// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Princeton University // // $Id: yum.conf.php,v 1.1 2006/11/06 22:02:17 mlhuang Exp $ // // For PLC_NAME and PLC_BOOT_HOST include('plc_config.php'); $PLC_NAME = PLC_NAME; $PLC_BOOT_HOST = PLC_BOOT_HOST; $repos = array(array('ThirdParty', 'Third Party RPMS', '3rdparty')); if (isset($_REQUEST['alpha'])) { $repos[] = array('PlanetLabAlpha', 'PlanetLab Alpha RPMS', 'planetlab-alpha'); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['beta'])) { $repos[] = array('PlanetLabBeta', 'PlanetLab Beta RPMS', 'planetlab-beta'); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['rollout'])) { $repos[] = array('PlanetLab', 'PlanetLab RPMS', 'planetlab-rollout'); } else { $repos[] = array('PlanetLab', 'PlanetLab RPMS', 'planetlab'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['gpgcheck'])) { $gpgcheck = $_REQUEST['gpgcheck']; } else { $gpgcheck = 0; } // Requesting a mirror list. Yum bombs out completely if a repository // is (even temporarily) unavailable, so if CoBlitz is down, provide a // few more options. Make sure that gpgcheck remains enabled. Last // chance option is ourselves so that yum never fails. if (isset($_REQUEST['mirrorlist']) && isset($_REQUEST['repo']) && isset($_REQUEST['releasever'])) { $mirrors = array("http://coblitz.planet-lab.org/pub/fedora/linux", "http://fedora.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/fedora.redhat/linux", "http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux", "ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/fedora", "http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora"); $releasever = $_REQUEST['releasever']; switch ($_REQUEST['repo']) { case "base": foreach ($mirrors as $mirror) { echo "$mirror/core/$releasever/\$ARCH/os/\n"; } break; case "updates": foreach ($mirrors as $mirror) { echo "$mirror/core/updates/$releasever/\$ARCH/\n"; } break; case "extras": foreach ($mirrors as $mirror) { echo "$mirror/extras/$releasever/\$ARCH/\n"; } break; } // Always list ourselves last echo "http://$PLC_BOOT_HOST/install-rpms/planetlab/\n"; exit; } // Requesting yum.conf. See above for the mirrorlist definition. echo <<