Planetlab Ping-of-Death (POD) ----------------------------- The Planetlab POD is a Linux kernel patch that creates the feature of resetting and rebooting a computer when a particularily formatted ICMP "ping" commmand is received. A PlanetLab node's kernel gets a host, mask and hash value through sysctl's that are performed on the node. The node then looks for an ICMP packet from a host matching the host/mask and, if the packet payload is the hash value, the node forces an immediate reboot. From a controlling host's side, one invokes commands on the remote node to set the host, mask and hash values and remembering the hash value. When the rebooting of a remote node is required, the remembered hash value is looked up and sent to the node in a specially constructed ICMP packet. This POD system uses the same packet definition as EMULAB and uses the some code from EMULAB to generate and transmit the packet. No reason to invent something new. The remote execution (ssh commands) are all done as "idsl1". Contolling host tools: pl-podset: set the host and hash on a remote node Call: pl-podset hostIP maskIP targetName Uses ssh to call 'pl-podcntl' on the remote node to set the host and hash in that node. Also saves the information into the file './HashFile'. pl-podzap: send ICMP packet to node to resetit Call: pl-podzap targetName Fetches parameters from the file './HashFile' and calls 'pl-poddoit' on the 'hostIP' machine to send the reset ICMP packet to the specified target node. Note that this relies on the planetlab node that was specified in the 'pl-podset' command to actually do the packet transmission. pl-poddoit: send the ICMP packet (called by 'pl-podzap') Routine that constructs an ICMP packet of the proper format and send it to the node. Planetlab node scripts: pl-podcntl: set the host and hash into the kernel Call: pl-podcntl hostIP maskIP hashValue Sets the specified values into the kernel and enables the POD filtering operation. EXAMPLE ------- Setting a node to be able to reset (assuming running on pl-podset To later reset the node (command performed on pl-podzap