#!/usr/bin/python # # Write out sites.xml # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: gen-sites-xml.py,v 1.8 2007/09/14 20:08:28 tmack Exp $ # import os, sys import getopt import time from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr, XMLGenerator PID_FILE= "/var/run/all_planetlab_xml.pid" # # Web server document root # DOCROOT = '/var/www/html/xml' # # DTD and version number for site information # ENCODING= "utf-8" SITE_VERSION="0.4" # Debug dryrun = False # Parse options def usage(): print "Usage: %s [OPTION]..." % sys.argv[0] print "Options:" print " -n, --dryrun Dry run, do not write files (default: %s)" % dryrun print " -d, --docroot=DIR Document root (default: %s)" % DOCROOT print " -h, --help This message" sys.exit(1) # Get options try: (opts, argv) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "nd:h", ["dryrun", "docroot=", "help"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print "Error: " + err.msg usage() for (opt, optval) in opts: if opt == "-n" or opt == "--dryrun": dryrun = True elif opt == "-d" or opt == "--docroot": DOCROOT = optval else: usage() # Write out lock file if not dryrun: if os.access(PID_FILE, os.R_OK): pid= file(PID_FILE).readline().strip() if pid <> "": if os.system("/bin/kill -0 %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % pid) == 0: sys.exit(0) # write out our process id pidfile= file( PID_FILE, 'w' ) pidfile.write( "%d\n" % os.getpid() ) pidfile.close() # Load shell with default configuration sys.path.append('/usr/share/plc_api') from PLC.Shell import Shell plc = Shell(globals()) # # Get information from API # begin() GetNodes(None, ['node_id', 'model', 'boot_state', 'hostname', 'version', 'ssh_rsa_key', 'nodenetwork_ids', 'slice_ids_whitelist']) GetNodeNetworks({'is_primary': True}, ['nodenetwork_id', 'node_id', 'ip', 'mac', 'bwlimit']) GetSites(None, ['name', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'url', 'site_id', 'login_base', 'abbreviated_name', 'node_ids']) GetNodeGroups(['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Rollout', 'Production'], ['name', 'node_ids']) (nodes, nodenetworks, sites, groups) = commit() # remove whitelisted nodes remove_whitelisted = lambda node: not node['slice_ids_whitelist'] nodes = filter(remove_whitelisted, nodes) nodes = dict([(node['node_id'], node) for node in nodes]) for nodenetwork in nodenetworks: if nodes.has_key(nodenetwork['node_id']): node = nodes[nodenetwork['node_id']] for key, value in nodenetwork.iteritems(): node[key] = value group_node_ids = dict([(group['name'], group['node_ids']) for group in groups]) class PrettyXMLGenerator(XMLGenerator): """ Adds indentation to the beginning and newlines to the end of opening and closing tags. """ def __init__(self, out = sys.stdout, encoding = "utf-8", indent = "", addindent = "", newl = ""): XMLGenerator.__init__(self, out, encoding) # XMLGenerator does not export _write() self.write = self.ignorableWhitespace self.indents = [indent] self.addindent = addindent self.newl = newl def startDocument(self): XMLGenerator.startDocument(self) def startElement(self, name, attrs, indent = True, newl = True): if indent: self.ignorableWhitespace("".join(self.indents)) self.indents.append(self.addindent) XMLGenerator.startElement(self, name, attrs) if newl: self.ignorableWhitespace(self.newl) def characters(self, content): # " to " # ' to ' self.write(escape(content, { '"': '"', "'": ''', })) def endElement(self, name, indent = True, newl = True): self.indents.pop() if indent: self.ignorableWhitespace("".join(self.indents)) XMLGenerator.endElement(self, name) if newl: self.ignorableWhitespace(self.newl) def simpleElement(self, name, attrs = {}, indent = True, newl = True): if indent: self.ignorableWhitespace("".join(self.indents)) self.write('<' + name) for (name, value) in attrs.items(): self.write(' %s=%s' % (name, quoteattr(value.strip()))) self.write('/>') if newl: self.ignorableWhitespace(self.newl) # # Write out sites.xml # if dryrun: sites_xml = sys.stdout else: sites_xml = open(DOCROOT + "/sites.xml", mode = "w") xml = PrettyXMLGenerator(out = sites_xml, encoding = ENCODING, indent = "", addindent = " ", newl = "\n") xml.startDocument() # Write embedded DTD verbatim xml.ignorableWhitespace(""" ]> """) def format_tc_rate(rate): """ Formats a bits/second rate into a tc rate string """ if rate >= 1000000000 and (rate % 1000000000) == 0: return "%.0fgbit" % (rate / 1000000000.) elif rate >= 1000000 and (rate % 1000000) == 0: return "%.0fmbit" % (rate / 1000000.) elif rate >= 1000: return "%.0fkbit" % (rate / 1000.) else: return "%.0fbit" % rate # xml.startElement('PLANETLAB_SITES', {'VERSION': SITE_VERSION, 'TIME': str(int(time.time()))}) for site in sites: # attrs = {} for attr in ['name', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'url', 'site_id', 'login_base']: attrs[attr.upper()] = unicode(site[attr]) attrs['FULL_SITE_NAME'] = unicode(site['name']) attrs['SHORT_SITE_NAME'] = unicode(site['abbreviated_name']) xml.startElement('SITE', attrs) for node_id in site['node_ids']: if nodes.has_key(node_id): node = nodes[node_id] # attrs = {} attrs['NAME'] = unicode(node['hostname']) attrs['VERSION'] = "2.0" for attr in ['model', 'node_id', 'boot_state']: attrs[attr.upper()] = unicode(node[attr]).strip() # If the node is in Alpha, Beta, or Rollout, otherwise Production for group in ['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Rollout', 'Production']: if group_node_ids.has_key(group) and \ node_id in group_node_ids[group]: break attrs['STATUS'] = group if node['version']: attrs['BOOT_VERSION'] = unicode(node['version'].splitlines()[0]) if node['ssh_rsa_key']: attrs['RSA_KEY'] = unicode(node['ssh_rsa_key'].splitlines()[0]) if node.has_key('ip') and node['ip']: attrs['IP'] = unicode(node['ip']) if node.has_key('mac') and node['mac']: attrs['MAC'] = unicode(node['mac']) if node.has_key('bwlimit') and node['bwlimit']: attrs['BWLIMIT'] = unicode(format_tc_rate(node['bwlimit'])) xml.simpleElement('HOST', attrs) # xml.endElement('SITE') xml.endElement('PLANETLAB_SITES') if not dryrun: # remove the PID file os.unlink( PID_FILE )