from hashlib import md5 CONTROL_CHARACTERS = set([chr(i) for i in range(0,33)]) CONTROL_CHARACTERS.add(chr(127)) def sanitize_memcached_key(key, max_length=250): """ Removes control characters and ensures that key will not hit the memcached key length limit by replacing the key tail with md5 hash if key is too long. """ key = ''.join([c for c in key if c not in CONTROL_CHARACTERS]) if len(key) > max_length: hash = md5(key).hexdigest() key = key[:max_length-33]+'-'+hash return key def _args_to_unicode(args, kwargs): key = "" if args: key += str(args) if kwargs: key += str(kwargs) return key def _func_type(func): """ returns if callable is a function, method or a classmethod """ argnames = func.__code__.co_varnames[:func.__code__.co_argcount] if len(argnames) > 0: if argnames[0] == 'self': return 'method' if argnames[0] == 'cls': return 'classmethod' return 'function' def _func_info(func, args): ''' introspect function's or method's full name. Returns a tuple (name, normalized_args,) with 'cls' and 'self' removed from normalized_args ''' func_type = _func_type(func) if func_type == 'function': return ".".join([func.__module__, func.__name__]), args class_name = args[0].__class__.__name__ if func_type == 'classmethod': class_name = args[0].__name__ return ".".join([func.__module__, class_name, func.__name__]), args[1:] def _cache_key(func_name, func_type, args, kwargs): """ Construct readable cache key """ if func_type == 'function': args_string = _args_to_unicode(args, kwargs) else: args_string = _args_to_unicode(args[1:], kwargs) return sanitize_memcached_key('[cached]%s(%s)' % (func_name, args_string,))