%define url $URL$ %define name pypcilib %define version 0.2 %define taglevel 11 %define release %{taglevel}%{?pldistro:.%{pldistro}}%{?date:.%{date}} %define python2_sitelib %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()") # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/No_more_automagic_Python_bytecompilation # Turn off the brp-python-bytecompile automagic %global _python_bytecompile_extra 0 Summary: Python library for doing PCI stuff Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} License: BSD Group: System Environment/Libraries Packager: PlanetLab Central Distribution: PlanetLab %{plrelease} #URL: http://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/pypcilib URL: %(echo %{url} | cut -d ' ' -f 2) Source0: pypcilib-%{version}.tar.bz2 Requires: /sbin/lspci BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(id -un) %description pypcilib is a Python library to scan PCI devices using libpci from pciutils, and to parse the modules.pcimap file. %prep %setup -q %build %{__python2} setup.py build %install rm -fr "%{buildroot}" %{__python2} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root "%{buildroot}" %py_byte_compile %{__python2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pypcimap %py_byte_compile %{__python2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pypci touch %{buildroot}%{python2_sitelib}/pypcimap.py{c,o} touch %{buildroot}%{python2_sitelib}/pypci.py{c,o} %clean rm -fr "%{buildroot}" %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{python2_sitelib}/pypcimap.py %ghost %{python2_sitelib}/pypcimap.pyc %ghost %{python2_sitelib}/pypcimap.pyo %{python2_sitelib}/pypci.py %ghost %{python2_sitelib}/pypci.pyc %ghost %{python2_sitelib}/pypci.pyo # xxx - quick'n dirty %if ("%{distro}" == "Fedora" && %{distrorelease} >= 9) || ("%{distro}" == "SL" && %{distrorelease} >= 6) || ("%{distro}" == "CentOS") %{python2_sitelib}/pypciscan*.egg-info %endif %changelog * Mon Feb 11 2013 Stephen Soltesz - pypcilib-0.2-11 * Fri Mar 11 2011 S.Çağlar Onur - pypcilib-0.2-10 - Supoprt SL6 * Sun Dec 27 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - pypcilib-0.2-9 - fix build for fedora 12 * Mon Aug 10 2009 Stephen Soltesz - pypcilib-0.2-8 - Add e1000e to the greylist * Tue May 26 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - pypcilib-0.2-7 - ready for fedora11 * Tue Apr 07 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - pypcilib-0.2-6 - use 8139too driver over 8139cp for realtek 8139 chipsets * Thu Jan 08 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - pypcilib-0.2-5 - support for building on fedora 10 * Thu Dec 04 2008 Thierry Parmentelat - pypcilib-0.2-4 - somehow the versions in the specfile are wrong in tag 0.2-3 * Wed Sep 10 2008 Thierry Parmentelat - pypcilib-0.2-2 - fixes for building on f9/gcc-4.3 - no functional change * Fri Mar 14 2008 Daniel Hokka Zakrisson - 0.2-1 - Remove pypciscan library, reimplemented in Python * Mon Nov 19 2007 Daniel Hokka Zakrisson - 0.1-1 - initial release