PYTHON = python SRCDIR = $(CURDIR) TESTDIR = $(CURDIR)/test TESTLIB = $(TESTDIR)/lib BUILDDIR = $(CURDIR)/build/lib DISTDIR = $(CURDIR)/dist PYPATH = $(BUILDDIR):$(TESTLIB):$(PYTHONPATH) COVERAGE = $(or $(shell which coverage), $(shell which python-coverage), \ coverage) all: clean PYTHONPATH="$(PYTHONPATH):$(SRCDIR)" $(PYTHON) ./ build install: all PYTHONPATH="$(PYTHONPATH):$(SRCDIR)" $(PYTHON) ./ install test: all retval=0; \ for i in `find "$(TESTDIR)" -iname '*.py' -perm -u+x -type f`; do \ echo $$i; \ PYTHONPATH="$(PYPATH)" $(PYTHON) $$i -v || retval=$$?; \ done; exit $$retval ifeq ($(file),) test-one: echo Run $(make) $@ file=test/some/path else test-one: all echo $(file) $(case) PYTHONPATH="$(PYPATH)" $(PYTHON) $(file) $(case) endif all-tests: test-app test-node test-app: $(MAKE) test-one file=test/resources/linux/ case=$(case) test-node: $(MAKE) test-one file=test/resources/linux/ case=$(case) coverage: all rm -f .coverage for i in `find "$(TESTDIR)" -perm -u+x -type f`; do \ set -e; \ PYTHONPATH="$(PYPATH)" $(COVERAGE) -x $$i -v; \ done $(COVERAGE) -c $(COVERAGE) -r -m `find "$(BUILDDIR)" -name \\*.py -type f` rm -f .coverage clean: rm -f $$(find . -name '*.pyc') .coverage *.pcap rm -rf "$(BUILDDIR)" distclean: clean rm -rf "$(DISTDIR)" MANIFEST: find . -path ./.hg\* -prune -o -path ./build -prune -o \ -name \*.pyc -prune -o -name \*.swp -prune -o \ -name MANIFEST -prune -o -type f -print | \ sed 's#^\./##' | sort > MANIFEST dist: MANIFEST ./ sdist .PHONY: all clean distclean dist test coverage install MANIFEST ########## for uploading onto pypi # this assumes you have an entry 'pypi' in your .pypirc # see pypi documentation on how to create .pypirc LOCAL_ID=$(shell id) ifneq "$(LOCAL_ID)" "$(filter $(LOCAL_ID),parmen)" BUILD_ID=thierry USE_TWINE= else BUILD_ID=mario USE_TWINE=true endif PYPI_TARGET=pypi PYPI_TARBALL_HOST=$(BUILD_ID) PYPI_TARBALL_TOPDIR=/build/nepi VERSION = $(shell cat VERSION) VERSIONTAG = nepi-$(VERSION)-pypi VERSIONTAR = nepi-$(VERSION).tar.gz GIT-TAG-ALREADY-SET = $(shell git tag | grep '^$(VERSIONTAG)$$') # to check for uncommitted changes GIT-CHANGES = $(shell echo $$(git diff HEAD | wc -l)) ########## # depending on the value of USE_TWINE, we either do the upload with itself, # or with the help of twine which apparently is the only way that mario could find out on his setup define upload_pypi $(if $(USE_TWINE),./ sdist && twine upload dist/* -r $(1),./ sdist upload -r $(1)) endef # run this only once the sources are in on the right tag pypi: @if [ $(GIT-CHANGES) != 0 ]; then echo "You have uncommitted changes - cannot publish"; false; fi @if [ -n "$(GIT-TAG-ALREADY-SET)" ] ; then echo "tag $(VERSIONTAG) already set"; false; fi @echo "You are about to release $(VERSION) - OK (Ctrl-c if not) ? " ; read _ git tag $(VERSIONTAG) $(call upload_pypi,pypi) @if [ ssh $(PYPI_TARBALL_HOST) ls $(PYPI_TARBALL_TOPDIR)/$(VERSIONTAR) ] ;\ then echo "$(VERSIONTAR) already present on $(PYPI_TARBALL_HOST) - ignored" ;\ else rsync -av dist/$(VERSIONTAR) $(PYPI_TARBALL_HOST):$(PYPI_TARBALL_TOPDIR)/ ;\ fi # it can be convenient to define a test entry, say testpypi # that points at the testpypi public site # in this case we do not want to upload anything on the build box though testpypi: $(call upload_pypi,testpypi) #################### convenience, for debugging only # make +foo : prints the value of $(foo) # make ++foo : idem but verbose, i.e. foo=$(foo) ++%: varname=$(subst +,,$@) ++%: @echo "$(varname)=$($(varname))" +%: varname=$(subst +,,$@) +%: @echo "$($(varname))"