This file documents the contents of this module See devel/ for more devel-oriented doc. ==================== 1st level subdirs * myslice: this is the sjango project', where to look for . settings . urls . common static files * insert_above: a third-party django app for adding on-the-fly mentions to css or js files that need to go in the header much like our past drupal_set_html_head() * auth: a django 'app' that deals with authentication * slice: a django app for dealing with slice views * templates/ * static/ initially I had started to keep: * templates (html templates with embedded python-like django chunks) * static files (css, js, images..) locally in the app were they belong but I ended up with having the need to move up and down the tree endlessly so for the beginning at least, I have moved everything in a unique place this convention is subject to change --- * devel: no code in there, only various notes and other scripts useful for developers * all-static: (generated, no need to source-control) this is where ' collectstatic' will gather all your static contents if you run a local server make has convenience targets to refresh this area $ make clean-static $ make static ==================== initial conventions for templates and static * templates: we store this under templates/ within the corresponding app, e.g. auth/templates/login.html for now this is only about html, but the engine can be used for rendering anything including json or whatever.. * static files: we chose to have all static files (images, but also javascript and stylesheets) in the various proj or app where they belong, under a static/ subdir that has this structure: where-it-belongs/ static/ img/ css/ js/ the stuff I have so far is in myslice/ because it looks common to all apps..