#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Does tail -f on log files in a given directory. The display is in chronological order of the logged lines, given that the first column of log files is timestamp. It can be altered to fit other formats too ''' import os, sys, time import select import sys, tty, termios from optparse import OptionParser class mtail: default_time_format = "%H:%M:%S" def __init__ (self, args ): # internal structure for tracking changes self.files = {} # parse command-line args : will set options and args self.parse_args(args) # initialize self.scan_files() def parse_args (self, args): usage = """usage: %prog [options] file-or-dir ... example: # %prog -e '*access*' /var/log""" parser=OptionParser(usage=usage) # tail_period parser.add_option("-p","--period", type="int", dest="tail_period", default=1, help="Files check period in seconds") # rescan_period parser.add_option("-d","--dir-period", type="int", dest="rescan_period", default=5, help="Directories rescan period in seconds") # time format parser.add_option("-f","--format", dest="time_format", default=mtail.default_time_format, help="Time format, defaults to " + mtail.default_time_format) # show time parser.add_option("-r","--raw", action="store_true", dest="show_time", default=True, help="Suppresses time display") # note for exclusion patterns parser.add_option("-e","--exclude", action="append", dest="excludes", default=[], help="Exclusion pattern -- can be specified multiple times applies on files not explicitly mentioned on the command-line") parser.add_option("-u","--usual",action="store_true",dest="plc_mode",default=False, help="Shortcut for watching /var/log with default settings") parser.add_option("-s","--sfa",action="store_true",dest="sfa_mode",default=False, help="Shortcut for monitoring server-side SFA log files") # verbosity parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Run in verbose mode") (self.options, self.args) = parser.parse_args(args) self.option_parser = parser ### plc shortcuts if self.options.plc_mode: # monitor all files in /var/log with some exceptions self.options.excludes.append('*access_log') self.options.excludes.append('*request_log') self.options.excludes.append('*.swp') self.args.append('/var/log') # watch the postgresql logs as well self.args.append('/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_log') if self.options.sfa_mode: self.args.append("/var/log/sfa.log") self.args.append("/var/log/sfa_import.log") self.args.append("/var/log/httpd/sfa_access_log") if self.options.verbose: print('Options:',self.options) print('Arguments:',self.args) def file_size (self,filename): try: return os.stat(filename)[6] except: print("WARNING: file %s has vanished"%filename) return 0 def number_files (self): return len(self.files) # scans given arguments, and updates files accordingly # can be run several times def scan_files (self) : if self.options.verbose: print('entering scan_files, files=',self.files) # mark entries in files as pre-existing for key in self.files: self.files[key]['old-file']=True # refreshes the proper set of filenames filenames = [] for arg in self.args: if self.options.verbose: print('scan_files -- Considering arg',arg) if os.path.isfile (arg): filenames += [ arg ] elif os.path.isdir (arg) : filenames += self.walk (arg) else: print("mtail : no such file or directory %s -- ignored"%arg) # updates files for filename in filenames : # known file if filename in self.files: size = self.file_size(filename) offset = self.files[filename]['size'] if size > offset: self.show_file_end(filename,offset,size) self.files[filename]['size']=size elif size < offset: self.show_file_when_size_decreased(filename,offset,size) try: del self.files[filename]['old-file'] except: pass else: # enter file with current size # if we didn't set format yet, it's because we are initializing try: self.format self.show_now() print(self.format%filename,"new file") self.show_file_end(filename,0,self.file_size(filename)) except: pass self.files[filename]={'size':self.file_size(filename)} # cleanup # avoid side-effects on the current loop basis read_filenames = list(self.files.keys()) for filename in read_filenames: if 'old-file' in self.files[filename]: self.show_now() print(self.format%filename,"file has gone") del self.files[filename] # compute margin and format if not filenames: print(sys.argv[0],": WARNING : no file in scope") self.format="%s" else: if len(filenames)==1: self.margin=len(filenames[0]) else: # this stupidly fails when there's only 1 file self.margin=max(*[len(f) for f in filenames]) self.format="%%%ds"%self.margin if self.options.verbose: print('Current set of files:',filenames) def tail_files (self): if self.options.verbose: print('tail_files') for filename in self.files: size = self.file_size(filename) offset = self.files[filename]['size'] if size != offset: self.show_file_end(filename,offset,size) self.files[filename]['size']=size def show_now (self): if self.options.show_time: label=time.strftime(self.options.time_format,time.localtime()) print(label, end=' ') def show_file_end (self, filename, offset, size): try: file = open(filename,"r") # file has vanished except: return file.seek(offset) line=file.read(size-offset) self.show_now() print(self.format%filename,'----------------------------------------') print(line) file.close() def show_file_when_size_decreased (self, filename, offset, size): print(self.format%filename,'---------- file size decreased ---------', end=' ') if self.options.verbose: print('size during last check',offset,'current size',size) else: print('') # get all files under a directory def walk ( self, root ): import fnmatch, os, string # initialize result = [] # must have at least root folder try: names = os.listdir(root) except os.error: return result # check each file for name in names: fullname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, name)) # a file : check for excluded, otherwise append if os.path.isfile(fullname): try: for exclude in self.options.excludes: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, exclude): raise Exception('excluded') result.append(fullname) except: pass # a dir : let's recurse - avoid symlinks for anti-loop elif os.path.isdir(fullname) and not os.path.islink(fullname): result = result + self.walk( fullname ) return result def run (self): if len(self.args) == 0: self.option_parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) counter = 0 fdin = sys.stdin.fileno() while True: ## hit the period ? # dont do this twice at startup if (counter !=0 and counter % self.options.rescan_period == 0): self.scan_files() if (counter % self.options.tail_period == 0): self.tail_files() time.sleep(1) counter += 1 # react on some keys - rough but convenient if os.isatty(fdin): # read stdin typed=[] while select.select([sys.stdin,],[],[],0.0)[0]: typed.append(sys.stdin.read(1)) # print 'found chars',typed for char in typed: if char.lower() in ['l']: os.system("clear") elif char.lower() in ['m']: for i in range(3) : print(60 * '=') elif char.lower() in ['q']: sys.exit(0) elif char.lower() in ['h']: print("""l: refresh page m: mark q: quit h: help""") ### if __name__ == '__main__': mtail (sys.argv[1:]).run()