# $Id$ import os import socket import time import tempfile import sioc import modprobe def InitInterfaces(logger, plc, data, root="", files_only=False): sysconfig = "%s/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" % root # query running network interfaces devs = sioc.gifconf() ips = dict(zip(devs.values(), devs.keys())) macs = {} for dev in devs: macs[sioc.gifhwaddr(dev).lower()] = dev # assume data['networks'] contains this node's NodeNetworks interfaces = {} interface = 1 hostname = data.get('hostname',socket.gethostname()) networks = data['networks'] failedToGetSettings = False for network in networks: logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces interface %d: %s'%(interface,network)) logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces macs = %s' % macs) logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces ips = %s' % ips) # Get interface name preferably from MAC address, falling back # on IP address. hwaddr=network['mac'] if hwaddr <> None: hwaddr=hwaddr.lower() if hwaddr in macs: orig_ifname = macs[hwaddr] elif network['ip'] in ips: orig_ifname = ips[network['ip']] else: orig_ifname = None if orig_ifname: logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces orig_ifname = %s' % orig_ifname) inter = {} inter['ONBOOT']='yes' inter['USERCTL']='no' if network['mac']: inter['HWADDR'] = network['mac'] if network['method'] == "static": inter['BOOTPROTO'] = "static" inter['IPADDR'] = network['ip'] inter['NETMASK'] = network['netmask'] elif network['method'] == "dhcp": inter['BOOTPROTO'] = "dhcp" if network['hostname']: inter['DHCP_HOSTNAME'] = network['hostname'] else: inter['DHCP_HOSTNAME'] = hostname if not network['is_primary']: inter['DHCLIENTARGS'] = "-R subnet-mask" if len(network['interface_tag_ids']) > 0: try: settings = plc.GetInterfaceTags({'interface_tag_id': network['interface_tag_ids']}) except: logger.log("net:InitInterfaces FATAL: failed call GetInterfaceTags({'interface_tag_id':{%s})"% \ network['interface_tag_ids']) failedToGetSettings = True continue # on to the next network for setting in settings: # to explicitly set interface name settingname = setting['name'].upper() if settingname in ('IFNAME','ALIAS','CFGOPTIONS','DRIVER'): inter[settingname]=setting['value'] else: logger.log("net:InitInterfaces WARNING: ignored setting named %s"%setting['name']) # support aliases to interfaces either by name or HWADDR if 'ALIAS' in inter: if 'HWADDR' in inter: hwaddr = inter['HWADDR'].lower() del inter['HWADDR'] if hwaddr in macs: hwifname = macs[hwaddr] if ('IFNAME' in inter) and inter['IFNAME'] <> hwifname: logger.log("net:InitInterfaces WARNING: alias ifname (%s) and hwaddr ifname (%s) do not match"%\ (inter['IFNAME'],hwifname)) inter['IFNAME'] = hwifname else: logger.log('net:InitInterfaces WARNING: mac addr %s for alias not found' %(hwaddr,alias)) if 'IFNAME' in inter: # stupid RH /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-aliases:new_interface() # checks if the "$DEVNUM" only consists of '^[0-9A-Za-z_]*$'. Need to make # our aliases compliant. parts = inter['ALIAS'].split('_') isValid=True for part in parts: isValid=isValid and part.isalnum() if isValid: interfaces["%s:%s" % (inter['IFNAME'],inter['ALIAS'])] = inter else: logger.log("net:InitInterfaces WARNING: interface alias (%s) not a valid string for RH ifup-aliases"% inter['ALIAS']) else: logger.log("net:InitInterfaces WARNING: interface alias (%s) not matched to an interface"% inter['ALIAS']) interface -= 1 else: if ('IFNAME' not in inter) and not orig_ifname: ifname="eth%d" % (interface-1) # should check if $ifname is an eth already defines if os.path.exists("%s/ifcfg-%s"%(sysconfig,ifname)): logger.log("net:InitInterfaces WARNING: possibly blowing away %s configuration"%ifname) else: if ('IFNAME' not in inter) and orig_ifname: ifname = orig_ifname else: ifname = inter['IFNAME'] interface -= 1 interfaces[ifname] = inter m = modprobe.Modprobe() m.input("%s/etc/modprobe.conf" % root) for (dev, inter) in interfaces.iteritems(): # get the driver string "moduleName option1=a option2=b" driver=inter.get('DRIVER','') if driver <> '': driver=driver.split() kernelmodule=driver[0] m.aliasset(dev,kernelmodule) options=" ".join(driver[1:]) if options <> '': m.optionsset(dev,options) m.output("%s/etc/modprobe.conf" % root) # clean up after any ifcfg-$dev script that's no longer listed as # part of the NodeNetworks associated with this node # list all network-scripts files = os.listdir(sysconfig) # filter out the ifcfg-* files ifcfgs=[] for f in files: if f.find("ifcfg-") == 0: ifcfgs.append(f) # remove loopback (lo) from ifcfgs list lo = "ifcfg-lo" if lo in ifcfgs: ifcfgs.remove(lo) # remove known devices from icfgs list for (dev, inter) in interfaces.iteritems(): ifcfg = 'ifcfg-'+dev if ifcfg in ifcfgs: ifcfgs.remove(ifcfg) # delete the remaining ifcfgs from deletedSomething = False if not failedToGetSettings: for ifcfg in ifcfgs: dev = ifcfg[len('ifcfg-'):] path = "%s/ifcfg-%s" % (sysconfig,dev) logger.verbose("net:InitInterfaces removing %s %s"%(dev,path)) os.system("/sbin/ifdown %s" % dev) deletedSomething=True os.unlink(path) # wait a bit for the one or more ifdowns to have taken effect if deletedSomething: time.sleep(2) # Process ifcg-$dev changes / additions newdevs = [] for (dev, inter) in interfaces.iteritems(): (fd, tmpnam) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=sysconfig) f = os.fdopen(fd, "w") f.write("# Autogenerated by NodeManager/net.py.... do not edit!\n") if 'DRIVER' in inter: f.write("# using %s driver for device %s\n" % (inter['DRIVER'],dev)) f.write('DEVICE="%s"\n' % dev) # print the configuration values for (key, val) in inter.iteritems(): if key not in ('IFNAME','ALIAS','CFGOPTIONS','DRIVER'): f.write('%s="%s"\n' % (key, val)) # print the configuration specific option values (if any) if 'CFGOPTIONS' in inter: cfgoptions = inter['CFGOPTIONS'] f.write('#CFGOPTIONS are %s\n' % cfgoptions) for cfgoption in cfgoptions.split(): key,val = cfgoption.split('=') key=key.strip() key=key.upper() val=val.strip() f.write('%s="%s"\n' % (key,val)) f.close() # compare whether two files are the same def comparefiles(a,b): try: logger.verbose("net:InitInterfaces comparing %s with %s" % (a,b)) if not os.path.exists(a): return False fb = open(a) buf_a = fb.read() fb.close() if not os.path.exists(b): return False fb = open(b) buf_b = fb.read() fb.close() return buf_a == buf_b except IOError, e: return False path = "%s/ifcfg-%s" % (sysconfig,dev) if not os.path.exists(path): logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces adding configuration for %s' % dev) # add ifcfg-$dev configuration file os.rename(tmpnam,path) os.chmod(path,0644) newdevs.append(dev) elif not comparefiles(tmpnam,path): logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces Configuration change for %s' % dev) logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces ifdown %s' % dev) # invoke ifdown for the old configuration os.system("/sbin/ifdown %s" % dev) # wait a few secs for ifdown to complete time.sleep(2) logger.log('replacing configuration for %s' % dev) # replace ifcfg-$dev configuration file os.rename(tmpnam,path) os.chmod(path,0644) newdevs.append(dev) else: # tmpnam & path are identical os.unlink(tmpnam) for dev in newdevs: cfgvariables = {} fb = file("%s/ifcfg-%s"%(sysconfig,dev),"r") for line in fb.readlines(): parts = line.split() if parts[0][0]=="#":continue if parts[0].find('='): name,value = parts[0].split('=') # clean up name & value name = name.strip() value = value.strip() value = value.strip("'") value = value.strip('"') cfgvariables[name]=value fb.close() def getvar(name): if name in cfgvariables: value=cfgvariables[name] value = value.lower() return value return '' # skip over device configs with ONBOOT=no if getvar("ONBOOT") == 'no': continue # don't bring up slave devices, the network scripts will # handle those correctly if getvar("SLAVE") == 'yes': continue logger.verbose('net:InitInterfaces bringing up %s' % dev) os.system("/sbin/ifup %s" % dev)