# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from myslice.settings import logger import xmlconverter import wsag_model from django.conf import settings """REST client to SLA Manager. Contains a generic rest client and wrappers over this generic client for each resource. Each resource client implements business-like() functions, but returns a tuple (output, requests.Response) The resource clients are initialized with the rooturl and a path, which are combined to build the resource url. The path is defaulted to the known resource path. So, for example, to create a agreements client: c = Agreements("http://localhost/slagui-service") A Factory facility is provided to create resource client instances. The Factory uses "rooturl" module variable to use as rooturl parameter. restclient.rooturl = "http://localhost/slagui-service" c = restclient.Factory.agreements() """ _PROVIDERS_PATH = "providers" _AGREEMENTS_PATH = "agreements" _TEMPLATES_PATH = "templates" _VIOLATIONS_PATH = "violations" _ENFORCEMENTJOBS_PATH = "enforcements" rooturl = settings.SLA_COLLECTOR_URL class Factory(object): @staticmethod def agreements(): """Returns a REST client for Agreements :rtype : Agreements """ return Agreements(rooturl) @staticmethod def providers(): """Returns a REST client for Providers :rtype : Providers """ return Providers(rooturl) @staticmethod def violations(): """Returns a REST client for Violations :rtype : Violations """ return Violations(rooturl) @staticmethod def templates(): """Returns a REST client for Violations :rtype : Violations """ return Templates(rooturl) @staticmethod def enforcements(): """Returns a REST client for Enforcements jobs :rtype : Enforcements """ return Enforcements(rooturl) class Client(object): def __init__(self, root_url): """Generic rest client using requests library Each operation mimics the corresponding "requests" operation (arguments and return) :param str root_url: this url is used as prefix in all subsequent requests """ self.rooturl = root_url def get(self, path, **kwargs): """Just a wrapper over request.get, just in case. Returns a requests.Response :rtype : request.Response :param str path: remaining path from root url; empty if desired path equal to rooturl. :param kwargs: arguments to requests.get Example: c = Client("http://localhost:8080/service") c.get("/resource", headers = { "accept": "application/json" }) """ url = _buildpath(self.rooturl, path) if "testbed" in kwargs: url = url + "?testbed=" + kwargs["testbed"] if "headers" not in kwargs: kwargs["headers"] = {"accept": "application/xml"} kwargs["auth"] = HTTPBasicAuth(settings.SLA_COLLECTOR_USER, settings.SLA_COLLECTOR_PASSWORD) # for key, values in kwargs.iteritems(): # print key, values result = requests.get(url, verify=False, **kwargs) logger.debug('SLA GET {} - result: {}'.format(result.url, result.status_code)) # print "GET {} {} {}".format( # result.url, result.status_code, result.text[0:70]) # print result.encoding return result def post(self, path, data=None, **kwargs): """Just a wrapper over request.post, just in case :rtype : request.Response :param str path: remaining path from root url; empty if desired path equal to rooturl. :param dict[str, str] kwargs: arguments to requests.post Example: c = Client("http://localhost:8080/service") c.post( '/resource', '{ "id": "1", "name": "provider-a" }', headers = { "content-type": "application/json", "accept": "application/xml" } ) """ url = _buildpath(self.rooturl, path) if "testbed" in kwargs: url = url + "?testbed=" + kwargs["testbed"] del kwargs["testbed"] if "headers" not in kwargs: kwargs["headers"] = {"accept": "application/xml", "content-type": "application/xml"} kwargs["auth"] = HTTPBasicAuth(settings.SLA_COLLECTOR_USER, settings.SLA_COLLECTOR_PASSWORD) result = requests.post(url, data, verify=False, **kwargs) location = result.headers["location"] \ if "location" in result.headers else "" print "POST {} {} - Location: {}".format( result.url, result.status_code, location) return result class _Resource(object): def __init__(self, url, converter): """Provides some common operations over resources. The operations return a structured representation of the resource. :param str url: url to the resource :param Converter converter: resouce xml converter Some attributes are initialized to be used from the owner if needed: * client: Client instance * converter: resource xml converter * listconverter: list of resources xml converter """ self.client = Client(url) self.converter = converter self.listconverter = xmlconverter.ListConverter(self.converter) @staticmethod def _processresult(r, converter): """Generic processing of the REST call. If no errors, tries to convert the result to a destination entity. :param r requests: :param converter Converter: """ if r.status_code == 404: return None content_type = r.headers.get('content-type', '') #print("content-type = " + content_type) if content_type == 'application/json': result = r.json() elif content_type == 'application/xml': xml = r.text result = xmlconverter.convertstring(converter, xml) else: result = r.text return result def getall(self): """Get all resources """ r = self.client.get("") resources = self._processresult(r, self.listconverter) return resources, r def getbyid(self, id, params): """Get resource 'id'""" r = self.client.get(id, params=params) resource = _Resource._processresult(r, self.converter) return resource, r def get(self, path="", params={}): """Generic query over resource: GET /resource?q1=v1&q2=v2... :param dict[str,str] params: values to pass as get parameters """ r = self.client.get(path, params=params) resources = self._processresult(r, self.listconverter) return resources, r def create(self, body, **kwargs): """Creates (POST method) a resource. It should be convenient to set content-type header. Usage: resource.create(body, headers={'content-type': 'application/xml'}) """ r = self.client.post("", body, **kwargs) r.raise_for_status() return r class Agreements(object): def __init__(self, root_url, path=_AGREEMENTS_PATH): """Business methods for Agreement resource :param str root_url: url to the root of resources :param str path: path to resource from root_url The final url to the resource is root_url + "/" + path """ self.resourceurl = _buildpath(root_url, path) self.converter = xmlconverter.AgreementConverter() self.res = _Resource(self.resourceurl, self.converter) def getall(self): """ Get all agreements :rtype : list[wsag_model.Agreement] """ return self.res.getall() def getbyid(self, agreementid): """Get an agreement :rtype : wsag_model.Agreement """ return self.res.getbyid(agreementid) def getbyconsumer(self, consumerid): """Get a consumer's agreements :rtype : list[wsag_model.Agreement] """ return self.res.get(dict(consumerId=consumerid)) def getbyprovider(self, providerid): """Get the agreements served by a provider :rtype : list[wsag_model.Agreement] """ return self.res.get(dict(providerId=providerid)) def getstatus(self, agreementid, testbed): """Get guarantee status of an agreement :param str agreementid : :rtype : wsag_model.AgreementStatus """ # path = _buildpath(_AGREEMENTS_PATH, agreementid, "guaranteestatus") path = _buildpath(agreementid, "guaranteestatus") r = self.res.client.get(path, headers={'accept': 'application/json'}, params={'testbed': testbed}) json_obj = r.json() status = wsag_model.AgreementStatus.json_decode(json_obj) return status, r def getbyslice(self, slicename): """Get the agreements corresponding to a slice :rtype : list[wsag_model.Agreement] """ self.resourceurl = _buildpath(rooturl, 'slice') self.res = _Resource(self.resourceurl, self.converter) return self.res.get(slicename) def create(self, agreement, testbed): """Create a new agreement :param str agreement: sla template in ws-agreement format. """ return self.res.create(agreement, params={'testbed': testbed}) class Templates(object): def __init__(self, root_url, path=_TEMPLATES_PATH): """Business methods for Templates resource :param str root_url: url to the root of resources :param str path: path to resource from root_url The final url to the resource is root_url + "/" + path """ resourceurl = _buildpath(root_url, path) converter = xmlconverter.AgreementConverter() self.res = _Resource(resourceurl, converter) def getall(self, provider_id): """ Get all templates :rtype : list[wsag_model.Template] """ return self.res.get(path="", params={"testbed": provider_id}) def getbyid(self, provider_id): """Get a template :rtype: wsag_model.Template """ return self.res.getbyid(provider_id, {"testbed": provider_id}) def create(self, template): """Create a new template :param str template: sla template in ws-agreement format. """ self.res.create(template) class Providers(object): def __init__(self, root_url, path=_PROVIDERS_PATH): """Business methods for Providers resource :param str root_url: url to the root of resources :param str path: path to resource from root_url The final url to the resource is root_url + "/" + path """ resourceurl = _buildpath(root_url, path) converter = xmlconverter.ProviderConverter() self.res = _Resource(resourceurl, converter) def getall(self): """ Get all providers :rtype : list[wsag_model.Provider] """ return self.res.getall() def getbyid(self, provider_id): """Get a provider :rtype: wsag_model.Provider """ return self.res.getbyid(provider_id) def create(self, provider): """Create a new provider :type provider: wsag_model.Provider """ body = provider.to_xml() return self.res.create(body) class Violations(object): def __init__(self, root_url, path=_VIOLATIONS_PATH): """Business methods for Violation resource :param str root_url: url to the root of resources :param str path: path to resource from root_url The final url to the resource is root_url + "/" + path """ resourceurl = _buildpath(root_url, path) converter = xmlconverter.ViolationConverter() self.res = _Resource(resourceurl, converter) def getall(self): """ Get all violations :rtype : list[wsag_model.Violation] """ return self.res.getall() def getbyid(self, violationid): """Get a violation :rtype : wsag_model.Violation """ return self.res.getbyid(violationid) def getbyagreement(self, agreement_id, testbed, term=None): """Get the violations of an agreement. :param str agreement_id: :param str term: optional GuaranteeTerm name. If not specified, violations from all terms will be returned :rtype: list[wsag_model.Violation] """ return self.res.get("", params={"agreementId": agreement_id, "guaranteeTerm": term, "testbed": testbed}) class Enforcements(object): def __init__(self, root_url, path=_ENFORCEMENTJOBS_PATH): """Business methods for Violation resource :param str root_url: url to the root of resources :param str path: path to resource from root_url The final url to the resource is root_url + "/" + path """ resourceurl = _buildpath(root_url, path) converter = xmlconverter.EnforcementConverter() self.res = _Resource(resourceurl, converter) def getall(self): """ Get all Enforcements :rtype : list[wsag_model.Violation] """ return self.res.getall() def getbyagreement(self, agreement_id, testbed): """Get the enforcement of an agreement. :param str agreement_id: :rtype: list[wsag_model.Enforcement] """ return self.res.getbyid(agreement_id, params={"testbed": testbed}) def _buildpath(*paths): if "" in paths: paths = [path for path in paths if path != ""] return "/".join(paths) def main(): # # Move to test # global rooturl rooturl = "" c = Factory.templates() #r = c.getall() #r = c.getbyid("noexiste") #r = c.getstatus("agreement03") #print r #r = c.getbyconsumer('RandomClient') r = c.getbyid("template02") print r if __name__ == "__main__": main()