#!/usr/bin/python # adds a node to a nodegroup - to be called with an argument (the ip or hostname of the plc) import sys import xmlrpclib import sys import getpass sys.path.append('/usr/share/plc_api') if (len(sys.argv)<2): print('I need the first argument (the pi or hostname address of the plc)') exit(1) plc_ip=sys.argv[1] user = raw_input('Insert your user:') #password= getpass('Insert your password:') password = raw_input('Insert your password:') hostname = raw_input('Insert the node hostname:') nodegroup=raw_input('Insert the group:') auth = {} auth['AuthMethod'] = 'password' auth['Username'] = user auth['AuthString'] = password plc = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('https://'+plc_ip+'/PLCAPI/', allow_none=True) authorized = plc.AuthCheck(auth) if authorized: print 'We are authorized!' node_fields = {'nodegroups' : [nodegroup] } nodes = plc.GetNodes(auth, hostname, ['node_id']) if len(nodes)>1: print 'I found %d node with that hostname' % len(nodes) exit(1) if len(nodes)==0: print 'I haven\'t found any nodes with that hostname' exit(1) node_id=nodes[0]['node_id'] if plc.UpdateNode (auth, node_id, node_fields) != 1: print "Couldn't set the nodegroup - error in UpdateNode api";