- test rpms: build/install - Stop invalid users * a recently disabled/deleted user may still have a valid cred. Keep a list of valid/invalid users on the aggregate and check callers against this list - Component manager * only call get_gids() if there are slices with no gids installed * GetTicket - must verify_{site,slice,person,keys} on remote aggregate * Redeem ticket - RedeemTicket/AdminTicket not working. Why? * install the slice and node gid when the slice is created (create NM plugin to execute sfa_component_setup.py ?) - Protogeni * agree on standard set of functon calls * agree on standard set of privs * on permission error, return priv needed to make call * cache slice resource states (if aggregate goes down, how do we know what slices were on it and recreate them? do we make some sort of transaction log) - Registry * sign peer gids * update call should attempt to push updates to federated peers if the peer has a record for an object that is updated locally * api.update_membership() shoudl behave more like resolve when looking up records (attempt to resolve records at federated registeries) instead of only looking in the local registry * move db tables into db with less overhead (tokyocabinet?) * make resolve, fill_record_info more fault tolerent. Skip records with failures - Auth Service * develop a simple service where users auth using username/passord and receive their cred * service manages users key/cert,creds - GUI * requires user's cred (depends on Auth Service above) - SM call routing * sfi -a option should send request to sm with an extra argument to specify which am to contact instead of connecting directly to the am (am may not trust client directly) - Initscripts on sfa / geniwrapper * should sfa have native initscript support or should we piggyback off of myplc? * should this be in the rspec