import json from django.template import RequestContext from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from unfold.loginrequired import LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView from import Page from manifold.core.query import Query, AnalyzedQuery from manifold.manifoldapi import execute_query from ui.topmenu import topmenu_items, the_user from plugins.validatebutton import ValidateButton from plugins.raw import Raw from plugins.stack import Stack from plugins.tabs import Tabs from plugins.querytable import QueryTable from plugins.querygrid import QueryGrid from plugins.queryupdater import QueryUpdater from plugins.googlemap import GoogleMap from plugins.senslabmap import SensLabMap from plugins.scheduler import Scheduler from plugins.querycode import QueryCode # Thierry # stay away from query editor for now as it seems to make things go very slow # see #from plugins.query_editor import QueryEditor from plugins.active_filters import ActiveFilters from plugins.quickfilter import QuickFilter from plugins.messages import Messages from plugins.slicestat import SliceStat from myslice.config import Config tmp_default_slice='ple.upmc.myslicedemo' # temporary : turn off the users part to speed things up do_query_users=True #do_query_users=False #do_query_leases=True do_query_leases=False insert_grid=False #insert_grid=True insert_messages=False #insert_messages=True class SliceView (LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView): def get (self,request, slicename=tmp_default_slice): page = Page(request) page.add_css_files ('css/slice-view.css') page.add_js_files ( [ "js/common.functions.js" ] ) page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: jQuery version " + $.fn.jquery); });') page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: users turned %s"); });'%("on" if do_query_users else "off")) page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: leases turned %s"); });'%("on" if do_query_leases else "off")) config=Config() page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("manifold URL %s"); });'%(config.manifold_url())) page.expose_js_metadata() metadata = page.get_metadata() resource_md = metadata.details_by_object('resource') resource_fields = [column['name'] for column in resource_md['column']] user_md = metadata.details_by_object('user') user_fields = ['user_hrn'] # [column['name'] for column in user_md['column']] # TODO The query to run is embedded in the URL main_query = Query.get('slice').filter_by('slice_hrn', '=', slicename) 'slice_hrn', #'resource.hrn', 'resource.urn', 'resource.hostname', 'resource.type', 'resource.network_hrn', 'lease.urn', 'user.user_hrn', #'application.measurement_point.counter' ) # for internal use in the querytable plugin; # needs to be a unique column present for each returned record main_query_init_key = 'hostname' query_resource_all = Query.get('resource').select(resource_fields) aq = AnalyzedQuery(main_query, metadata=metadata) page.enqueue_query(main_query, analyzed_query=aq) page.enqueue_query(query_resource_all) if do_query_users: # Required: the user must have an authority in its user.config # XXX Temporary solution user_query = Query().get('local:user').select('config','email') user_details = execute_query(self.request, user_query) # not always found in user_details... config={} for user_detail in user_details: #email = user_detail['email'] if user_detail['config']: config = json.loads(user_detail['config']) user_detail['authority'] = config.get('authority',"Unknown Authority") if user_detail['authority'] is not None: sub_authority = user_detail['authority'].split('.') root_authority = sub_authority[0] query_user_all = Query.get(root_authority+':user').select(user_fields) # XXX TODO this filter doesn't work - to be improved in Manifold #.filter_by('authority.authority_hrn', '=', user_detail['authority']) page.enqueue_query(query_user_all) else: print "authority of the user is not in local:user db" query_user_all = Query.get('user').select(user_fields) # query_user_all = None # ... and for the relations # XXX Let's hardcode resources for now sq_resource = aq.subquery('resource') sq_user = aq.subquery('user') sq_lease = aq.subquery('lease') sq_measurement = aq.subquery('measurement') # Prepare the display according to all metadata # (some parts will be pending, others can be triggered by users). # # For example slice measurements will not be requested by default... # Create the base layout (Stack)... main_stack = Stack ( page=page, title="Slice %s"%slicename, sons=[], ) # ... responsible for the slice properties... # a nice header main_stack.insert ( Raw (page=page, togglable=False, toggled=True, html="

Slice %s

"%slicename) ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # QueryUpdater (Pending Operations) main_stack.insert(QueryUpdater( page = page, title = 'Pending operations', query = main_query, togglable = True, # start turned off, it will open up itself when stuff comes in toggled = False, domid = 'pending', outline_complete = True, )) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter Resources # turn off for now -- see above # filter_query_editor = QueryEditor( # page = page, # query = sq_resource, # query_all = query_resource_all, # title = "Select Columns", # domid = 'select-columns', # ) filter_active_filters = ActiveFilters( page = page, query = sq_resource, title = "Active Filters", ) filters_area = Stack( page = page, title = 'Filter Resources', domid = 'filters', sons = [# filter_query_editor, filter_active_filters], togglable = True, toggled = 'persistent', outline_complete = True, ) main_stack.insert (filters_area) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RESOURCES # the resources part is made of a Tabs (Geographic, List), resources_as_gmap = GoogleMap( page = page, title = 'Geographic view', domid = 'resources-map', # tab's sons preferably turn this off togglable = False, query = sq_resource, query_all = query_resource_all, # this key is the one issued by google googlemap_api_key = Config().googlemap_api_key(), # the key to use at init-time init_key = main_query_init_key, checkboxes = True, # center on Paris latitude = 49., longitude = 9, zoom = 4, ) resources_as_3dmap = SensLabMap( page = page, title = '3D Map', domid = 'senslabmap', query = sq_resource, query_all = query_resource_all, ) resources_as_list = QueryTable( page = page, domid = 'resources-list', title = 'List view', # this is the query at the core of the slice list query = sq_resource, query_all = query_resource_all, # use 'hrn' as the internal unique key for this plugin init_key = main_query_init_key, checkboxes = True, datatables_options = { 'iDisplayLength': 25, 'bLengthChange' : True, 'bAutoWidth' : True, }, ) if insert_grid: resources_as_grid = QueryGrid( page = page, domid = 'resources-grid', title = 'Grid view', # this is the query at the core of the slice list query = sq_resource, query_all = query_resource_all, # use 'hrn' as the internal unique key for this plugin # xxx todo on querygrid as well # init_key = main_query_init_key, checkboxes = True, ) if do_query_leases: resources_as_scheduler = Scheduler( page = page, title = 'Scheduler', domid = 'scheduler', query = sq_resource, query_all_resources = query_resource_all, query_lease = sq_lease, ) # with the new 'Filter' stuff on top, no need for anything but the querytable resources_as_list_area = resources_as_list resources_sons = [ resources_as_gmap, resources_as_3dmap, resources_as_scheduler, resources_as_list_area, ] if do_query_leases else [ resources_as_gmap, resources_as_3dmap, resources_as_list_area, ] if insert_grid: resources_sons.append(resources_as_grid) resources_area = Tabs ( page=page, domid="resources", togglable=True, title="Resources", outline_complete=True, sons= resources_sons, active_domid = 'resources-map', persistent_active=True, ) main_stack.insert (resources_area) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # USERS if do_query_users and query_user_all is not None: tab_users = Tabs( page = page, domid = 'users', outline_complete = True, togglable = True, title = 'Users', active_domid = 'users-list', ) main_stack.insert(tab_users) tab_users.insert(QueryTable( page = page, title = 'Users List', domid = 'users-list', # tab's sons preferably turn this off togglable = False, # this is the query at the core of the slice list query = sq_user, query_all = query_user_all, checkboxes = True, datatables_options = { 'iDisplayLength' : 25, 'bLengthChange' : True, 'bAutoWidth' : True, }, )) # DEMO # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MEASUREMENTS measurements_stats_cpu = SliceStat( title = "CPU Usage", domid = 'resources-stats-cpu', page = page, stats = 'slice', key = 'hrn', query = 'none', slicename = slicename, o = 'cpu' ) measurements_stats_mem = SliceStat( title = "Memory Usage", domid = 'resources-stats-mem', page = page, stats = 'slice', key = 'hrn', query = 'none', slicename = slicename, o = 'mem' ) measurements_stats_asb = SliceStat( title = "Traffic Sent", domid = 'resources-stats-asb', page = page, stats = 'slice', key = 'hrn', query = 'none', slicename = slicename, o = 'asb' ) measurements_stats_arb = SliceStat( title = "Traffic Received", domid = 'resources-stats-arb', page = page, stats = 'slice', key = 'hrn', query = 'none', slicename = slicename, o = 'arb' ) tab_measurements = Tabs ( page=page, domid="measurements", togglable=True, toggled = False, title="Measurements", outline_complete=True, sons=[ measurements_stats_cpu, measurements_stats_mem, measurements_stats_asb, measurements_stats_arb ], active_domid = 'measurements_stats_cpu', ) main_stack.insert (tab_measurements) # tab_measurements = Tabs ( # page = page, # active_domid = 'measurements-list', # outline_complete = True, # togglable = True, # title = 'Measurements', # domid = 'measurements', # ) # main_stack.insert(tab_measurements) # # tab_measurements.insert(QueryTable( # page = page, # title = 'Measurements', # domid = 'measurements-list', # # tab's sons preferably turn this off # togglable = False, # # this is the query at the core of the slice list # query = sq_measurement, # # do NOT set checkboxes to False # # this table being otherwise empty, it just does not fly with dataTables # checkboxes = True, # datatables_options = { # 'iDisplayLength' : 25, # 'bLengthChange' : True, # 'bAutoWidth' : True, # }, # )) # # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MESSAGES (we use transient=False for now) if insert_messages: main_stack.insert(Messages( page = page, title = "Runtime messages for slice %s"%slicename, domid = "msgs-pre", levels = "ALL", # plain messages are probably less nice for production but more reliable for development for now transient = False, # these make sense only in non-transient mode.. togglable = True, toggled = 'persistent', outline_complete = True, )) # topmenu animation # xxx all this should go into a plugin if its own with the topmenu and all... query_pi_auths = Query.get('ple:user').filter_by('user_hrn', '==', '$user_hrn' ).select('pi_authorities') page.enqueue_query(query_pi_auths) # even though this plugin does not have any html materialization, the corresponding domid # must exist because it is searched at init-time to create the JS plugin # so we simply piggy-back the target button here validatebutton = ValidateButton (page=page, # see above domid='topmenu-validation', query=query_pi_auths, # this one is the target for a $.show() when the query comes back button_domid="topmenu-validation") # although the result does not matter, rendering is required for the JS init code to make it in the page validatebutton.render(request) # end topmenu addition # variables that will get passed to the view-unfold1.html template template_env = {} # define 'unfold_main' to the template engine - the main contents template_env [ 'unfold_main' ] = main_stack.render(request) # more general variables expected in the template template_env [ 'title' ] = '%(slicename)s'%locals() # the menu items on the top template_env [ 'topmenu_items' ] = topmenu_items('Slice', request) # so we can sho who is logged template_env [ 'username' ] = the_user (request) # don't forget to run the requests page.expose_queries () # xxx create another plugin with the same query and a different layout (with_datatables) # show that it worls as expected, one single api call to backend and 2 refreshed views # the prelude object in page contains a summary of the requirements() for all plugins # define {js,css}_{files,chunks} prelude_env = page.prelude_env() template_env.update(prelude_env) result=render_to_response ('view-unfold1.html',template_env, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) return result