"""vsys configurator. Maintains ACLs and script pipes inside vservers based on slice attributes.""" import os import subprocess import logger import tools VSYSCONF="/etc/vsys.conf" VSYSBKEND="/vsys" def start(): logger.log("vsys: plugin starting up...") def GetSlivers(data, config=None, plc=None): """ For each sliver with the vsys attribute: set the script ACL, create the vsys directory in the slice, and restart vsys """ if 'slivers' not in data: logger.log_missing_data("vsys.GetSlivers",'slivers') return # Touch ACLs and create dict of available scripts = {} for script in touchAcls(): scripts[script] = [] # slices that need to be written to the conf slices = [] _restart = False # Parse attributes and update dict of scripts if 'slivers' not in data: logger.log_missing_data("vsys.GetSlivers",'slivers') return for sliver in data['slivers']: for attribute in sliver['attributes']: if attribute['tagname'] == 'vsys': if sliver['name'] not in slices: # add to conf slices.append(sliver['name']) _restart = createVsysDir(sliver['name']) or _restart if attribute['value'] in scripts.keys(): scripts[attribute['value']].append(sliver['name']) # Write the conf _restart = writeConf(slices, parseConf()) or _restart # Write out the ACLs if writeAcls(scripts, parseAcls()) or _restart: restartService() # check for systemctl, use it if present # keyword being 'start', 'stop' or 'restart' def handleService(keyword): if tools.has_systemctl(): logger.log("vsys: %s'ing vsys service through systemctl"%keyword) return logger.log_call(["systemctl", keyword, "vsys"], timeout=5) else: logger.log("vsys: %s'ing vsys service through /etc/init.d/vsys"%keyword) return logger.log_call(["/etc/init.d/vsys", keyword], timeout=5) def startService(): return handleService ('start') def stopService(): return handleService ('stop') def restartService(): return handleService ('restart') def createVsysDir(sliver): """Create /vsys directory in slice. Update vsys conf file.""" try: os.mkdir("/vservers/%s/vsys" % sliver) return True except OSError: return False def touchAcls(): '''Creates empty acl files for scripts. To be ran in case of new scripts that appear in the backend. Returns list of available scripts.''' acls = [] scripts = [] for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(VSYSBKEND): for file in files: # ingore scripts that start with local_ if file.startswith("local_"): continue if file.endswith(".acl"): acls.append(file.replace(".acl", "")) else: scripts.append(file) for new in (set(scripts) - set(acls)): logger.log("vsys: Found new script %s. Writing empty acl." % new) f = open("%s/%s.acl" %(VSYSBKEND, new), "w") f.write("\n") f.close() return scripts def writeAcls(currentscripts, oldscripts): '''Creates .acl files for script in the script repo.''' # Check each oldscript entry to see if we need to modify _restartvsys = False # for iteritems along dict(oldscripts), if length of values # not the same as length of values of new scripts, # and length of non intersection along new scripts is not 0, # then dicts are different. for (acl, oldslivers) in oldscripts.iteritems(): try: if (len(oldslivers) != len(currentscripts[acl])) or \ (len(set(oldslivers) - set(currentscripts[acl])) != 0): _restartvsys = True logger.log("vsys: Updating %s.acl w/ slices %s" % (acl, currentscripts[acl])) f = open("%s/%s.acl" % (VSYSBKEND, acl), "w") for slice in currentscripts[acl]: f.write("%s\n" % slice) f.close() except KeyError: logger.log("vsys: #:)# Warning,Not a valid Vsys script,%s"%acl) # Trigger a restart return _restartvsys def parseAcls(): '''Parse the frontend script acls. Return {script: [slices]} in conf.''' # make a dict of what slices are in what acls. scriptacls = {} for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(VSYSBKEND): for file in files: if file.endswith(".acl") and not file.startswith("local_"): f = open(root+"/"+file,"r+") scriptname = file.replace(".acl", "") scriptacls[scriptname] = [] for slice in f.readlines(): scriptacls[scriptname].append(slice.rstrip()) f.close() # return what scripts are configured for which slices. return scriptacls def writeConf(slivers, oldslivers): # Check if this is needed # The assumption here is if lengths are the same, # and the non intersection of both arrays has length 0, # then the arrays are identical. if (len(slivers) != len(oldslivers)) or \ (len(set(oldslivers) - set(slivers)) != 0): logger.log("vsys: Updating %s" % VSYSCONF) f = open(VSYSCONF,"w") for sliver in slivers: f.write("/vservers/%(name)s/vsys %(name)s\n" % {"name": sliver}) f.truncate() f.close() return True else: return False def parseConf(): '''Parse the vsys conf and return list of slices in conf.''' scriptacls = {} slicesinconf = [] try: f = open(VSYSCONF) for line in f.readlines(): (path, slice) = line.split() slicesinconf.append(slice) f.close() except: logger.log_exc("vsys: failed parseConf") return slicesinconf # before shutting down slivers, it is safe to first remove them from vsys's scope # so that we are sure that no dangling open file remains # this will also stop vsys if needed (in which case it return True to tell caller to restart vsys once done) def removeSliverFromVsys (sliver): current_slivers=parseConf() new_slivers= [ s for s in current_slivers if s != sliver ] if writeConf (current_slivers, new_slivers): stopService() trashVsysHandleInSliver (sliver) return True else: logger.log("vsys.removeSliverFromConf: no need to remove %s"%sliver) return False def trashVsysHandleInSliver (sliver): slice_vsys_area = "/vservers/%s/vsys"%sliver if not os.path.exists(slice_vsys_area): logger.log("vsys.trashVsysHandleInSliver: no action needed, %s not found"%slice_vsys_area) return retcod=subprocess.call([ 'rm', '-rf' , slice_vsys_area]) logger.log ("vsys.trashVsysHandleInSliver: Removed %s (retcod=%s)"%(slice_vsys_area,retcod))