# """Sliver manager API. This module exposes an XMLRPC interface that allows PlanetLab users to create/destroy slivers with delegated instantiation, start and stop slivers, make resource loans, and examine resource allocations. The XMLRPC is provided on a localhost-only TCP port as well as via a Unix domain socket that is accessible by ssh-ing into a delegate account with the forward_api_calls shell. """ import SimpleXMLRPCServer import SocketServer import errno import os import pwd import socket import struct import threading import xmlrpclib import sys import accounts import database import sliver_vs import ticket import tools from api_calls import * import logger try: sys.path.append("/etc/planetlab") from plc_config import * except: logger.log("api: Warning: Configuration file /etc/planetlab/plc_config.py not found", 2) PLC_SLICE_PREFIX="pl" logger.log("api: Warning: admin slice prefix set to %s" %(PLC_SLICE_PREFIX), 2) API_SERVER_PORT = 812 UNIX_ADDR = '/tmp/nodemanager.api' class APIRequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler): # overriding _dispatch to achieve this effect is officially deprecated, # but I can't figure out how to get access to .request without # duplicating SimpleXMLRPCServer code here, which is more likely to # change than the deprecated behavior is to be broken @database.synchronized def _dispatch(self, method_name_unicode, args): method_name = str(method_name_unicode) try: method = api_method_dict[method_name] except KeyError: api_method_list = api_method_dict.keys() api_method_list.sort() raise xmlrpclib.Fault(100, 'Invalid API method %s. Valid choices are %s' % \ (method_name, ', '.join(api_method_list))) expected_nargs = nargs_dict[method_name] if len(args) != expected_nargs: raise xmlrpclib.Fault(101, 'Invalid argument count: got %d, expecting %d.' % \ (len(args), expected_nargs)) else: # Figure out who's calling. # XXX - these ought to be imported directly from some .h file SO_PEERCRED = 17 sizeof_struct_ucred = 12 ucred = self.request.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, sizeof_struct_ucred) xid = struct.unpack('3i', ucred)[1] caller_name = pwd.getpwuid(xid)[0] # Special case : the sfa component manager if caller_name == PLC_SLICE_PREFIX+"_sfacm": try: result = method(*args) except Exception, err: raise xmlrpclib.Fault(104, 'Error in call: %s' %err) # Anyone can call these functions elif method_name in ('Help', 'Ticket', 'GetXIDs', 'GetSSHKeys'): try: result = method(*args) except Exception, err: raise xmlrpclib.Fault(104, 'Error in call: %s' %err) else: # Execute anonymous call. # Authenticate the caller if not in the above fncts. if method_name == "GetRecord": target_name = caller_name else: target_name = args[0] # Gather target slice's object. target_rec = database.db.get(target_name) # only work on slivers or self. Sanity check. if not (target_rec and target_rec['type'].startswith('sliver.')): raise xmlrpclib.Fault(102, \ 'Invalid argument: the first argument must be a sliver name.') # only manipulate slivers who delegate you authority if caller_name in (target_name, target_rec['delegations']): try: result = method(target_rec, *args[1:]) except Exception, err: raise xmlrpclib.Fault(104, 'Error in call: %s' %err) else: raise xmlrpclib.Fault(108, '%s: Permission denied.' % caller_name) if result == None: result = 1 return result class APIServer_INET(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer): allow_reuse_address = True class APIServer_UNIX(APIServer_INET): address_family = socket.AF_UNIX def start(): """Start two XMLRPC interfaces: one bound to localhost, the other bound to a Unix domain socket.""" logger.log('api.start') serv1 = APIServer_INET(('', API_SERVER_PORT), requestHandler=APIRequestHandler, logRequests=0) tools.as_daemon_thread(serv1.serve_forever) try: os.unlink(UNIX_ADDR) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise serv2 = APIServer_UNIX(UNIX_ADDR, requestHandler=APIRequestHandler, logRequests=0) tools.as_daemon_thread(serv2.serve_forever) os.chmod(UNIX_ADDR, 0666)