#!/usr/bin/python import xmlrpclib import Auth import sys import paramiko import subprocess import time import geopy import geopy.distance import argparse import os import socket import urllib2 import csv from openvswitch import TransformXml from exceptionDefinition import FailToConnect, NodeConstraintError from scp import SCPClient yumOpt = "sudo -S yum -y --nogpgcheck " class TransformRawXml: def __init__(self, confFile = "", linkFile = "", subnet = "", prefix = "", sliceName = "", nbEnv = 1, mainKeyPriv = None, mainKeyPub = None, sliceUrl = 'http://onelab.eu', sliceDescription = 'Slice used for educationnal purpose', country = False): # Definition of the api used for the actions on planetlab plc_host='www.planet-lab.eu' api_url='https://%s:443/PLCAPI/'%plc_host self.plc_api=xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(api_url, allow_none=True) # Prefix used for the slice name slice_pref='upmc_' self.sliceUrl = sliceUrl self.sliceDescription = sliceDescription myOpsPLC = urllib2.urlopen('http://monitor.planet-lab.org/monitor/query?hostname=on&tg_format=plain&object=nodes&nodehistory_hostname=&observed_status=on&rpmvalue=') self.myOpsPLCCsv = list(csv.reader(myOpsPLC)) myOpsPLE = urllib2.urlopen('http://monitor.planet-lab.eu/monitor/query?hostname=on&tg_format=plain&object=nodes&nodehistory_hostname=&observed_status=on&rpmvalue=') self.myOpsPLECsv = list(csv.reader(myOpsPLE)) self.subnet = subnet if prefix != "": self.xmlFileConf = prefix+'Conf.xml' self.xmlFileLink = prefix+'Link.xml' else: self.xmlFileConf = confFile self.xmlFileLink = linkFile if 'upmc_' not in sliceName: self.slice_name = slice_pref+sliceName else: self.slice_name = sliceName self.nbEnv = int(nbEnv) self.country = country # Attribute for ssh key self.mainKeyPriv = mainKeyPriv self.mainKeyPub = mainKeyPub self.envKeyPriv = [] self.envKeyPub = [] # Attribute that will contain the list of environment self.envList = [] self.envConfFile = [] self.envLinkFile = [] # Delete the slice def deleteSlice(self): errorCode = self.plc_api.DeleteSlice(Auth.auth, self.slice_name) if errorCode != 1: print "An error occured unable to delete the slice" print errorCode print self.slice_name # Add 15 days to the expiration date def renewSlice(self, day = 15): print self.slice_name expiration = self.plc_api.GetSlices(Auth.auth, self.slice_name, ['expires'])[0]['expires'] print expiration newExpiration = expiration + (3600*24*day) self.plc_api.UpdateSlice(Auth.auth, self.slice_name, {'expires': newExpiration}) expiration = self.plc_api.GetSlices(Auth.auth, self.slice_name, ['expires'])[0]['expires'] print expiration # Generate a ssh key pair def generateKeyPair(self,pref = "", bit = 1024): key = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(bit) # Save the private key file keyFilePriv = pref+"id_rsa.priv" key.write_private_key_file(keyFilePriv) # Save the public key file keyFilePub = pref+"id_rsa.pub" openedFile = open(keyFilePub, 'w') openedFile.write("%s %s \n" % (key.get_name(), key.get_base64())) return keyFilePriv, keyFilePub # press any key to continue function def anykey(self, prompt="Press enter to continue...", failChars=""): char = raw_input(prompt) return (char not in failChars) def checkSSH(self, node): countFailSSH = 9 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) connected = False error = None i = 0 while(connected == False): print "\n"+self.mainKeyPriv+" -> "+self.slice_name+"@"+node['hostname'] try: ssh.connect(node['hostname'], username = self.slice_name, key_filename = self.mainKeyPriv) connected = True except paramiko.PasswordRequiredException, why: print "Password required exception" print "Error: ", why except paramiko.SSHException, why: print "An SSH exception occured" print "Error: ", why except socket.error, why: print "A soccket error occured" print why failingNode = self.plc_api.GetNodes(Auth.auth, node['id'])[0] print 'FailingNode node_id -> '+str(failingNode['node_id']) raise FailToConnect(failingNode['node_id'], failingNode['hostname']) except Exception, why: print "An error occured for host "+str(node['hostname'])+" on slice "+str(self.slice_name) print type(why) print why sys.exit(2) if str(why)!=error: print why error=str(why) if i > countFailSSH and connected==False: print error failingNode = self.plc_api.GetNodes(Auth.auth, node['id'])[0] raise Exception(failingNode['hostname']) try: if connected == False: print "Now waiting 5 minutes for an update of the node" time.sleep(300) except KeyboardInterrupt, why: print "You interrupt the wait" i += 1 print "I make",i,"iteration before getting connection" copied = False i=0 while(copied == False): try: SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()).put('configService/fedora.repo') SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()).put('configService/fedora-updates.repo') SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()).put('configService/fedora-updates-testing.repo') self.execute("sudo -S mv *.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/", ssh) self.execute("sudo -S chown root:root /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo", ssh) copied = True except Exception, why: print "An error occured while configuring yum" print "Error: ",why if i > 4 and copied == False: failingNode = self.plc_api.GetNodes(Auth.auth, node['id'])[0] raise Exception(failingNode['hostname']) if copied == False: time.sleep(60) i+=1 return ssh # Install an alternate ssh server def installSSH(self, userKeyFile, node): ssh = self.checkSSH(node) returnCode = -1 i = 0 while(returnCode != 0): if i > 3: failingNode = self.plc_api.GetNodes(Auth.auth, node['id'])[0] raise Exception(failingNode['hostname']) returnCode = self.execute(yumOpt+"install openssh-server", ssh, display= True) print "Return Code is ->", returnCode time.sleep(5) i += 1 self.execute("mkdir .ssh", ssh, display= True) if node['type'] == 'private': SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()).put(userKeyFile, ".ssh/id_rsa.pub") SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()).put("configService/sshd_config", "./") elif node['type'] == 'public': SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()).put(userKeyFile, ".ssh/id_rsa.pub.tmp") SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()).put("configService/sshd_config", "./") self.execute("cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub.tmp >> .ssh/id_rsa.pub", ssh) self.execute("sudo -S mv ./sshd_config /etc/ssh/", ssh) self.execute("sudo -S sh -c \"echo \\\"Port 2222\\\" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config\"", ssh) port = 2222 returnCode = -1 while (returnCode != 0): time.sleep(2) returnCode = self.execute("sudo -S service sshd restart", ssh, display = True) if returnCode != 0: self.execute("sudo -S sed -i -e \"s/Port "+str(port)+"/Port "+str(port+1)+"/g\" /etc/ssh/sshd_config", ssh) port +=1 return port # Execute a command on a remote machine def execute(self, command, ssh, display= False, retour= False): print "# "+command stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) stdin.close() while not stdout.channel.exit_status_ready(): time.sleep(2) err = stderr.read() if err != None: splitted = err.splitlines() if len(splitted) > 0: print "Error in execution" for line in splitted: print "> "+line if display: for line in stdout.read().splitlines(): print "> "+line elif retour: return stdout.read() return stdout.channel.recv_exit_status() # Create the xml file corresponding to each environment def createXmlFile(self, hostList, idEnv): from xml.dom.minidom import parse conf = parse(self.xmlFileConf) link = parse(self.xmlFileLink) sliceNames = link.getElementsByTagName('slice') for value in sliceNames: value.firstChild.nodeValue = self.slice_name sliceNames = conf.getElementsByTagName('slice_name') for value in sliceNames: value.firstChild.nodeValue = self.slice_name urlList = conf.getElementsByTagName('url') if len(hostList) < len(urlList): print "hostlist -> "+str(len(hostList)) print "urllist -> "+str(len(urlList)) for host in hostList: print host for i in range(len(urlList)): urlList[i].firstChild.nodeValue = hostList[i] subnetIP, subnetMask = self.subnet.split('/') subnetMask = int(subnetMask) subnetIP = subnetIP.split('.') ipList = conf.getElementsByTagName('ip') for ipWithMask in ipList: ip, mask = str(ipWithMask.firstChild.nodeValue).split('/') ip = ip.split('.') mask = int(mask) newIP = '' if subnetMask > mask: sys.exit(2) # TODO define SubnetException pass #raise SubnetException() else: subnetRange = subnetMask/8 for i in range(len(ip)): if i < subnetRange: newIP+=subnetIP[i] else: if ip[i] == 'N': newIP+=str(idEnv) else: newIP+=ip[i] if i < 3: newIP+='.' newIP+='/'+str(mask) ipWithMask.firstChild.nodeValue = newIP confFileName = 'requ'+str(idEnv)+'Conf.xml' confFile = open(confFileName, 'w') conf.writexml(confFile) confFile.close() self.envConfFile.append(confFileName) linkFileName = 'requ'+str(idEnv)+'Link.xml' linkFile = open(linkFileName, 'w') link.writexml(linkFile) linkFile.close() self.envLinkFile.append(linkFileName) def getNodeAvailable(self, site, nodeUsed = []): nodes = self.plc_api.GetNodes(Auth.auth, site['node_ids']) if site['peer_id'] == 1: myOpsCsv = self.myOpsPLCCsv else: myOpsCsv = self.myOpsPLECsv for node in nodes: for row in myOpsCsv: if node['hostname'] == row[0]: node['myOpsStatus'] = row[1] break nodeAvailable = [] for node in nodes: if (node['myOpsStatus'] == 'BOOT' and node['boot_state'] == 'boot' and node['run_level'] == 'boot' and node['node_id'] not in nodeUsed): nodeAvailable.append(node) return nodeAvailable def getEnvironmentWithCountryConstraint(self, countryListPrivate, contryListCommon, sites, siteBanned): print "Now looking for the environment using the country constraint" sitesTmp = [] for site in sites: if len(site['address_ids']) == 1: sitesTmp.append(site) sites = sitesTmp sitesEnv = sitesCommon = [] # Getting the private allowed address try: privateAddrAuth = structToArray(self.plc_api.GetAddresses(Auth.auth, {'country': countryListPrivate}, ['address_id']), 'address_id') except Exception, why: print why sys.exit(2) privateAddresses = [] i = 0 for site in sites: if site['address_ids'][0] in privateAddrAuth and i < self.nbEnv: privateAddresses.append(site['address_ids'][0]) i += 1 # Getting the private Node print "Getting the private node matching with the requirement" i = 0 for site in sites: if len(site['address_ids']) == 1 and site['address_ids'][0] in privateAddrAuth: nodeEnv = [] if i < self.nbEnv: j = 0 nodeSite = self.plc_api.GetNodes(Auth.auth, site['node_ids'], ['hostname', 'run_level', 'node_id', 'boot_state', 'hostname']) for node in nodeSite: if i < self.nbEnv: if node['boot_state'] == 'boot': j+=1 nodeEnv.append({'type': 'private', 'id': node['node_id'], 'hostname': node['hostname']}) if j>=nbNodeByEnv: i += 1 nodeStructList.append(nodeEnv) sitesEnv.append(site) nodeIdList = structToArray(nodeEnv, 'id') nodeEnv = [] j = 0 print nodeIdList print "List of site for environment :" if len(nodeStructList) < self.nbEnv: print "Error we are not able to find enough environment" sys.exit(2) for site in sitesEnv: print "\t"+str(site) # Getting the addresse wanted for common node commonAddresses = [] for country in countryListCommon: address = self.plc_api.GetAddresses(Auth.auth, {'country': country}, ['address_id'])[0]['address_id'] if address not in privateAddresses: commonAddresses.append(address) # Getting the common node commonNodes = [] for site in sites: if site['address_ids'][0] in commonAddresses: nodeSite = self.plc_api.GetNodes(Auth.auth, site['node_ids'], ['hostname', 'run_level', 'node_id', 'boot_state']) for node in nodeSite: if node['boot_state'] == 'boot' and node['node_id'] not in nodeIdList: commonNodes.append({'type': 'common','id': node['node_id'], 'hostname': node['hostname']}) nodeIdList.append(node['node_id']) break for env in nodeStructList: for node in commonNodes: env.append(node) print "Address list :" #for addresse in commonAddresses: # print "\t"+str(addresse) print privateAddresses print commonAddresses return nodeStructList def getEnvironmentWithDistanceConstraint(self, constraintList, sitesList, siteBanned, nodeBanned): print "Now looking for the environment using the distance constraint" envList = [] nbPrivate = nbCommon = 0 nbInitPrivate = nbInitCommon = 0 # Counting the number of private and common node # Also counting the number of node located at the same point for node in constraintList: if node['type'] == 'private': nbPrivate += 1 if node['max'] == 0 and node['min'] == 0: nbInitPrivate += 1 elif node['type'] == 'common' or node['type'] == 'public': nbCommon += 1 if node['max'] == 0 and node['min'] == 0: nbInitCommon += 1 print "Common "+str(nbCommon)+" "+str(nbInitCommon), " Private "+str(nbPrivate)+" "+str(nbInitPrivate) nbReservedEnvironment = 0 siteUsed = [] nodePrivate = [] nodeShared = [] while nbReservedEnvironment < self.nbEnv: tmpListEnv = [] maxNode = [] for site in sitesList: if site['site_id'] not in siteUsed and site['site_id'] not in siteBanned: try: nodeAvailable = self.getNodeAvailable(site, nodeBanned) if len(nodeAvailable) > len(maxNode): maxNode = nodeAvailable siteInit = site except Exception, why: print 'Couldn\'t get the node available' print site['name'] print why sys.exit(2) siteUsed.append(siteInit['site_id']) newEnv = [] print "Site used -> "+str(siteUsed) print siteInit['name'] for i in range(len(maxNode)-nbInitCommon): node = maxNode[i] if nbReservedEnvironment < self.nbEnv: newEnv.append({'type': 'private', 'id': node['node_id'], 'hostname': node['hostname'], 'distance': 0, 'latitude': siteInit['latitude'], 'longitude': siteInit['longitude']}) nodePrivate.append(node['node_id']) if len(newEnv) == nbInitPrivate: tmpListEnv.append(newEnv) newEnv = [] nbReservedEnvironment += 1 else: break commonNode = [] for i in range(nbInitPrivate,len(constraintList)): nodeAdded = False print constraintList[i] if constraintList[i]['type'] in ['common', 'public']: for site in sitesList: if site['site_id'] not in siteBanned: initPoint = geopy.Point(siteInit['latitude'], siteInit['longitude']) distPoint = geopy.Point(site['latitude'], site['longitude']) distance = geopy.distance.distance(initPoint, distPoint).km if distance >= constraintList[i]['min'] and distance <= constraintList[i]['max']: nodeAvailable = self.getNodeAvailable(site, nodePrivate+nodeBanned) if len(nodeAvailable) > 0: print distance print site['name'] siteUsed.append(site['site_id']) node = nodeAvailable[0] nodeShared.append(node['node_id']) commonNode.append({'type': constraintList[i]['type'], 'id': node['node_id'], 'hostname': node['hostname'], 'distance': int(distance), 'latitude': site['latitude'], 'longitude': site['longitude']}) nodeAdded = True break if not(nodeAdded) and constraintList[i]['type'] in ['common', 'public']: print 'Error no node added for constraint -> '+str(constraintList[i]) raise NodeConstraintError(constraintList[i], envList) elif constraintList[i]['type'] == 'private': nodeToAdd = [] for env in tmpListEnv: if len(nodeToAdd) == 0: for site in sitesList: if site['site_id'] not in siteBanned: initPoint = geopy.Point(siteInit['latitude'], siteInit['longitude']) distPoint = geopy.Point(site['latitude'], site['longitude']) distance = geopy.distance.distance(initPoint, distPoint).km if distance >= constraintList[i]['min'] and distance <= constraintList[i]['max']: nodeAvailable = self.getNodeAvailable(site, nodePrivate+nodeShared+nodeBanned) if len(nodeAvailable) > 0: nodeToAdd = nodeAvailable node = nodeToAdd.pop(0) env.append({'type': 'private', 'id': node['node_id'], 'hostname': node['hostname'], 'distance': int(distance), 'latitude': site['latitude'], 'longitude': site['longitude']}) for env in tmpListEnv: for node in commonNode: env.append(node) envList.extend(tmpListEnv) return envList # Reading the raw xml file to get information # Return an array of array of struct containing the information concerning each environment requested def readRawXml(self, siteBanned, nodeBanned): print "Banned Site ->",siteBanned print "Node banned ->",nodeBanned from xml.dom.minidom import parse conf = parse(self.xmlFileConf) nbNodeByEnv = nbCommonNode = 0 nodeStructList = [] nodeIdList = [] countryListCommon = [] countryListPrivate = [] constraintList = [] for host_i in conf.getElementsByTagName('host'): hostType = "" try: hostType = host_i.getElementsByTagName('type')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception, why: print why if hostType == 'private' or hostType == "": nbNodeByEnv += 1 elif hostType == 'common' or hostType == 'public': nbCommonNode += 1 else: print "Error the host type "+hostType+" doesn't exist" sys.exit(2) if self.country: try: hostCountry = host_i.getElementsByTagName('country')[0].firstChild.nodeValue if hostType == 'common': countryListCommon.append(hostCountry) elif hostType == 'private': countryListPrivate.append(hostCountry) except Exception, why: print "An error occured" print why sys.exit(2) else: try: distance = host_i.getElementsByTagName('distances')[0] distMin = int(distance.getElementsByTagName('min')[0].firstChild.nodeValue) distMax = int(distance.getElementsByTagName('max')[0].firstChild.nodeValue) constraintList.append({'type': hostType, 'min': distMin, 'max': distMax}) except Exception, why: print "An error occured" print why sys.exit(2) print "Getting all the site available" sites = self.plc_api.GetSites(Auth.auth, ['*']) if self.country: nodeStructList = self.getEnvironmentWithCountryConstraint(countryListPrivate, contryListCommon, sites, siteBanned, nodeBanned) else: try: nodeStructList = self.getEnvironmentWithDistanceConstraint(constraintList, sites, siteBanned, nodeBanned) except NodeConstraintError as error: self.nbEnv = len(error.getEnvList()) nodeStructList = error.getEnvList() # Creating a file containing all the information about the slice created origStdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open('Test', 'w') i = 0 print "Slice name : "+self.slice_name for env in nodeStructList: i+=1 print "\tEnv %i"%i for node in env: strNode = '\t' for key in node.keys(): strNode += "\t"+str(key)+" : "+str(node[key]) print strNode sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = origStdout return(nodeStructList) def structToArray(self, requestAnswer, key): #return [i[key] for i in requestAnswer] array = [] for i in requestAnswer: array.append(i[key]) return array def addSliceTag(self, sliceId, tagName, tagValue): try: returnCode = self.plc_api.AddSliceTag(Auth.auth, sliceId, tagName, tagValue) if returnCode == 0: print "An error Occured while adding the tag %s -> %s"% tagName, tagValue except xmlrpclib.Fault as fault: if fault.faultCode != 102: print "An error occured" print fault sys.exit(2) def getSlice(self): try: sliceId = self.plc_api.GetSlices(Auth.auth, self.slice_name)[0]['slice_id'] except xmlrpclib.Fault, why: print "An error while getting the slice already existing" print why sys.exit(2) return sliceId def createSlice(self): sliceId = 0 print "Creating a new slice called : "+self.slice_name try: sliceId = self.plc_api.AddSlice(Auth.auth, {'description': self.sliceDescription, 'name':self.slice_name, 'url': self.sliceUrl}) except xmlrpclib.Fault, why: print "An error occured while creating the slice "+self.slice_name print why except Exception, why: print "An error occured while createing the slice "+self.slice_name print type(why) print why return sliceId def setSlice(self): sliceId = self.createSlice() if (sliceId == 0): print 'Slice exist' sliceId = self.getSlice() print "Adding user to the slice" returnCode = self.plc_api.AddPersonToSlice(Auth.auth, Auth.auth['Username'], sliceId) if type(self.nbEnv) != int: print "You must enter a number" sys.exit(2) print "Generating and adding the main ssh key" print os.getcwd() if self.mainKeyPriv == None: self.mainKeyPriv, self.mainKeyPub = self.generateKeyPair(pref = "./key/"+self.slice_name+"main", bit = 1024) f = open(self.mainKeyPub) keyString = f.read() try: keyId = self.plc_api.AddPersonKey(Auth.auth, Auth.auth['Username'], {'key_type': 'ssh', 'key': keyString}) if returnCode == 0: print "An error occured while adding the key to the user" sys.exit(2) except xmlrpclib.Fault as fault: print fault sys.exit(2) success = False #TODO Ban failing site, waiting for fix #FU Berlin || Reykjavik University || FOKUS || University of Goettingen siteBanned = [7341, 7336, 443, 7059] # TODO banned new lip6 node + FUNDP Site + DSCHINI nodeBanned = [15953, 15954, 15955, 15956, 14810] while success == False: nodeList = self.readRawXml(siteBanned[:], nodeBanned) print "Adding node to the slice" i = 0 for env in nodeList: for node in env: failToAdd = True j = 0 while failToAdd: try: if node['type'] == 'private' or ((node['type'] == 'common' or node['type'] == 'public') and i == 0): returnCode = self.plc_api.AddSliceToNodes(Auth.auth, sliceId, [node['id']]) if returnCode != 1: print "An error occured while adding a node to the slice" time.sleep(30) else: failToAdd = False except xmlrpclib.Fault as fault: print fault time.sleep(30) if j > 2 and failToAdd: raise FailToConnect(node['id'], node['hostname']) j+=1 i = 1 i=0 # Set additional ssh server using generated key file and port 2222 try: for envList in nodeList: envKeyPriv, envKeyPub = self.generateKeyPair(pref = "./key/"+self.slice_name+"group"+str(i+1), bit = 1024) self.envKeyPriv.append(envKeyPriv) self.envKeyPub.append(envKeyPub) for node in envList: print node['hostname'] if node['type'] != 'common': self.installSSH(self.envKeyPub[i], node) pass else: self.checkSSH(node) pass i+=1 success = True except FailToConnect as error: print "Not able to get the ssh connection for node", error.getNodeUrl() print 'Error node id -> '+str(error.getNodeId()) print 'Before adding failing node -> '+str(nodeBanned) nodeBanned.append(error.getNodeId()) print 'After adding failing node -> '+str(nodeBanned) except Exception, why: print "Not able to get the ssh connection", why print "Adding requested tag to the slice" # Adding the tag needed : # - TAG -> VALUE : DEF # - vsys -> vif_up # - vsys -> vif_down # - vsys -> fd_tuntap : Allow to create tun/tap interface # - vsys -> vroute : Allow to define new route # - vsys_vnet -> SUBNET : Define the subnet allowed for tun/tap device self.addSliceTag(sliceId, 'vsys', 'vif_up') self.addSliceTag(sliceId, 'vsys', 'vif_down') self.addSliceTag(sliceId, 'vsys', 'fd_tuntap') self.addSliceTag(sliceId, 'vsys', 'vroute') self.addSliceTag(sliceId, 'vsys_vnet', self.subnet) # Configuring the node using the openvswitch.py script # Command used to execute the script i = 0 for env in nodeList: i+=1 print "Env ",i hostnameList = self.structToArray(env, 'hostname') self.createXmlFile(hostnameList, i) try: x = None x = TransformXml(prefix = 'requ'+str(i), keyFile = self.mainKeyPriv) x.setSliceConf() x.setLinks() x.setRoutes() x.setServices() self.envList.append(x.getSliceList()) except Exception, why: print "An error occured while configuring the environment number "+str(i-1) print Exception print '' print why sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--subnet", help="The subnet reserved for the slice, it must include at least all the ip address used by the tp. The syntax is SUBNET/PREFIX (e.g which is the default value)", default='') parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", help="Name of the slice", default='tp') parser.add_argument("-nb", "--number", help="Number of the environment you want", type=int, default=1) groupInput = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() groupInput.add_argument('-f', '--file', help="The xml file that will be used, Link xml file then Configuration xml file", type=str, default='', nargs=2) groupInput.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", help="A prefix used to find the xml file, the script will look at prefix+Conf.xml and prefix+Link.xml", type=str, dest='prefix') try: args = parser.parse_args() except Exception, why: print "An error occured while parsing the argument" parser.print_help() print why sys.exit(2) if args.file != '': x = TransformRawXml(confFile = args.file[0], linkFile = args.file[1], subnet = args.subnet, sliceName = args.name, nbEnv = args.number) x.setSlice() else: x = TransformRawXml(prefix = args.prefix, subnet = args.subnet, sliceName = args.name, nbEnv = args.number) x.setSlice()