"""A few things that didn't seem to fit anywhere else.""" import os, os.path import pwd import tempfile import fcntl import errno import threading import subprocess import shutil import sys import logger PID_FILE = '/var/run/nodemanager.pid' #################### def get_default_if(): interface = get_if_from_hwaddr(get_hwaddr_from_plnode()) if not interface: interface = "eth0" return interface def get_hwaddr_from_plnode(): try: for line in open("/usr/boot/plnode.txt", 'r').readlines(): if line.startswith("NET_DEVICE"): return line.split("=")[1].strip().strip('"') except: pass return None def get_if_from_hwaddr(hwaddr): import sioc devs = sioc.gifconf() for dev in devs: dev_hwaddr = sioc.gifhwaddr(dev) if dev_hwaddr == hwaddr: return dev return None #################### # daemonizing def as_daemon_thread(run): """Call function with no arguments in its own thread.""" thr = threading.Thread(target=run) thr.setDaemon(True) thr.start() def close_nonstandard_fds(): """Close all open file descriptors other than 0, 1, and 2.""" _SC_OPEN_MAX = 4 for fd in range(3, os.sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass # most likely an fd that isn't open # after http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_2.html def daemon(): """Daemonize the current process.""" if os.fork() != 0: os._exit(0) os.setsid() if os.fork() != 0: os._exit(0) os.chdir('/') os.umask(0022) devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(devnull, 0) # xxx fixme - this is just to make sure that nothing gets stupidly lost - should use devnull crashlog = os.open('/var/log/nodemanager.daemon', os.O_RDWR | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT, 0644) os.dup2(crashlog, 1) os.dup2(crashlog, 2) def fork_as(su, function, *args): """fork(), cd / to avoid keeping unused directories open, close all nonstandard file descriptors (to avoid capturing open sockets), fork() again (to avoid zombies) and call with arguments in the grandchild process. If is not None, set our group and user ids appropriately in the child process.""" child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: try: os.chdir('/') close_nonstandard_fds() if su: pw_ent = pwd.getpwnam(su) os.setegid(pw_ent[3]) os.seteuid(pw_ent[2]) child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: function(*args) except: os.seteuid(os.getuid()) # undo su so we can write the log file os.setegid(os.getgid()) logger.log_exc("tools: fork_as") os._exit(0) else: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) #################### # manage files def pid_file(): """We use a pid file to ensure that only one copy of NM is running at a given time. If successful, this function will write a pid file containing the pid of the current process. The return value is the pid of the other running process, or None otherwise.""" other_pid = None if os.access(PID_FILE, os.F_OK): # check for a pid file handle = open(PID_FILE) # pid file exists, read it other_pid = int(handle.read()) handle.close() # check for a process with that pid by sending signal 0 try: os.kill(other_pid, 0) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: other_pid = None # doesn't exist else: raise # who knows if other_pid == None: # write a new pid file write_file(PID_FILE, lambda f: f.write(str(os.getpid()))) return other_pid def write_file(filename, do_write, **kw_args): """Write file atomically by opening a temporary file, using to write that file, and then renaming the temporary file.""" shutil.move(write_temp_file(do_write, **kw_args), filename) def write_temp_file(do_write, mode=None, uidgid=None): fd, temporary_filename = tempfile.mkstemp() if mode: os.chmod(temporary_filename, mode) if uidgid: os.chown(temporary_filename, *uidgid) f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') try: do_write(f) finally: f.close() return temporary_filename # replace a target file with a new contents - checks for changes # can handle chmod if requested # can also remove resulting file if contents are void, if requested # performs atomically: # writes in a tmp file, which is then renamed (from sliverauth originally) # returns True if a change occurred, or the file is deleted def replace_file_with_string (target, new_contents, chmod=None, remove_if_empty=False): try: current=file(target).read() except: current="" if current==new_contents: # if turns out to be an empty string, and remove_if_empty is set, # then make sure to trash the file if it exists if remove_if_empty and not new_contents and os.path.isfile(target): logger.verbose("tools.replace_file_with_string: removing file %s"%target) try: os.unlink(target) finally: return True return False # overwrite target file: create a temp in the same directory path=os.path.dirname(target) or '.' fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp('','repl',path) os.write(fd,new_contents) os.close(fd) if os.path.exists(target): os.unlink(target) shutil.move(name,target) if chmod: os.chmod(target,chmod) return True #################### # utilities functions to get (cached) information from the node # get node_id from /etc/planetlab/node_id and cache it _node_id=None def node_id(): global _node_id if _node_id is None: try: _node_id=int(file("/etc/planetlab/node_id").read()) except: _node_id="" return _node_id _root_context_arch=None def root_context_arch(): global _root_context_arch if not _root_context_arch: sp=subprocess.Popen(["uname","-i"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (_root_context_arch,_)=sp.communicate() _root_context_arch=_root_context_arch.strip() return _root_context_arch #################### class NMLock: def __init__(self, file): logger.log("tools: Lock %s initialized." % file, 2) self.fd = os.open(file, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT, 0600) flags = fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) flags |= fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, flags) def __del__(self): os.close(self.fd) def acquire(self): logger.log("tools: Lock acquired.", 2) fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_SH) def release(self): logger.log("tools: Lock released.", 2) fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) #################### # Utilities for getting the IP address of a LXC/Openvswitch slice. Do this by # running ifconfig inside of the slice's context. def get_sliver_process(slice_name, process_cmdline): """ Utility function to find a process inside of an LXC sliver. Returns (cgroup_fn, pid). cgroup_fn is the filename of the cgroup file for the process, for example /proc/2592/cgroup. Pid is the process id of the process. If the process is not found then (None, None) is returned. """ try: cmd = 'grep %s /proc/*/cgroup | grep freezer'%slice_name output = os.popen(cmd).readlines() except: # the slice couldn't be found logger.log("get_sliver_process: couldn't find slice %s" % slice_name) return (None, None) cgroup_fn = None pid = None for e in output: try: l = e.rstrip() path = l.split(':')[0] comp = l.rsplit(':')[-1] slice_name_check = comp.rsplit('/')[-1] if (slice_name_check == slice_name): slice_path = path pid = slice_path.split('/')[2] cmdline = open('/proc/%s/cmdline'%pid).read().rstrip('\n\x00') if (cmdline == process_cmdline): cgroup_fn = slice_path break except: break if (not cgroup_fn) or (not pid): logger.log("get_sliver_process: process %s not running in slice %s" % (process_cmdline, slice_name)) return (None, None) return (cgroup_fn, pid) def get_sliver_ifconfig(slice_name, device="eth0"): """ return the output of "ifconfig" run from inside the sliver. side effects: adds "/usr/sbin" to sys.path """ # See if setns is installed. If it's not then we're probably not running # LXC. if not os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/setns.so"): return None # setns is part of lxcsu and is installed to /usr/sbin if not "/usr/sbin" in sys.path: sys.path.append("/usr/sbin") import setns (cgroup_fn, pid) = get_sliver_process(slice_name, "/sbin/init") if (not cgroup_fn) or (not pid): return None path = '/proc/%s/ns/net'%pid result = None try: setns.chcontext(path) args = ["/sbin/ifconfig", device] sub = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) sub.wait() if (sub.returncode != 0): logger.log("get_slice_ifconfig: error in ifconfig: %s" % sub.stderr.read()) result = sub.stdout.read() finally: setns.chcontext("/proc/1/ns/net") return result def get_sliver_ip(slice_name): ifconfig = get_sliver_ifconfig(slice_name) if not ifconfig: return None for line in ifconfig.split("\n"): if "inet addr:" in line: # example: ' inet addr: Bcast: Mask:' parts = line.strip().split() if len(parts)>=2 and parts[1].startswith("addr:"): return parts[1].split(":")[1] return None