#! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import with_statement import sys import os import os.path import tempfile from argparse import ArgumentParser from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger # , ChildRightsNotSubsetOfParent from sfa.util.faults import CredentialNotVerifiable, CertMissingParent from sfa.trust.certificate import Certificate from sfa.trust.credential import Credential from sfa.trust.gid import GID from sfa.storage.record import Record def determine_sfa_filekind(fn): if fn.endswith('.gid'): return 'gid' elif fn.endswith('.cert'): return 'certificate' elif fn.endswith('cred'): return 'credential' try: cred = Credential(filename=fn) return 'credential' except: pass try: gid = GID(filename=fn) if gid.uuid: return 'gid' except: pass try: cert = Certificate(filename=fn) return 'certificate' except: pass # to be completed # if "gidCaller" in dict: # return "credential" # # if "uuid" in dict: # return "gid" return "unknown" def save_gid(gid): hrn = gid.get_hrn() lastpart = hrn.split(".")[-1] filename = lastpart + ".gid" if os.path.exists(filename): print filename, ": already exists... skipping" return print filename, ": extracting gid of", hrn gid.save_to_file(filename, save_parents=True) def extract_gids(cred, extract_parents): gidCaller = cred.get_gid_caller() if gidCaller: save_gid(gidCaller) gidObject = cred.get_gid_object() if gidObject and ((gidCaller == None) or (gidCaller.get_hrn() != gidObject.get_hrn())): save_gid(gidObject) # no such method Credential.get_parent # if extract_parents: # parent = cred.get_parent() # if parent: # extract_gids(parent, extract_parents) def verify_input_object(obj, kind, options): if options.trusted_roots: print "CHECKING...", message = "against [" + (" + ".join(options.trusted_roots)) + "]" try: if kind == 'credential': print "verify", message, obj.verify(options.trusted_roots) elif kind in ('certificate', 'gid'): print "verify_chain", message, obj.verify_chain(options.trusted_roots) print "--> OK" except Exception as inst: print "--> KO", type(inst).__name__ def handle_input(filename, options): kind = determine_sfa_filekind(filename) # dump methods current do 'print' so let's go this road for now if kind == "certificate": cert = Certificate(filename=filename) print '--------------------', filename, 'IS A', kind cert.dump(show_extensions=options.show_extensions) verify_input_object(cert, kind, options) elif kind == "credential": cred = Credential(filename=filename) print '--------------------', filename, 'IS A', kind cred.dump(dump_parents=options.dump_parents, show_xml=options.show_xml) if options.extract_gids: print '--------------------', filename, 'embedded GIDs' extract_gids(cred, extract_parents=options.dump_parents) verify_input_object(cred, kind, options) elif kind == "gid": gid = GID(filename=filename) print '--------------------', filename, 'IS A', kind gid.dump(dump_parents=options.dump_parents) verify_input_object(gid, kind, options) else: print "%s: unknown filekind '%s'" % (filename, kind) def main(): usage = """%(prog)s file1 [ .. filen] display info on input files""" parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage) parser.add_argument("-g", "--extract-gids", action="store_true", dest="extract_gids", default=False, help="Extract GIDs from credentials") parser.add_argument("-p", "--dump-parents", action="store_true", dest="dump_parents", default=False, help="Show parents") parser.add_argument("-e", "--extensions", action="store_true", dest="show_extensions", default="False", help="Show certificate extensions") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='count', dest='verbose', default=0, help="More and more verbose") parser.add_argument("-x", "--xml", action='store_true', dest='show_xml', default=False, help="dumps xml tree (cred. only)") parser.add_argument("-c", "--check", action='append', dest='trusted_roots', help="cumulative list of trusted GIDs - " "when provided, the input is verify'ed against these") parser.add_argument("filenames", metavar='F', nargs='+', help="filenames to dump") options = parser.parse_args() logger.setLevelFromOptVerbose(options.verbose) for filename in options.filenames: handle_input(filename, options) if __name__ == "__main__": main()