#define _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #define _SVID_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "umts.h" //#define DEBUG int vfd0, vfd1; //char *inf,*outf; int i = 0; //int c=0; #define BUFSIZE 2048 char lineread[BUFSIZE]; char command[BUFSIZE]; char * lock_file="/var/run/umts_lock"; int ret; char * vsys_in="/vsys/umts_backend.in"; char * vsys_out="/vsys/umts_backend.out"; fd_set set; char lineread[BUFSIZE]; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp){ if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: umts [ argument ]\n"); exit(1); } else { strcpy(command, argv[1]); if (argc > 2){ strcat(command, " "); strcat(command, argv[2]); } strcat(command, "\n"); int lock_fd=open(lock_file,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT); if (lock_fd==-1){ printf("Error in creating lock file %s. Are you root of the slice?\n", lock_file); exit(1); } if (flock(lock_fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)){ if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK){ printf("An operation is already being performed.\n"); close(lock_fd); exit(1); } else if (errno == EBADF){ printf("Error in lock file: 1\n"); close(lock_fd); exit(1); } else { printf("Error in lock file: 2\n"); close(lock_fd); exit(1); } } vfd0 = open(vsys_out, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Opened %s\n", vsys_out); #endif vfd1 = open(vsys_in, O_WRONLY); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Opened %s\n", vsys_in); #endif if (vfd0 == -1 || vfd1 == -1) { printf("Error opening vsys umts entry.\n"); exit(1); } write(vfd1, command, strlen(command)); FD_ZERO(&set); while(1){ FD_SET(vfd0, &set); ret = select(vfd0+1, &set, NULL, NULL, NULL); ret=read(vfd0,lineread,2048); if (strstr(lineread,"EOF")) break; //if (ret==0) break; write(1,lineread,ret); fflush(stdout); FD_CLR(vfd0,&set); }; close(vfd0); close(vfd1); flock(lock_fd, LOCK_UN); close(lock_fd); } return 0; }