# $Id$ # $URL$ """ VINI/Trellis NodeManager plugin. Create virtual links from the topo_rspec slice attribute. """ import logger import subprocess import sioc import re import vserver import os from time import strftime dryrun = 0 vinidir = "/usr/share/vini/" setup_link_cmd = vinidir + "setup-egre-link" teardown_link_cmd = vinidir + "teardown-egre-link" setup_nat_cmd = vinidir + "setup-nat" teardown_nat_cmd = vinidir + "teardown-nat" ifaces = {} old_ifaces = {} def run(cmd): if dryrun: logger.log(cmd) return -1 else: return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True); """ Check for existence of interface dx """ def virtual_link(key, nodeid): name = "d%sx%s" % (key, nodeid) if name in ifaces: return True else: return False def get_virt_ip(myid, nodeid): if myid < nodeid: virtip = "10.%d.%d.2" % (myid, nodeid) else: virtip = "10.%d.%d.3" % (nodeid, myid) return virtip """ Create a "virtual link" for slice between here and nodeid. The key is used to create the EGRE tunnel. """ def setup_virtual_link(slice, key, rate, myid, nodeid, ipaddr): logger.log("%s: Set up virtual link to node %d" % (slice, nodeid)) virtip = get_virt_ip(myid, nodeid) run(setup_link_cmd + " %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (slice, nodeid, ipaddr, key, rate, virtip)) return """ Tear down the "virtual link" for slice between here and nodeid. """ def teardown_virtual_link(key, nodeid): logger.log("topo: Tear down virtual link %sx%s" % (key, nodeid)) run(teardown_link_cmd + " %s %s" % (nodeid, key)) return """ Called for all active virtual link interfaces, so they won't be cleaned up. """ def refresh_virtual_link(nodeid, key): name = "d%sx%s" % (key, nodeid) if name in old_ifaces: del old_ifaces[name] return """ Check for existence of interface natx """ def nat_exists(key): name = "natx%s" % key if name in ifaces: return True else: return False """ Create a NAT interface inside the sliver. """ def setup_nat(slice, myid, key): logger.log("%s: Set up NAT" % slice) run(setup_nat_cmd + " %s %s %s" % (slice, myid, key)) return """ Tear down the NAT interface identified by key """ def teardown_nat(key): logger.log("topo: Tear down NAT %s" % key) run(teardown_nat_cmd + " %s" % key) return """ Called for all active NAT interfaces, so they won't be cleaned up. """ def refresh_nat(key): name = "natx%s" % (key) if name in old_ifaces: del old_ifaces[name] return """ Clean up old virtual links (e.g., to nodes that have been deleted from the slice). """ def clean_up_old_virtual_links(): pattern1 = "d(.*)x(.*)" pattern2 = "natx(.*)" for iface in old_ifaces: m = re.match(pattern1, iface) if m: key = int(m.group(1)) node = int(m.group(2)) teardown_virtual_link(key, node) m = re.match(pattern2, iface) if m: key = int(m.group(1)) teardown_nat(key) return """ Not the safest thing to do, probably should use pickle() or something. """ def convert_topospec_to_list(rspec): return eval(rspec) """ Update virtual links for the slice """ def update_links(slice, myid, topospec, key, netns): topolist = convert_topospec_to_list(topospec) for (nodeid,ipaddr,rate) in topolist: if not virtual_link(key, nodeid): if netns: setup_virtual_link(slice, key, rate, myid, nodeid, ipaddr) else: logger.log("%s: virtual link to node %s exists" % (slice, nodeid)) refresh_virtual_link(nodeid, key) if not nat_exists(key): setup_nat(slice, myid, key) else: logger.log("%s: NAT exists" % slice) refresh_nat(key) """ Write /etc/vservers//spaces/net """ def writeConf(slicename, value): SLICEDIR="/etc/vservers/%s/" % slicename SPACESDIR="%s/spaces/" % SLICEDIR if os.path.exists(SLICEDIR): if not os.path.exists(SPACESDIR): try: os.mkdir(SPACESDIR) except os.error: logger.log("topo: could not create %s\n" % SPACESDIR) return f = open("%s/net" % SPACESDIR, "w") f.write("%s\n" % value) f.close() STATUS="OFF" if value: STATUS="ON" logger.log("%s: network namespace %s\n" % (slicename, STATUS)) """ Generate information for each interface in the sliver, in order to configure Quagga. """ def get_ifaces(hostname, myid, topospec, key): ifaces = {} topolist = convert_topospec_to_list(topospec) for (nodeid, ipaddr, rate) in topolist: name = "a%sx%s" % (key, nodeid) ifaces[name] = {} ifaces[name]['remote-ip'] = get_virt_ip(nodeid, myid) ifaces[name]['local-ip'] = get_virt_ip(myid, nodeid) ifaces[name]['short-name'] = hostname.replace('.vini-veritas.net', '') return ifaces def write_header(f, myname, password): f.write ("""! Configuration for %s ! Generated at %s hostname %s password %s """ % (myname, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), myname, password)) return """ Write zebra.conf file for Quagga """ def write_zebra(filename, myname, ifaces): f = open(filename, 'w') password = "zebra" write_header(f, myname, password) f.write ("""enable password %s ! """ % password) for name in ifaces: f.write ("""! interface %s link-detect """ % name) f.write ("""! ! access-list vty permit ! line vty ! """) f.close() return """ Write ospfd.conf file for Quagga. """ def write_ospf(filename, myname, ifaces): f = open(filename, 'w') password = "zebra" write_header(f, myname, password) for name in ifaces: f.write ("""! interface %s ip ospf cost 10 ip ospf hello-interval 5 ip ospf dead-interval 10 ip ospf network non-broadcast """ % name) f.write ("""! router ospf ospf router-id %s """ % ifaces[name]['local-ip']) for name in ifaces: f.write (" neighbor %s\n" % ifaces[name]['remote-ip']) for name in ifaces: net = ifaces[name]['local-ip'].rstrip('23')+'0' f.write (" network %s/24 area 0\n" % net) f.write("""! access-list vty permit ! line vty """) return """ Write config files directly into the slice's file system. """ def update_quagga_configs(slicename, hostname, myid, topo, key, netns): ifaces = get_ifaces(hostname, myid, topo, key) quagga_dir = "/vservers/%s/etc/quagga/" % slicename if not os.path.exists(quagga_dir): try: # Quagga not installed. Install it here? Chkconfig, sym links. os.mkdir(quagga_dir) except os.error: logger.log("topo: could not create %s\n" % quagga_dir) return write_zebra(quagga_dir + "zebra.conf.generated", hostname, ifaces) write_ospf(quagga_dir + "ospfd.conf.generated", hostname, ifaces) # Start up Quagga if we installed it earlier and netns = 1. return """ Write /etc/hosts in the sliver """ def update_hosts(slicename, hosts): hosts_file = "/vservers/%s/etc/hosts" % slicename f = open(hosts_file, 'w') f.write(hosts) f.close() return def start(options, config): pass """ Update the virtual links for a sliver if it has a 'netns' attribute, an 'egre_key' attribute, and a 'topo_rspec' attribute. Creating the virtual link depends on the contents of /etc/vservers//spaces/net. Update this first. """ def GetSlivers(data): global ifaces, old_ifaces ifaces = old_ifaces = sioc.gifconf() for sliver in data['slivers']: attrs = {} for attribute in sliver['attributes']: attrs[attribute['name']] = attribute['value'] if 'netns' in attrs: netns = int(attrs['netns']) writeConf(sliver['name'], netns) else: netns = 0 if vserver.VServer(sliver['name']).is_running(): if 'egre_key' in attrs and 'topo_rspec' in attrs: logger.log("topo: Update topology for slice %s" % \ sliver['name']) update_links(sliver['name'], data['node_id'], attrs['topo_rspec'], attrs['egre_key'], netns) update_quagga_configs(sliver['name'], data['hostname'], data['node_id'], attrs['topo_rspec'], attrs['egre_key'], netns) if 'hosts' in attrs: update_hosts(sliver['name'], attrs['hosts']) else: logger.log("topo: sliver %s not running yet. Deferring." % \ sliver['name']) clean_up_old_virtual_links() return