'zip', 'fop' => 'fop', 'php' => 'php' ); protected static $options = array( 'repo' => 'https://github.com/gggeek/phpxmlrpc', 'branch' => 'php53' ); public static function libVersion() { if (self::$libVersion == null) throw new \Exception('Missing library version argument'); return self::$libVersion; } public static function buildDir() { return self::$buildDir; } public static function workspaceDir() { return self::buildDir().'/workspace'; } /// most likely things will break if this one is moved outside of BuildDir public static function distDir() { return self::buildDir().'/xmlrpc-'.self::libVersion(); } /// these will be generated in BuildDir public static function distFiles() { return array( 'xmlrpc-'.self::libVersion().'.tar.gz', 'xmlrpc-'.self::libVersion().'.zip', ); } /// @todo move git branch to be a named option? public static function getOpts($args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { if (count($args) > 0) // throw new \Exception('Missing library version argument'); self::$libVersion = $args[0]; if (count($args) > 1) self::$sourceBranch = $args[1]; foreach (self::$tools as $name => $binary) { if (isset($cliOpts[$name])) { self::$tools[$name] = $cliOpts[$name]; } } foreach (self::$options as $name => $value) { if (isset($cliOpts[$name])) { self::$options[$name] = $cliOpts[$name]; } } //pake_echo('---'.self::$libVersion.'---'); } public static function tool($name) { return self::$tools[$name]; } public static function option($name) { return self::$options[$name]; } /** * @param string $inFile * @param string $xssFile * @param string $outFileOrDir * @throws \Exception */ public static function applyXslt($inFile, $xssFile, $outFileOrDir) { if (!file_exists($inFile)) { throw new \Exception("File $inFile cannot be found"); } if (!file_exists($xssFile)) { throw new \Exception("File $xssFile cannot be found"); } // Load the XML source $xml = new \DOMDocument(); $xml->load($inFile); $xsl = new \DOMDocument(); $xsl->load($xssFile); // Configure the transformer $processor = new \XSLTProcessor(); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', "<")) { if (defined('XSL_SECPREF_WRITE_FILE')) { ini_set("xsl.security_prefs", XSL_SECPREF_CREATE_DIRECTORY | XSL_SECPREF_WRITE_FILE); } } else { // the php online docs only mention setSecurityPrefs, but somehow some installs have setSecurityPreferences... if (method_exists('XSLTProcessor', 'setSecurityPrefs')) { $processor->setSecurityPrefs(XSL_SECPREF_CREATE_DIRECTORY | XSL_SECPREF_WRITE_FILE); } else { $processor->setSecurityPreferences(XSL_SECPREF_CREATE_DIRECTORY | XSL_SECPREF_WRITE_FILE); } } $processor->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rules if (is_dir($outFileOrDir)) { if (!$processor->setParameter('', 'base.dir', realpath($outFileOrDir))) { echo "setting param base.dir KO\n"; } } $out = $processor->transformToXML($xml); if (!is_dir($outFileOrDir)) { file_put_contents($outFileOrDir, $out); } } public static function highlightPhpInHtml($content) { $startTag = '
        $endTag = '
'; //$content = file_get_contents($inFile); $last = 0; $out = ''; while (($start = strpos($content, $startTag, $last)) !== false) { $end = strpos($content, $endTag, $start); $code = substr($content, $start + strlen($startTag), $end - $start - strlen($startTag)); if ($code[strlen($code) - 1] == "\n") { $code = substr($code, 0, -1); } $code = str_replace(array('>', '<'), array('>', '<'), $code); $code = highlight_string('<?php 
', '', $code); $out = $out . substr($content, $last, $start + strlen($startTag) - $last) . $code . $endTag; $last = $end + strlen($endTag); } $out .= substr($content, $last, strlen($content)); return $out; } } } namespace { use PhpXmlRpc\Builder; function run_default($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { echo "Syntax: pake {\$pake-options} \$task \$lib-version [\$git-tag] {\$task-options}\n"; echo "\n"; echo " Run 'pake help' to list all pake options\n"; echo " Run 'pake -T' to list available tasks\n"; echo " Run 'pake -P' to list all available tasks (including hidden ones) and their dependencies\n"; echo "\n"; echo " Task options:\n"; echo " --repo=REPO URL of the source repository to clone. defaults to the github repo.\n"; echo " --branch=BRANCH The git branch to build from.\n"; echo " --php=PHP Location of the php command-line interpreter\n"; echo " --fop=FOP Location of the fop command-line tool\n"; echo " --zip=ZIP Location of the zip tool\n"; } function run_getopts($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { Builder::getOpts($args, $cliOpts); } /** * Downloads source code in the build workspace directory, optionally checking out the given branch/tag */ function run_init($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { // download the current version into the workspace $targetDir = Builder::workspaceDir(); // check if workspace exists and is not already set to the correct repo if (is_dir($targetDir) && pakeGit::isRepository($targetDir)) { $repo = new pakeGit($targetDir); $remotes = $repo->remotes(); if (trim($remotes['origin']['fetch']) != Builder::option('repo')) { throw new Exception("Directory '$targetDir' exists and is not linked to correct git repo"); } /// @todo should we not just fetch instead? $repo->pull(); } else { pake_mkdirs(dirname($targetDir)); $repo = pakeGit::clone_repository(Builder::option('repo'), Builder::workspaceDir()); } $repo->checkout(Builder::option('branch')); } /** * Runs all the build steps. * * (does nothing by itself, as all the steps are managed via task dependencies) */ function run_build($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { } function run_clean_doc() { //pake_remove_dir(Builder::workspaceDir().'/doc/out'); pake_remove_dir(Builder::workspaceDir().'/doc/api'); $finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('*.html'); pake_remove($finder, Builder::workspaceDir().'/doc/manual'); } /** * Generates documentation in all formats */ function run_doc($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { $docDir = Builder::workspaceDir().'/doc'; // API docs from phpdoc comments using phpdocumentor $cmd = Builder::tool('php'); pake_sh("$cmd vendor/phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor/bin/phpdoc run -d ".Builder::workspaceDir().'/src'." -t ".Builder::workspaceDir().'/doc/api --title PHP-XMLRPC'); # Jade cmd yet to be rebuilt, starting from xml file and putting output in ./out dir, e.g. # jade -t xml -d custom.dsl xmlrpc_php.xml # # convertdoc command for xmlmind xxe editor # convertdoc docb.toHTML xmlrpc_php.xml -u out # # saxon + xerces xml parser + saxon extensions + xslthl: adds a little syntax highligting # (bold and italics only, no color) for php source examples... # java \ # -classpath c:\programmi\saxon\saxon.jar\;c:\programmi\saxon\xslthl.jar\;c:\programmi\xerces\xercesImpl.jar\;C:\htdocs\xmlrpc_cvs\docbook-xsl\extensions\saxon65.jar \ # -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl \ # -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl \ # -Dxslthl.config=file:///c:/htdocs/xmlrpc_cvs/docbook-xsl/highlighting/xslthl-config.xml \ # com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -o xmlrpc_php.fo.xml xmlrpc_php.xml custom.fo.xsl use.extensions=1 //pake_mkdirs($docDir.'/out'); // HTML files from docbook Builder::applyXslt($docDir.'/manual/phpxmlrpc_manual.xml', $docDir.'/build/custom.xsl', $docDir.'/manual'); // post process html files to highlight php code samples foreach(pakeFinder::type('file')->name('*.html')->in($docDir.'/manual') as $file) { file_put_contents($file, Builder::highlightPhpInHtml(file_get_contents($file))); } // PDF file from docbook // convert to fo and then to pdf using apache fop Builder::applyXslt($docDir.'/manual/phpxmlrpc_manual.xml', $docDir.'/build/custom.fo.xsl', $docDir.'/manual/phpxmlrpc_manual.fo.xml'); $cmd = Builder::tool('fop'); pake_sh("$cmd $docDir/manual/phpxmlrpc_manual.fo.xml $docDir/manual/phpxmlrpc_manual.pdf"); unlink($docDir.'/manual/phpxmlrpc_manual.fo.xml'); } function run_clean_dist() { pake_remove_dir(Builder::distDir()); $finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->name(Builder::distFiles()); pake_remove($finder, Builder::buildDir()); } /** * Creates the tarballs for a release */ function run_dist($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { // copy workspace dir into dist dir, without git pake_mkdirs(Builder::distDir()); $finder = pakeFinder::type('any')->ignore_version_control(); pake_mirror($finder, realpath(Builder::workspaceDir()), realpath(Builder::distDir())); // remove unwanted files from dist dir // also: do we still need to run dos2unix? // create tarballs $cwd = getcwd(); chdir(dirname(Builder::distDir())); foreach(Builder::distFiles() as $distFile) { // php can not really create good zip files via phar: they are not compressed! if (substr($distFile, -4) == '.zip') { $cmd = Builder::tool('zip'); $extra = '-9 -r'; pake_sh("$cmd $distFile $extra ".basename(Builder::distDir())); } else { $finder = pakeFinder::type('any')->pattern(basename(Builder::distDir()).'/**'); // see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=58852 $pharFile = str_replace(Builder::libVersion(), '_LIBVERSION_', $distFile); pakeArchive::createArchive($finder, '.', $pharFile); rename($pharFile, $distFile); } } chdir($cwd); } function run_clean_workspace($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { pake_remove_dir(Builder::workspaceDir()); } /** * Cleans up the whole build directory * @todo 'make clean' usually just removes the results of the build, distclean removes all but sources */ function run_clean($task=null, $args=array(), $cliOpts=array()) { pake_remove_dir(Builder::buildDir()); } // helper task: display help text pake_task( 'default' ); // internal task: parse cli options pake_task('getopts'); pake_task('init', 'getopts'); pake_task('doc', 'getopts', 'init', 'clean-doc'); pake_task('build', 'getopts', 'init', 'doc'); pake_task('dist', 'getopts', 'init', 'build', 'clean-dist'); pake_task('clean-doc', 'getopts'); pake_task('clean-dist', 'getopts'); pake_task('clean-workspace', 'getopts'); pake_task('clean', 'getopts'); }