# $Id$ # $Id$ # $URL$ # # Thierry Parmentelat - INRIA # from types import StringTypes from PLC.Faults import * from PLC.Parameter import Parameter from PLC.Filter import Filter from PLC.Table import Row, Table from PLC.Roles import Role, Roles # xxx todo : deleting a tag type should delete the related nodegroup(s) class TagType (Row): """ Representation of a row in the tag_types table. """ table_name = 'tag_types' primary_key = 'tag_type_id' join_tables = ['node_tag', 'interface_tag', 'slice_tag', 'site_tag', 'person_tag' ] fields = { 'tag_type_id': Parameter(int, "Node tag type identifier"), 'tagname': Parameter(str, "Node tag type name", max = 100), 'description': Parameter(str, "Node tag type description", max = 254), 'category' : Parameter (str, "Node tag category", max=64, optional=True), 'min_role_id': Parameter(int, "Minimum (least powerful) role that can set or change this attribute"), } def validate_name(self, name): if not len(name): raise PLCInvalidArgument, "tag type name must be set" conflicts = TagTypes(self.api, [name]) for tag_type in conflicts: if 'tag_type_id' not in self or \ self['tag_type_id'] != tag_type['tag_type_id']: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "tag type name already in use" return name def validate_min_role_id(self, role_id): roles = [row['role_id'] for row in Roles(self.api)] if role_id not in roles: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Invalid role" return role_id class TagTypes(Table): """ Representation of row(s) from the tag_types table in the database. """ def __init__(self, api, tag_type_filter = None, columns = None): Table.__init__(self, api, TagType, columns) sql = "SELECT %s FROM tag_types WHERE True" % \ ", ".join(self.columns) if tag_type_filter is not None: if isinstance(tag_type_filter, (list, tuple, set)): # Separate the list into integers and strings ints = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long)), tag_type_filter) strs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, StringTypes), tag_type_filter) tag_type_filter = Filter(TagType.fields, {'tag_type_id': ints, 'tagname': strs}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % tag_type_filter.sql(api, "OR") elif isinstance(tag_type_filter, dict): tag_type_filter = Filter(TagType.fields, tag_type_filter) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % tag_type_filter.sql(api, "AND") elif isinstance(tag_type_filter, (int, long)): tag_type_filter = Filter(TagType.fields, {'tag_type_id':tag_type_filter}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % tag_type_filter.sql(api, "AND") elif isinstance(tag_type_filter, StringTypes): tag_type_filter = Filter(TagType.fields, {'tagname':tag_type_filter}) sql += " AND (%s) %s" % tag_type_filter.sql(api, "AND") else: raise PLCInvalidArgument, "Wrong tag type filter %r"%tag_type_filter self.selectall(sql)