# """VServer slivers. There are a couple of tricky things going on here. First, the kernel needs disk usage information in order to enforce the quota. However, determining disk usage redundantly strains the disks. Thus, the Sliver_VS.disk_usage_initialized flag is used to determine whether this initialization has been made. Second, it's not currently possible to set the scheduler parameters for a sliver unless that sliver has a running process. /bin/vsh helps us out by reading the configuration file so that it can set the appropriate limits after entering the sliver context. Making the syscall that actually sets the parameters gives a harmless error if no process is running. Thus we keep vm_running on when setting scheduler parameters so that set_sched_params() always makes the syscall, and we don't have to guess if there is a running process or not. """ import errno import traceback import os, os.path import sys import time from threading import BoundedSemaphore import subprocess # the util-vserver-pl module import vserver import logger import tools from account import Account from initscript import Initscript # special constant that tells vserver to keep its existing settings KEEP_LIMIT = vserver.VC_LIM_KEEP # populate the sliver/vserver specific default allocations table, # which is used to look for slice attributes DEFAULT_ALLOCATION = {} for rlimit in vserver.RLIMITS.keys(): rlim = rlimit.lower() DEFAULT_ALLOCATION["{}_min".format(rlim)] = KEEP_LIMIT DEFAULT_ALLOCATION["{}_soft".format(rlim)] = KEEP_LIMIT DEFAULT_ALLOCATION["{}_hard".format(rlim)] = KEEP_LIMIT class Sliver_VS(vserver.VServer, Account, Initscript): """This class wraps vserver.VServer to make its interface closer to what we need.""" SHELL = '/bin/vsh' TYPE = 'sliver.VServer' _init_disk_info_sem = BoundedSemaphore() def __init__(self, rec): name = rec['name'] logger.verbose ('sliver_vs: {} init'.format(name)) try: logger.log("sliver_vs: {}: first chance...".format(name)) vserver.VServer.__init__(self, name, logfile='/var/log/nodemanager') Account.__init__ (self, name) Initscript.__init__ (self, name) except Exception, err: if not isinstance(err, vserver.NoSuchVServer): # Probably a bad vserver or vserver configuration file logger.log_exc("sliver_vs:__init__ (first chance)", name=name) logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: recreating bad vserver'.format(name)) self.destroy(name) self.create(name, rec) vserver.VServer.__init__(self, name, logfile='/var/log/nodemanager') Account.__init__ (self, name) Initscript.__init__ (self, name) self.rspec = {} self.slice_id = rec['slice_id'] self.disk_usage_initialized = False self.enabled = True # xxx this almost certainly is wrong... self.configure(rec) @staticmethod def create(name, rec = None): logger.verbose('sliver_vs: {}: create'.format(name)) vref = rec['vref'] if vref is None: # added by caglar # band-aid for short period as old API doesn't have GetSliceFamily function vref = "planetlab-f8-i386" logger.log("sliver_vs: {}: ERROR - no vref attached, using hard-wired default {}" .format(name, vref)) # used to look in /etc/planetlab/family, # now relies on the 'GetSliceFamily' extra attribute in GetSlivers() # which for legacy is still exposed here as the 'vref' key # check the template exists -- there's probably a better way.. if not os.path.isdir ("/vservers/.vref/{}".format(vref)): logger.log ("sliver_vs: {}: ERROR Could not create sliver - vreference image {} not found" .format(name, vref)) return # compute guest personality try: (x, y, arch) = vref.split('-') # mh, this of course applies when 'vref' is e.g. 'netflow' # and that's not quite right except: arch = 'i386' def personality (arch): return "linux64" if arch.find("64") >= 0 else "linux32" command = [] # be verbose command += ['/bin/bash', '-x', ] command += ['/usr/sbin/vuseradd', ] if 'attributes' in rec and 'isolate_loopback' in rec['attributes'] and rec['attributes']['isolate_loopback'] == '1': command += [ "-i", ] # the vsliver imge to use command += [ '-t', vref, ] # slice name command += [ name, ] logger.log_call(command, timeout=15*60) # export slicename to the slice in /etc/slicename with open('/vservers/{}/etc/slicename'.format(name), 'w') as slicenamefile: slicenamefile.write(name) with open('/vservers/{}/etc/slicefamily'.format(name), 'w') as slicefamilyfile: slicefamilyfile.write(vref) # set personality: only if needed (if arch's differ) if tools.root_context_arch() != arch: with open('/etc/vservers/{}/personality'.format(name), 'w') as personalityfile: personalityfile.write(personality(arch)+"\n") logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: set personality to {}'.format(name, personality(arch))) @staticmethod def destroy(name): # need to umount before we trash, otherwise we end up with sequels in # /vservers/slicename/ (namely in home/ ) # also because this is a static method we cannot check for 'omf_control' # but it is no big deal as umount_ssh_dir checks before it umounts.. Account.umount_ssh_dir(name) logger.log("sliver_vs: destroying {}".format(name)) logger.log_call(['/bin/bash', '-x', '/usr/sbin/vuserdel', name, ]) def configure(self, rec): # in case we update nodemanager.. self.install_and_enable_vinit() new_rspec = rec['_rspec'] if new_rspec != self.rspec: self.rspec = new_rspec self.set_resources() # do the configure part from Initscript # i.e. install slice initscript if defined Initscript.configure(self, rec) # install ssh keys Account.configure(self, rec) # remember configure() always gets called *before* start() # in particular the slice initscript # is expected to be in place already at this point def start(self, delay=0): if self.rspec['enabled'] <= 0: logger.log('sliver_vs: not starting {}, is not enabled'.format(self.name)) return logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: starting in {} seconds'.format(self.name, delay)) time.sleep(delay) # the generic /etc/init.d/vinit script is permanently refreshed, and enabled self.install_and_enable_vinit() # expose .ssh for omf_friendly slivers if 'omf_control' in self.rspec['tags']: Account.mount_ssh_dir(self.name) child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: # VServer.start calls fork() internally, # so just close the nonstandard fds and fork once to avoid creating zombies tools.close_nonstandard_fds() vserver.VServer.start(self) os._exit(0) else: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) def stop(self): logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: stopping'.format(self.name)) vserver.VServer.stop(self) def is_running(self): return vserver.VServer.is_running(self) # this one seems to belong in Initscript at first sight, # but actually depends on the underlying vm techno # so let's keep it here def rerun_slice_vinit(self): command = "/usr/sbin/vserver {} exec /etc/rc.d/init.d/vinit restart"\ .format(self.name) logger.log("vsliver_vs: {}: Rerunning slice initscript: {}" .format(self.name, command)) subprocess.call(command + "&", stdin=open('/dev/null', 'r'), stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) def set_resources(self): disk_max = self.rspec['disk_max'] logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: setting max disk usage to {} KiB' .format(self.name, disk_max)) try: # if the sliver is over quota, .set_disk_limit will throw an exception if not self.disk_usage_initialized: self.vm_running = False Sliver_VS._init_disk_info_sem.acquire() logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: computing disk usage: beginning'.format(self.name)) # init_disk_info is inherited from VServer try: self.init_disk_info() finally: Sliver_VS._init_disk_info_sem.release() logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: computing disk usage: ended'.format(self.name)) self.disk_usage_initialized = True vserver.VServer.set_disklimit(self, max(disk_max, self.disk_blocks)) except: logger.log_exc('sliver_vs: failed to set max disk usage', name=self.name) # get/set the min/soft/hard values for all of the vserver # related RLIMITS. Note that vserver currently only # implements support for hard limits. for limit in vserver.RLIMITS.keys(): type = limit.lower() minimum = self.rspec['{}_min'.format(type)] soft = self.rspec['{}_soft'.format(type)] hard = self.rspec['{}_hard'.format(type)] update = self.set_rlimit(limit, hard, soft, minimum) if update: logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: setting rlimit {} to ({}, {}, {})' .format(self.name, type, hard, soft, minimum)) self.set_capabilities_config(self.rspec['capabilities']) if self.rspec['capabilities']: logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: setting capabilities to {}' .format(self.name, self.rspec['capabilities'])) cpu_pct = self.rspec['cpu_pct'] cpu_share = self.rspec['cpu_share'] count = 1 for key in self.rspec.keys(): if key.find('sysctl.') == 0: sysctl = key.split('.') try: # /etc/vservers//sysctl// dirname = "/etc/vservers/{}/sysctl/{}".format(self.name, count) try: os.makedirs(dirname, 0755) except: pass with open("{}/setting".format(dirname), "w") as setting: setting.write("{}\n".format(key.lstrip("sysctl."))) with open("{}/value".format(dirname), "w") as value: value.write("{}\n".format(self.rspec[key])) count += 1 logger.log("sliver_vs: {}: writing {}={}" .format(self.name, key, self.rspec[key])) except IOError, e: logger.log("sliver_vs: {}: could not set {}={}" .format(self.name, key, self.rspec[key])) logger.log("sliver_vs: {}: error = {}".format(self.name, e)) if self.rspec['enabled'] > 0: if cpu_pct > 0: logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: setting cpu reservation to {}%' .format(self.name, cpu_pct)) else: cpu_pct = 0 if cpu_share > 0: logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: setting cpu share to {}' .format(self.name, cpu_share)) else: cpu_share = 0 self.set_sched_config(cpu_pct, cpu_share) # if IP address isn't set (even to, sliver won't be able to use network if self.rspec['ip_addresses'] != '': logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: setting IP address(es) to {}' .format(self.name, self.rspec['ip_addresses'])) add_loopback = True if 'isolate_loopback' in self.rspec['tags']: add_loopback = self.rspec['tags']['isolate_loopback'] != "1" self.set_ipaddresses_config(self.rspec['ip_addresses'], add_loopback) #logger.log("sliver_vs: {}: Setting name to {}".format(self.name, self.slice_id)) #self.setname(self.slice_id) #logger.log("sliver_vs: {}: Storing slice id of {} for PlanetFlow".format(self.name, self.slice_id)) try: vserver_config_path = '/etc/vservers/{}'.format(self.name) if not os.path.exists (vserver_config_path): os.makedirs (vserver_config_path) with open('{}/slice_id'.format(vserver_config_path), 'w') as sliceidfile: sliceidfile.write("{}\n".format(self.slice_id)) logger.log("sliver_vs: Recorded slice id {} for slice {}" .format(self.slice_id, self.name)) except IOError as e: logger.log("sliver_vs: Could not record slice_id for slice {}. Error: {}" .format(self.name, str(e))) except Exception as e: logger.log_exc("sliver_vs: Error recording slice id: {}".format(e), name=self.name) if self.enabled == False: self.enabled = True self.start() if False: # Does not work properly yet. if self.have_limits_changed(): logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: limits have changed --- restarting'.format(self.name)) stopcount = 10 while self.is_running() and stopcount > 0: self.stop() delay = 1 time.sleep(delay) stopcount = stopcount - 1 self.start() else: # tell vsh to disable remote login by setting CPULIMIT to 0 logger.log('sliver_vs: {}: disabling remote login'.format(self.name)) self.set_sched_config(0, 0) self.enabled = False self.stop()