reguire gnupg1 on f>=31; sense the system to use gpg1 when installed
[nodemanager.git] / systemd /
2019-01-07 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'python3'
2018-12-31 Thierry Parmentelatsomehow with a python3 API, the conf_files process...
2018-12-30 Thierry Parmentelata few more shebangs or calls to python
2018-12-28 Thierry Parmentelatblind and brutal 2to3
2014-07-22 Thomas Dreibholznm.service fix: the node manager needs
2014-06-30 Thierry ParmentelatThomas's change to ensure tighter synchro between conf_...
2014-05-15 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'packaging'
2014-05-13 Thierry Parmentelatadded some comments about the fuse subsystem wrt system...
2014-02-22 Thierry Parmentelatfix broken .service file
2014-02-03 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'systemd'
2014-01-20 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'systemd'
2014-01-16 Thierry Parmentelatinstall nodemanager with systemd unit files instead...