#!/usr/bin/python # # Reboot specified nodes # import getpass, getopt import os, sys import xml, xmlrpclib import errno, time, traceback import urllib2 import urllib import array, struct import base64 from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; import subprocess import pcucontrol.transports.ssh.pxssh as pxssh import pcucontrol.transports.ssh.pexpect as pexpect import socket # Use our versions of telnetlib and pyssh sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) import pcucontrol.transports.telnetlib as telnetlib sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/pyssh") import pcucontrol.transports.pyssh as pyssh # Event class ID from pcu events #NODE_POWER_CONTROL = 3 # Monitor user ID #MONITOR_USER_ID = 11142 import logging verbose = 1 #dryrun = 0; class ExceptionNoTransport(Exception): pass class ExceptionNotFound(Exception): pass class ExceptionPassword(Exception): pass class ExceptionTimeout(Exception): pass class ExceptionPrompt(Exception): pass class ExceptionSequence(Exception): pass class ExceptionReset(Exception): pass class ExceptionPort(Exception): pass class ExceptionUsername(Exception): pass # PCU has model, host, preferred-port, user, passwd, # This is an object derived directly form the PLCAPI DB fields class PCU(object): def __init__(self, plc_pcu_dict): for field in ['username', 'password', 'site_id', 'hostname', 'ip', 'pcu_id', 'model', 'node_ids', 'ports', ]: if field in plc_pcu_dict: if type(u"") == type(plc_pcu_dict[field]): # NOTE: if is a unicode string, convert it. self.__setattr__(field, str(plc_pcu_dict[field])) else: self.__setattr__(field, plc_pcu_dict[field]) else: raise Exception("No such field %s in PCU object" % field) # These are the convenience functions build around the PCU object. class PCUModel(PCU): def __init__(self, plc_pcu_dict): PCU.__init__(self, plc_pcu_dict) self.host = self.pcu_name() def pcu_name(self): if self.hostname is not None and self.hostname is not "": return self.hostname elif self.ip is not None and self.ip is not "": return self.ip else: return None def nodeidToPort(self, node_id): if node_id in self.node_ids: for i in range(0, len(self.node_ids)): if node_id == self.node_ids[i]: return self.ports[i] raise Exception("No such Node ID: %d" % node_id) def catcherror(self, function, node_port, dryrun): try: return function(node_port, dryrun) except ExceptionNotFound, err: return "Not found: " + str(err) except ExceptionPassword, err: return "Password exception: " + str(err) except ExceptionTimeout, err: return "Timeout exception: " + str(err) except ExceptionUsername, err: return "No username prompt: " + str(err) except ExceptionSequence, err: return "Sequence error: " + str(err) except ExceptionPrompt, err: return "Prompt exception: " + str(err) except ExceptionNoTransport, err: return "No Transport: " + str(err) except ExceptionPort, err: return "No ports exception: " + str(err) except socket.error, err: return "socket error: timeout: " + str(err) except urllib2.HTTPError, err: return "HTTPError: " + str(err) except urllib2.URLError, err: return "URLError: " + str(err) except EOFError, err: self.transport.close() import traceback traceback.print_exc() return "EOF connection reset" + str(err) except Exception, err: #from monitor.common import email_exception #email_exception(self.host) raise Exception(err) # This class captures the observed pcu records from FindBadPCUs.py class PCURecord: def __init__(self, pcu_record_dict): for field in ['port_status', 'dns_status', 'entry_complete', ]: if field in pcu_record_dict: if field == "reboot": self.__setattr__("reboot_str", pcu_record_dict[field]) else: self.__setattr__(field, pcu_record_dict[field]) #else: # raise Exception("No such field %s in pcu record dict" % field) class Transport: TELNET = "telnet" SSH = "ssh" HTTP = "http" HTTPS = "https" IPAL = "ipal" IPMI = "ipmi" DRAC = "drac" AMT = "amt" TELNET_TIMEOUT = 120 porttypemap = { 5869 : DRAC, 22 : SSH, 23 : TELNET, 443 : HTTPS, 80 : HTTP, 9100 : IPAL, 623 : IPMI, 16992 : AMT, } def __init__(self, type, verbose): self.type = type self.verbose = verbose self.transport = None def open(self, host, username=None, password=None, prompt="User Name"): transport = None if self.type == self.TELNET: transport = telnetlib.Telnet(host, timeout=self.TELNET_TIMEOUT) transport.set_debuglevel(self.verbose) if username is not None: self.transport = transport self.ifThenSend(prompt, username, ExceptionUsername) elif self.type == self.SSH: if username is not None: transport = pyssh.Ssh(username, host) transport.set_debuglevel(self.verbose) transport.open() # TODO: have an ssh set_debuglevel() also... else: raise Exception("Username cannot be None for ssh transport.") elif self.type == self.HTTP: # NOTE: this does not work for all web-based services... self.url = "http://%s:%d/" % (host,80) uri = "%s:%d" % (host,80) # create authinfo authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() authinfo.add_password (None, uri, username, password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( authinfo ) transport = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) else: raise Exception("Unknown transport type: %s" % self.type) self.transport = transport return True def close(self): if self.type == self.TELNET: self.transport.close() elif self.type == self.SSH: self.transport.close() elif self.type == self.HTTP: pass else: raise Exception("Unknown transport type %s" % self.type) self.transport = None def write(self, msg): return self.send(msg) def send(self, msg): if self.transport == None: raise ExceptionNoTransport("transport object is type None") return self.transport.write(msg) def sendPassword(self, password, prompt=None): if self.type == self.TELNET: if prompt == None: self.ifThenSend("Password", password, ExceptionPassword) else: self.ifThenSend(prompt, password, ExceptionPassword) elif self.type == self.SSH: self.ifThenSend("password:", password, ExceptionPassword) elif self.type == self.HTTP: pass else: raise Exception("Unknown transport type: %s" % self.type) def sendHTTP(self, resource, data): if self.verbose: print "POSTing '%s' to %s" % (data,self.url + resource) try: f = self.transport.open(self.url + resource ,data) r = f.read() if self.verbose: print r except urllib2.URLError,err: print 'Could not open http connection', err return "http transport error" return 0 def ifThenSend(self, expected, buffer, ErrorClass=ExceptionPrompt): if self.transport != None: output = self.transport.read_until(expected, self.TELNET_TIMEOUT) if output.find(expected) == -1: print "OUTPUT: --%s--" % output raise ErrorClass, "'%s' not found: Got: %s" % (expected, output) else: self.transport.write(buffer + "\r\n") else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("transport object is type None") def ifElse(self, expected, ErrorClass): try: self.transport.read_until(expected, self.TELNET_TIMEOUT) except: raise ErrorClass("Could not find '%s' within timeout" % expected) class PCUControl(PCUModel,PCURecord): """ There are three cases: 1) the pcu_record passed below includes port_status from an external probe. 2) the external probe failed, and the values are empty 3) this call is made independent of port_status. In the first case, the first open port is used. In the third case, the ports are tried in sequence. In this way, the port_status value serves only as an optimization, because closed ports are avoided. The supported_ports value should order ports by their preferred usage. """ supported_ports = [] def __init__(self, plc_pcu_record, verbose, ignored=None): PCUModel.__init__(self, plc_pcu_record) PCURecord.__init__(self, plc_pcu_record) def reboot(self, node_port, dryrun): port_list = [] # There are two sources of potential ports. Those that are open and # those that are part of the PCU's supported_ports. # I think we should start with supported_ports and then filter that # by the open ports. port_list = self.supported_ports if hasattr(self, 'port_status') and self.port_status: # get out the open ports port_list = filter(lambda x: self.port_status[x] == "open" , self.port_status.keys()) port_list = [ int(x) for x in port_list ] # take only the open ports that are supported_ports port_list = filter(lambda x: x in self.supported_ports, port_list) if port_list == []: raise ExceptionPort("No Open Port: No transport from open ports") print port_list ret = "No implementation for open ports on selected PCU model" for port in port_list: if port not in Transport.porttypemap: continue type = Transport.porttypemap[port] self.transport = Transport(type, verbose) print "checking for run_%s" % type if hasattr(self, "run_%s" % type): print "found run_%s" % type fxn = getattr(self, "run_%s" % type) ret = self.catcherror(fxn, node_port, dryrun) if ret == 0: # NOTE: success!, so stop break else: continue return ret def run(self, node_port, dryrun): """ This function is to be defined by the specific PCU instance. """ raise Exception("This function is not implemented") class BasicPCUControl(PCUModel): """ This is the basic pcucontrol super class on which the classes in pcucontrol/models/* are based. Each model implements a specific 'run' function that can use any mechanism available to reboot the given PCU using, hostname, password, username, and dryrun. This is best suited for nodes with built-in PCUs, iLO, AMT, DRAC, etc. """ supported_ports = [] install_path = get_python_lib(1) + "/pcucontrol/" def __init__(self, plc_pcu_record, ignored=None): PCUModel.__init__(self, plc_pcu_record) def run_expect_script(self, scriptname, **args): locfg = command.CMD() cmd_str = get_python_lib(1) + "/pcucontrol/models/exp/" cmd = cmd_str + "%s %s %s '%s' %s %s " % ( scriptname, self.host, self.username, self.password, args['dryrun'], args['model']) print cmd cmd_out, cmd_err = locfg.run_noexcept(cmd) return cmd_out.strip() + cmd_err.strip() def reboot(self, node_port, dryrun): if dryrun: looking_for_fxn = 'pcu_test' else: looking_for_fxn = 'pcu_run' # verify that the function exists. if not hasattr(self, looking_for_fxn): raise Exception("This model (%s) does not implement %s" % (self.model, looking_for_fxn)) print "found function %s in model %s" % (looking_for_fxn, self.model) reboot_fxn = getattr(self, looking_for_fxn) ret = self.catcherror(reboot_fxn, node_port, dryrun) return ret def run(self, node_port, dryrun): """ This function is to be defined by the specific PCU instance. """ raise Exception("This function is not implemented") from pcucontrol.util import command from pcucontrol.models import * def pcu_name(pcu): if pcu['hostname'] is not None and pcu['hostname'] is not "": return pcu['hostname'] elif pcu['ip'] is not None and pcu['ip'] is not "": return pcu['ip'] else: return None class Unknown(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,23,80,443,5869,9100,16992] def model_to_object(modelname): if modelname is None: return ManualPCU if "AMT" in modelname: return IntelAMT elif "BayTech" in modelname: return BayTech elif "HPiLO" in modelname: return HPiLO elif "IPAL" in modelname: return IPAL elif "APC" in modelname: return APCControl elif "DRAC" in modelname: return DRAC elif "WTI" in modelname: return WTIIPS4 elif "ePowerSwitch" in modelname: return ePowerSwitchNew elif "IPMI" in modelname: return OpenIPMI elif "BlackBoxPSMaverick" in modelname: return BlackBoxPSMaverick elif "PM211MIP" in modelname: return PM211MIP elif "ManualPCU" in modelname: return ManualPCU else: print "UNKNOWN model %s"%modelname return Unknown def reboot_api(node, pcu, testrun=False): rb_ret = "" try: modelname = pcu['model'] if modelname: # get object instance instance = eval('%s(pcu, verbose)' % modelname) # get pcu port i = pcu['node_ids'].index(node['node_id']) p = pcu['ports'][i] # reboot rb_ret = instance.reboot(p, testrun) else: rb_ret = "No modelname in PCU record." # TODO: how to handle the weird, georgetown pcus, the drac faults, and ilo faults except Exception, err: rb_ret = "Exception Model(%s): " % modelname rb_ret += str(err) return rb_ret def convert_oldmodelname_to_newmodelname(oldmodelname, pcu_id): newmodelname = None update = { 'AP79xx' : 'APCControl13p13', 'Masterswitch' : 'APCControl13p13', 'DS4-RPC' : 'BayTech', 'IP-41x_IP-81x' : 'IPAL', 'DRAC3' : 'DRAC', 'DRAC4' : 'DRAC', 'ePowerSwitch' : 'ePowerSwitchOld', 'ilo2' : 'HPiLO', 'ilo1' : 'HPiLO', 'PM211-MIP' : 'PM211MIP', 'AMT2.5' : 'IntelAMT', 'AMT3.0' : 'IntelAMT', 'WTI_IPS-4' : 'WTIIPS4', 'unknown' : 'ManualPCU', 'DRAC5' : 'DRAC', 'ipmi' : 'OpenIPMI', 'bbsemaverick' : 'BlackBoxPSMaverick', 'manualadmin' : 'ManualPCU', } if oldmodelname in update: newmodelname = update[oldmodelname] else: newmodelname = oldmodelname if pcu_id in [1102,1163,1055,1111,1231,1113,1127,1128,1148]: newmodelname = 'APCControl12p3' elif pcu_id in [1110,86]: newmodelname = 'APCControl1p4' elif pcu_id in [1221,1225,1220,1192]: newmodelname = 'APCControl121p3' elif pcu_id in [1173,1240,47,1363,1405,1401,1372,1371]: newmodelname = 'APCControl121p1' elif pcu_id in [1056,1237,1052,1209,1002,1008,1013,1022]: newmodelname = 'BayTechCtrlC' elif pcu_id in [93]: newmodelname = 'BayTechRPC3NC' elif pcu_id in [1057]: newmodelname = 'BayTechCtrlCUnibe' elif pcu_id in [1012]: newmodelname = 'BayTechRPC16' elif pcu_id in [1089, 1071, 1046, 1035, 1118]: newmodelname = 'ePowerSwitchNew' return newmodelname def reboot_test_new(nodename, values, verbose, dryrun): rb_ret = "" if 'plc_pcu_stats' in values: values.update(values['plc_pcu_stats']) try: #modelname = convert_oldmodelname_to_newmodelname(values['model'], values['pcu_id']) modelname = values['model'] if modelname: object = eval('%s(values, verbose)' % modelname) rb_ret = object.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) else: rb_ret = "Not_Run" # TODO: how to handle the weird, georgetown pcus, the drac faults, and ilo faults except ExceptionPort, err: rb_ret = str(err) except NameError, err: rb_ret = str(err) return rb_ret def main(): print "this does not work." if __name__ == '__main__': main()