#!/usr/bin/python """Node Manager""" import optparse import time import xmlrpclib import socket import os import sys import resource import logger import tools from config import Config from plcapi import PLCAPI savedargv = sys.argv[:] parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-d', '--daemon', action='store_true', dest='daemon', default=False, help='run daemonized') parser.add_option('-s', '--startup', action='store_true', dest='startup', default=False, help='run all sliver startup scripts') parser.add_option('-f', '--config', action='store', dest='config', default='/etc/planetlab/plc_config', help='PLC configuration file') parser.add_option('-k', '--session', action='store', dest='session', default='/etc/planetlab/session', help='API session key (or file)') parser.add_option('-p', '--period', action='store', dest='period', default=600, help='Polling interval (sec)') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() modules = [] def GetSlivers(plc): data = plc.GetSlivers() for module in modules: callback = getattr(module, 'GetSlivers') callback(data) def run(): try: if options.daemon: tools.daemon() # Load /etc/planetlab/plc_config config = Config(options.config) try: other_pid = tools.pid_file() if other_pid != None: print """There might be another instance of the node manager running as pid %d. If this is not the case, please remove the pid file %s""" % (other_pid, tools.PID_FILE) return except OSError, err: print "Warning while writing PID file:", err # Load and start modules for module in ['net', 'proper', 'conf_files', 'sm']: try: m = __import__(module) m.start(options, config) modules.append(m) except ImportError, err: print "Warning while loading module %s:" % module, err # Load /etc/planetlab/session if os.path.exists(options.session): session = file(options.session).read().strip() else: session = options.session # Initialize XML-RPC client plc = PLCAPI(config.plc_api_uri, config.cacert, session, timeout=options.period/2) while True: try: GetSlivers(plc) except: logger.log_exc() time.sleep(options.period) except: logger.log_exc() if __name__ == '__main__': stacklim = 512*1024 # 0.5 MiB curlim = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK)[0] # soft limit if curlim > stacklim: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (stacklim, stacklim)) # for some reason, doesn't take effect properly without the exec() python = '/usr/bin/python' os.execv(python, [python] + savedargv) run() else: # This is for debugging purposes. Open a copy of Python and import nm tools.as_daemon_thread(run)