from pcucontrol.reboot import * from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; import subprocess class HPiLO(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,443] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): if self.type == Transport.SSH: return self.run_ssh(node_port, dryrun) elif self.type == Transport.HTTP or self.type == Transport.HTTPS: return self.run_https(node_port, dryrun) else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("Unimplemented Transport for HPiLO %s" % self.type) def run_ssh(self, node_port, dryrun):, self.username) self.transport.sendPassword(self.password) # hpiLO-> self.transport.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "cd system1") # Reboot Outlet N (Y/N)? if dryrun: self.transport.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "POWER") else: # Reset this machine self.transport.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "reset") self.transport.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "exit") self.transport.close() # NOTE: if an error occurs earlier, an exception should be thrown return 0 def run_https(self, node_port, dryrun): locfg = command.CMD() cmd_str = get_python_lib(1) + "/pcucontrol/models/hpilo/" cmd = cmd_str + " -s %s -f %s -u %s -p '%s' " % (, cmd_str+"iloxml/Get_Network.xml", self.username, self.password) cmd_out, cmd_err = locfg.run_noexcept(cmd) if locfg.s.returncode != 0: return cmd_out.strip() + cmd_err.strip() if dryrun: return 0 locfg = command.CMD() cmd = cmd_str + " -s %s -f %s -u %s -p '%s'" % (, cmd_str+"iloxml/PowerOn_Server.xml", self.username, self.password) cmd_out, cmd_err = locfg.run_noexcept(cmd) locfg = command.CMD() cmd = cmd_str + " -s %s -f %s -u %s -p '%s'" % (, cmd_str+"iloxml/Reset_Server.xml", self.username, self.password) cmd_out, cmd_err = locfg.run_noexcept(cmd) cmd = "grep 'MESSAGE' | grep -v 'No error' | grep -v 'Server being reset.'" p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) (grep_in, grep_out ) = (p.stdin, p.stdout) grep_in.write(cmd_out) grep_in.close() # close so read does not block output = if output.strip() != "": print "grep_out: %s" % output.strip() return output.strip() # NOTE: if an error occurs earlier, an exception should be thrown return 0