- Init plugins * execute plugable init scritps when starting the interfaces - Component manager * install the slice and node gid when the slice is created (create NM plugin to execute sfa_component_setup.py ?) - GetTicket * sm, am only * sm calls getticket on am and merges resulting tickets into 1 ticket - sfa-clean-peer-records * modify resolve to support a list of hrns * resolve a list of peer hrns instead of each hrn individally - sfi remove, if removing a site, remove any record that site is an an authority for - routing sm calls * sfi -a option should send request to sm with an extra argument to specify which am to contact instead of connecting directly to the am (am may not trust client directly) - make registry more generic * support interface managers * support generic registry records (dont depend on postgres! object db?) - checking support for conventional ssl (creating a shared keypair for the request) - Initscripts on sfa / geniwrapper - Fully integrate SOAP (need to throw either soap or xmlrpc exceptions depending on the client) - error messages * error messages should be easier to understand * (failing to connect to plcapi shoudl return a helpful message, not a generic internal server error) - unit tests