#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import socket sys.path.append('/usr/share/plc_api') from sfa.util.config import Config as SfaConfig from PLC.Config import Config as PlcConfig sfa_config = SfaConfig() plc_config = PlcConfig() default_host = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) all_vars = ['SFA_CONFIG_DIR', 'SFA_DATA_DIR', 'SFA_INTERFACE_HRN', 'SFA_CM_SLICE_PREFIX', 'SFA_REGISTRY_HOST', 'SFA_REGISTRY_PORT', 'SFA_AGGREGATE_HOST', 'SFA_AGGREGATE_PORT', 'SFA_SM_HOST', 'SFA_SM_PORT', 'SFA_CM_ENABLED', 'SFA_CM_HOST', 'SFA_CM_PORT', 'SFA_CM_TYPE', 'SFA_CM_SLICE_PREFIX', 'SFA_API_LOGLEVEL'] defaults = { 'SFA_CM_ENABLED': '1', 'SFA_CM_HOST': 'localhost', 'SFA_CM_PORT': '12346', 'SFA_CM_SLICE_PREFIX': plc_config.PLC_SLICE_PREFIX, 'SFA_CM_TYPE': 'pl', 'SFA_API_LOGLEVEL': '0' } host_defaults = { 'SFA_REGISTRY_HOST': default_host, 'SFA_AGGREGATE_HOST': default_host, 'SFA_SM_HOST': default_host, } const_dict = {} for key in all_vars: value = "" if key in defaults: value = defaults[key] elif hasattr(sfa_config, key): value = getattr(sfa_config, key) # sfa_config may specify localhost instead of a resolvalbe host or ip # if so replace this with the host's address if key in host_defaults and value in ['localhost', '']: value = host_defaults[key] const_dict[key] = value filename = sfa_config.config_path + os.sep + 'sfa_component_config' conffile = open(filename, 'w') format = '%s="%s"\n' for var in all_vars: conffile.write(format % (var, const_dict[var])) conffile.close()