# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # portal/views.py: views for the portal application # This file is part of the Manifold project. # # Authors: # Jordan Augé # Mohammed Yasin Rahman # Copyright 2013, UPMC Sorbonne Universités / LIP6 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os.path, re import json from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView from django.shortcuts import render from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from myslice.viewutils import topmenu_items, the_user from plugins.lists.simplelist import SimpleList from plugins.hazelnut import Hazelnut from plugins.pres_view import PresView from portal.event import Event from portal import signals from portal.forms import SliceRequestForm from portal.util import RegistrationView, ActivationView from portal.models import PendingUser, PendingSlice from portal.actions import authority_get_pi_emails, get_request_by_authority, manifold_add_user, manifold_update_user from manifold.manifoldapi import execute_query from manifold.core.query import Query from unfold.page import Page def register_4m_f4f(request): errors = [] authorities_query = Query.get('authority').filter_by('authority_hrn', 'included', ['ple.inria', 'ple.upmc']).select('name', 'authority_hrn') #authorities_query = Query.get('authority').select('authority_hrn') authorities = execute_query(request, authorities_query) if request.method == 'POST': # We shall use a form here #get_email = PendingUser.objects.get(email) reg_fname = request.POST.get('firstname', '') reg_lname = request.POST.get('lastname', '') #reg_aff = request.POST.get('affiliation','') reg_auth = request.POST.get('authority_hrn', '') reg_email = request.POST.get('email','').lower() #POST value validation if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_fname)==None): errors.append('First Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.') #return HttpResponse("Only Letters, Numbers, - and _ allowd in First Name") #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html') if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_lname) == None): errors.append('Last Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.') #return HttpResponse("Only Letters, Numbers, - and _ is allowed in Last name") #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html') # if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_aff) == None): # errors.append('Affiliation may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.') #return HttpResponse("Only Letters, Numbers and _ is allowed in Affiliation") #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html') # XXX validate authority hrn !! if PendingUser.objects.filter(email__iexact=reg_email): errors.append('Email already registered.Please provide a new email address.') #return HttpResponse("Email Already exists") #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html') if 'generate' in request.POST['question']: # Generate public and private keys using SFA Library from sfa.trust.certificate import Keypair k = Keypair(create=True) public_key = k.get_pubkey_string() private_key = k.as_pem() private_key = ''.join(private_key.split()) public_key = "ssh-rsa " + public_key # Saving to DB keypair = '{"user_public_key":"'+ public_key + '", "user_private_key":"'+ private_key + '"}' # keypair = re.sub("\r", "", keypair) # keypair = re.sub("\n", "\\n", keypair) # #keypair = keypair.rstrip('\r\n') # keypair = ''.join(keypair.split()) else: up_file = request.FILES['user_public_key'] file_content = up_file.read() file_name = up_file.name file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] allowed_extension = ['.pub','.txt'] if file_extension in allowed_extension and re.search(r'ssh-rsa',file_content): keypair = '{"user_public_key":"'+ file_content +'"}' keypair = re.sub("\r", "", keypair) keypair = re.sub("\n", "\\n",keypair) keypair = ''.join(keypair.split()) else: errors.append('Please upload a valid RSA public key [.txt or .pub].') #b = PendingUser(first_name=reg_fname, last_name=reg_lname, affiliation=reg_aff, # email=reg_email, password=request.POST['password'], keypair=keypair) #b.save() if not errors: b = PendingUser( first_name=reg_fname, last_name=reg_lname, #affiliation=reg_aff, authority_hrn=reg_auth, email=reg_email, password=request.POST['password'], keypair=keypair ) b.save() # Send email ctx = { first_name : reg_fname, last_name : reg_lname, #affiliation : reg_aff, authority_hrn: reg_auth, email : reg_email, keypair : keypair, cc_myself : True # form.cleaned_data['cc_myself'] } recipients = authority_get_pi_emails(authority_hrn) if ctx['cc_myself']: recipients.append(ctx['email']) msg = render_to_string('user_request_email.txt', ctx) send_mail("Onelab New User request submitted", msg, email, recipients) return render(request, 'user_register_complete.html') return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html',{ 'topmenu_items': topmenu_items('Register', request), 'errors': errors, 'firstname': request.POST.get('firstname', ''), 'lastname': request.POST.get('lastname', ''), #'affiliation': request.POST.get('affiliation', ''), 'authority_hrn': request.POST.get('authority_hrn', ''), 'email': request.POST.get('email', ''), 'password': request.POST.get('password', ''), 'authorities': authorities }) class PresViewView(TemplateView): template_name = "view-unfold1.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): page = Page(self.request) pres_view = PresView(page = page) context = super(PresViewView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) #context['ALL_STATIC'] = "all_static" context['unfold1_main'] = pres_view.render(self.request) # XXX This is repeated in all pages # more general variables expected in the template context['title'] = 'Test view that combines various plugins' # the menu items on the top context['topmenu_items'] = topmenu_items('PresView', self.request) # so we can sho who is logged context['username'] = the_user(self.request) prelude_env = page.prelude_env() context.update(prelude_env) return context def json_me(config_file,type): json_answer = '' for ligne in config_file: if not ligne.startswith('#'): args = ligne.split(';') json_answer += str('{ "name": "' + args[0] + '" ,"id":"' + args[1] + '" ,"descriptif":"' + args[2]+'"') if type!="dynamic": json_answer += str(',"contraints":') if args[3]=="": json_answer += str('""') else: json_answer += str(args[3]) json_answer += str('},') return json_answer[:-1] DIR = '/var/myslice/' STATIC = '%s/config_method_static' % DIR DYNAMIC = '%s/config_method_dynamic' % DIR ANIMATION = '%s/config_method_animation' % DIR def pres_view_methods(request, type): if type ==None: return 0 elif type =="static": config = open(STATIC, "r") json_answer = str('{ "options": [') json_answer += str(json_me(config,"static")) json_answer += str('] }') config.close() elif type =="dynamic": config = open(DYNAMIC, "r") json_answer = str('{ "options": [') json_answer += str(json_me(config,"dynamic")) json_answer += str('] }') config.close() elif type =="animation": config = open(ANIMATION, "r") json_answer = str('{ "options": [') json_answer += str(json_me(config,"animation")) json_answer += str('] }') config.close() elif type =="all": config = open(STATIC, "r") json_answer = str('{ "static": [') json_answer += str(json_me(config,"static")) json_answer += str('],') json_answer += str('"dynamic": [') config.close() config = open(DYNAMIC, "r") json_answer += str(json_me(config,"dynamic")) json_answer += str('],') json_answer += str('"animation": [') config.close() config = open(ANIMATION, "r") json_answer += str(json_me(config,"animation")) json_answer += str('] }') config.close() else: return 0 return HttpResponse (json_answer, mimetype="application/json") def pres_view_animation(request, constraints, id): # sites crees depuis 2008 # static.py?contraints=']date_created':1262325600&id='name_id"' # method = request.getvalue('method') #ex : GetSites #constraints = "']date_created':1262325600" #id = "2" if id == None: return 0 # method = 'GetSites'#request.getvalue('method') #ex : GetSites # constraints = {}#request.getvalue('constraints') // nul = {} # response_field = "'site_id','name','date_created'"#request.getvalue('response_field') config_file = open(ANIMATION, "r") for ligne in config_file: if not ligne.startswith('#'): ligne = ligne.split('\n') first = ligne[0].split(';') if (str(first[1]) == str(id)): save = first config_file.close() #Les print_method, print_option sont definis par le client (js) #Les animations acceptent que les connexions anonymous # args = "postmsg;animation;;;anonymous;https://www.planet-lab.eu/PLCAPI/;" args = ";;"+str(save[8])+";"+str(save[9])+";anonymous;"+str(save[5])+";"+str(save[6])+";{"+str(constraints)+"};"+str(save[7])+";" #Creation d'un objet event event = Event(args) cmd = [{"params": { "data": { "print_options": event.print_options, "print_method": event.print_method, "message": event.data } } }] json_answer = json.dumps(cmd) return HttpResponse (json_answer, mimetype="application/json") def pres_view_static(request, constraints, id): #constraints = "']date_created':1262325600" #id = "2" # method = 'GetSites'#request.getvalue('method') #ex : GetSites # constraints = {}#request.getvalue('constraints') // nul = {} # response_field = "'site_id','name','date_created'"#request.getvalue('response_field') config_file = open(STATIC, "r") for ligne in config_file: if not ligne.startswith('#'): ligne = ligne.split('\n') first = ligne[0].split(';') if (str(first[1]) == str(id)): save = first config_file.close() #Les print_method, print_option sont definis par le client (js) #Les animations acceptent que les connexions anonymous # args = "postmsg;animation;;;anonymous;https://www.planet-lab.eu/PLCAPI/;" args = ";;"+str(save[8])+";"+str(save[9])+";anonymous;"+str(save[5])+";"+str(save[6])+";{"+str(constraints)+"};"+str(save[7])+";" #Creation d'un objet event event = Event(args) cmd = [{"params": { "data": { "print_options": event.print_options, "print_method": event.print_method, "message": event.data } } }] json_answer = json.dumps(cmd) return HttpResponse (json_answer, mimetype="application/json") class ValidatePendingView(TemplateView): template_name = "validate_pending.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): # We might have slices on different registries with different user accounts # We note that this portal could be specific to a given registry, to which we register users, but i'm not sure that simplifies things # Different registries mean different identities, unless we identify via SFA HRN or have associated the user email to a single hrn #messages.info(self.request, 'You have logged in') page = Page(self.request) ctx_my_authorities = {} ctx_delegation_authorities = {} # The user need to be logged in if the_user(self.request): # Who can a PI validate: # His own authorities + those he has credentials for. # In MySlice we need to look at credentials also. # XXX This will have to be asynchroneous. Need to implement barriers, # for now it will be sufficient to have it working statically # get user_id to later on query accounts # XXX Having real query plan on local tables would simplify all this # XXX $user_email is still not available for local tables #user_query = Query().get('local:user').filter_by('email', '==', '$user_email').select('user_id') user_query = Query().get('local:user').filter_by('email', '==', the_user(self.request)).select('user_id') user, = execute_query(self.request, user_query) user_id = user['user_id'] # Query manifold to learn about available SFA platforms for more information # In general we will at least have the portal # For now we are considering all registries all_authorities = [] platform_ids = [] sfa_platforms_query = Query().get('local:platform').filter_by('gateway_type', '==', 'sfa').select('platform_id', 'platform', 'auth_type') sfa_platforms = execute_query(self.request, sfa_platforms_query) for sfa_platform in sfa_platforms: print "SFA PLATFORM > ", sfa_platform['platform'] if not 'auth_type' in sfa_platform: continue auth = sfa_platform['auth_type'] if not auth in all_authorities: all_authorities.append(auth) platform_ids.append(sfa_platform['platform_id']) # We can check on which the user has authoritity credentials = PI rights credential_authorities = set() credential_authorities_expired = set() # User account on these registries user_accounts_query = Query.get('local:account').filter_by('user_id', '==', user_id).filter_by('platform_id', 'included', platform_ids).select('config') user_accounts = execute_query(self.request, user_accounts_query) #print "=" * 80 #print user_accounts #print "=" * 80 for user_account in user_accounts: config = json.loads(user_account['config']) creds = [] if 'authority_credentials' in config: for authority_hrn, credential in config['authority_credentials'].items(): #if credential is not expired: credential_authorities.add(authority_hrn) #else # credential_authorities_expired.add(authority_hrn) if 'delegated_authority_credentials' in config: for authority_hrn, credential in config['delegated_authority_credentials'].items(): #if credential is not expired: credential_authorities.add(authority_hrn) #else # credential_authorities_expired.add(authority_hrn) print 'credential_authorities =', credential_authorities print 'credential_authorities_expired =', credential_authorities_expired # ** Where am I a PI ** # For this we need to ask SFA (of all authorities) = PI function pi_authorities_query = Query.get('user').filter_by('user_hrn', '==', '$user_hrn').select('pi_authorities') pi_authorities_tmp = execute_query(self.request, pi_authorities_query) pi_authorities = set() for pa in pi_authorities_tmp: pi_authorities |= set(pa['pi_authorities']) print "pi_authorities =", pi_authorities # My authorities + I have a credential pi_credential_authorities = pi_authorities & credential_authorities pi_no_credential_authorities = pi_authorities - credential_authorities - credential_authorities_expired pi_expired_credential_authorities = pi_authorities & credential_authorities_expired # Authorities I've been delegated PI rights pi_delegation_credential_authorities = credential_authorities - pi_authorities pi_delegation_expired_authorities = credential_authorities_expired - pi_authorities print "pi_credential_authorities =", pi_credential_authorities print "pi_no_credential_authorities =", pi_no_credential_authorities print "pi_expired_credential_authorities =", pi_expired_credential_authorities print "pi_delegation_credential_authorities = ", pi_delegation_credential_authorities print "pi_delegation_expired_authorities = ", pi_delegation_expired_authorities # Summary intermediary pi_my_authorities = pi_credential_authorities | pi_no_credential_authorities | pi_expired_credential_authorities pi_delegation_authorities = pi_delegation_credential_authorities | pi_delegation_expired_authorities print "--" print "pi_my_authorities = ", pi_my_authorities print "pi_delegation_authorities = ", pi_delegation_authorities # Summary all queried_pending_authorities = pi_my_authorities | pi_delegation_authorities print "----" print "queried_pending_authorities = ", queried_pending_authorities requests = get_request_by_authority(queried_pending_authorities) for request in requests: auth_hrn = request['authority_hrn'] if auth_hrn in pi_my_authorities: dest = ctx_my_authorities # define the css class if auth_hrn in pi_credential_authorities: request['allowed'] = 'allowed' elif auth_hrn in pi_expired_credential_authorities: request['allowed'] = 'expired' else: # pi_no_credential_authorities request['allowed'] = 'denied' elif auth_hrn in pi_delegation_authorities: dest = ctx_delegation_authorities if auth_hrn in pi_delegation_credential_authorities: request['allowed'] = 'allowed' else: # pi_delegation_expired_authorities request['allowed'] = 'expired' else: continue if not auth_hrn in dest: dest[auth_hrn] = [] dest[auth_hrn].append(request) context = super(ValidatePendingView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['my_authorities'] = ctx_my_authorities context['delegation_authorities'] = ctx_delegation_authorities # XXX This is repeated in all pages # more general variables expected in the template context['title'] = 'Test view that combines various plugins' # the menu items on the top context['topmenu_items'] = topmenu_items('Dashboard', self.request) # so we can sho who is logged context['username'] = the_user(self.request) # XXX We need to prepare the page for queries #context.update(page.prelude_env()) return context