml) ma_sa_api_crt.close() except Exception, e: print "Warning: Could not generate API certificate: ", e # For backward compatibility, until we can convert all code to use # the now standardized variable names. # API expects root SSH public key to be at /etc/planetlab/node_root_key if not os.path.exists("/etc/planetlab/node_root_key"): os.symlink(plc['root_ssh_key_pub'], "/etc/planetlab/node_root_key") # Old variable names littered throughout the API old_variables = {'PL_API_SERVER': plc_api['host'], 'PL_API_PATH': plc_api['path'], 'PL_API_PORT': plc_api['port'], 'PL_API_CAPABILITY_AUTH_METHOD': "capability", 'PL_API_CAPABILITY_PASS': plc_api['maintenance_password'], 'PL_API_CAPABILITY_USERNAME': plc_api['maintenance_user'], 'PLANETLAB_SUPPORT_EMAIL': plc_mail['support_address'], 'BOOT_MESSAGES_EMAIL': plc_mail['boot_address'], 'WWW_BASE': plc_www['host'], 'BOOT_BASE': plc_boot['host'], 'MA_SA_NAMESPACE': plc_ma_sa['namespace'], 'SESSION_LENGTH_HOURS': "24", 'ROOT_CA_EMAIL': root_ca_email, 'ROOT_CA_PUB_KEY': plc_ma_sa['ca_ssl_key_pub'], 'API_CERT_PATH': plc_ma_sa['api_crt'], 'MA_SA_PRIVATE_KEY': plc_ma_sa['ssl_key'], 'PL_API_TICKET_KEY_FILE': plc_ma_sa['ssl_key']} # The format of an "allowed maintenance source" specification is # # ip:max_role_id:organization_id:password # # It is unlikely that we will let federated sites use the # maintenance account to access each others' APIs, so we always # set organization_id to -1. old_variables['PL_API_CAPABILITY_SOURCES'] = " ".join( ["%s:-1:-1:%s" % (ip, plc_api['maintenance_password']) \ for ip in plc_api['maintenance_sources'].split()]) old_config = open("/etc/planetlab/plc_api", "w") for name, value in old_variables.iteritems(): old_config.write("%s='%s'\n" % (name, value)) old_config.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()