from __future__ import print_function import sys import os.path import pickle import time import socket import traceback from urlparse import urlparse try: import pygraphviz except: print('Warning, could not import pygraphviz, test mode only') from optparse import OptionParser from sfa.client.return_value import ReturnValue from sfa.client.sfi import Sfi from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger, DEBUG from sfa.client.sfaserverproxy import SfaServerProxy def url_hostname_port(url): if url.find("://") < 0: url = "http://" + url parsed_url = urlparse(url) # 0(scheme) returns protocol default_port = '80' if parsed_url[0] == 'https': default_port = '443' # 1(netloc) returns the hostname+port part parts = parsed_url[1].split(":") # just a hostname if len(parts) == 1: return (url, parts[0], default_port) else: return (url, parts[0], parts[1]) # a very simple cache mechanism so that successive runs (see make) # will go *much* faster # assuming everything is sequential, as simple as it gets # { url -> (timestamp, version)} class VersionCache: # default expiration period is 1h def __init__(self, filename=None, expires=60 * 60): # default is to store cache in the same dir as argv[0] if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0]), "sfascan-version-cache.pickle") self.filename = filename self.expires = expires self.url2version = {} self.load() def load(self): try: infile = open(self.filename, 'r') self.url2version = pickle.load(infile) infile.close() except: logger.debug("Cannot load version cache, restarting from scratch") self.url2version = {} logger.debug("loaded version cache with %d entries %s" % (len(self.url2version), self.url2version.keys())) def save(self): try: outfile = open(self.filename, 'w') pickle.dump(self.url2version, outfile) outfile.close() except: logger.log_exc("Cannot save version cache into %s" % self.filename) def clean(self): try: retcod = os.unlink(self.filename)"Cleaned up version cache %s, retcod=%d" % (self.filename, retcod)) except:"Could not unlink version cache %s" % self.filename) def show(self): entries = len(self.url2version) print("version cache from file %s has %d entries" % (self.filename, entries)) key_values = self.url2version.items() def old_first(kv1, kv2): return int(kv1[1][0] - kv2[1][0]) key_values.sort(old_first) for key_value in key_values: (url, tuple) = key_value (timestamp, version) = tuple how_old = time.time() - timestamp if how_old <= self.expires: print(url, "-- %d seconds ago" % how_old) else: print("OUTDATED", url, "(%d seconds ago, expires=%d)" % (how_old, self.expires)) # turns out we might have trailing slashes or not def normalize(self, url): return url.strip("/") def set(self, url, version): url = self.normalize(url) self.url2version[url] = (time.time(), version) def get(self, url): url = self.normalize(url) try: (timestamp, version) = self.url2version[url] how_old = time.time() - timestamp if how_old <= self.expires: return version else: return None except: return None ### # non-existing hostnames happen... # for better perfs we cache the result of gethostbyname too class Interface: def __init__(self, url, mentioned_in=None, verbose=False): self._url = url self.verbose = verbose cache = VersionCache() key = "interface:%s" % url try: (self._url, self.hostname, self.port) = url_hostname_port(url) # look for ip in the cache tuple = cache.get(key) if tuple: (self.hostname, self.ip, self.port) = tuple else: self.ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.hostname) except: msg = "can't resolve hostname %s\n\tfound in url %s" % ( self.hostname, self._url) if mentioned_in: msg += "\n\t(mentioned at %s)" % mentioned_in logger.warning(msg) self.hostname = "unknown" self.ip = '' self.port = "???" cache.set(key, (self.hostname, self.ip, self.port,)) self.probed = False # mark unknown interfaces as probed to avoid unnecessary attempts if self.hostname == 'unknown': # don't really try it self.probed = True self._version = {} def url(self): return self._url # this is used as a key for creating graph nodes and to avoid duplicates def uid(self): return "%s:%s" % (self.ip, self.port) # connect to server and trigger GetVersion def get_version(self): # if we already know the answer: if self.probed: return self._version # otherwise let's look in the cache file logger.debug("searching in version cache %s" % self.url()) cached_version = VersionCache().get(self.url()) if cached_version is not None:"Retrieved version info from cache %s" % self.url()) return cached_version # otherwise let's do the hard work # dummy to meet Sfi's expectations for its 'options' field class DummyOptions: pass options = DummyOptions() options.verbose = self.verbose options.timeout = 10 try: client = Sfi(options) client.read_config() client.bootstrap() key_file = client.private_key cert_file = client.my_gid logger.debug("using key %s & cert %s" % (key_file, cert_file)) url = self.url()'issuing GetVersion at %s' % url) # setting timeout here seems to get the call to fail - even though the response time is fast #server=SfaServerProxy(url, key_file, cert_file, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=options.timeout) server = SfaServerProxy( url, key_file, cert_file, verbose=self.verbose) self._version = ReturnValue.get_value(server.GetVersion()) except: logger.log_exc("failed to get version") self._version = {} # so that next run from this process will find out self.probed = True # store in version cache so next processes will remember for an hour cache = VersionCache() cache.set(self.url(), self._version) logger.debug("Saved version for url=%s in version cache" % self.url()) # that's our result return self._version @staticmethod def multi_lines_label(*lines): result = '<
' + \ '
'.join(lines) + \ '
>' return result # default is for when we can't determine the type of the service # typically the server is down, or we can't authenticate, or it's too old # code shapes = {"registry": "diamond", "aggregate": "box", 'default': 'plaintext'} abbrevs = {"registry": "REG", "aggregate": "AM", 'default': '[unknown interface]'} # return a dictionary that translates into the node's attr def get_layout(self): layout = {} # retrieve cached GetVersion version = self.get_version() # set the href; xxx would make sense to try and 'guess' the web URL, # not the API's one... layout['href'] = self.url() # set html-style label # see # if empty the service is unreachable if not version: label = "offline" else: label = '' try: abbrev = Interface.abbrevs[version['interface']] except: abbrev = Interface.abbrevs['default'] label += abbrev if 'hrn' in version: label += " %s" % version['hrn'] else: label += "[no hrn]" if 'code_tag' in version: label += " %s" % version['code_tag'] if 'testbed' in version: label += " (%s)" % version['testbed'] layout['label'] = Interface.multi_lines_label(self.url(), label) # set shape try: shape = Interface.shapes[version['interface']] except: shape = Interface.shapes['default'] layout['shape'] = shape # fill color to outline wrongly configured or unreachable bodies # as of sfa-2.0 registry doesn't have 'sfa' not 'geni_api', # but have peer aggregates have 'geni_api' and 'sfa' if 'geni_api' not in version and 'peers' not in version: layout['style'] = 'filled' layout['fillcolor'] = 'gray' return layout class Scanner: # provide the entry points (a list of interfaces) def __init__(self, left_to_right=False, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.left_to_right = left_to_right def graph(self, entry_points): graph = pygraphviz.AGraph(directed=True) if self.left_to_right: graph.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' self.scan(entry_points, graph) return graph # scan from the given interfaces as entry points def scan(self, interfaces, graph): if not isinstance(interfaces, list): interfaces = [interfaces] # remember node to interface mapping node2interface = {} # add entry points right away using the interface uid's as a key to_scan = interfaces for i in interfaces: graph.add_node(i.uid()) node2interface[graph.get_node(i.uid())] = i scanned = [] # keep on looping until we reach a fixed point # don't worry about abels and shapes that will get fixed later on while to_scan: for interface in to_scan: # performing xmlrpc call "retrieving/fetching version at interface %s" % interface.url()) version = interface.get_version() if not version: "") else: for (k, v) in version.iteritems(): if not isinstance(v, dict): logger.debug("\r\t%s:%s" % (k, v)) else: logger.debug(k) for (k1, v1) in v.iteritems(): logger.debug("\r\t\t%s:%s" % (k1, v1)) # proceed with neighbours if 'peers' in version: for (next_name, next_url) in version['peers'].iteritems(): next_interface = Interface( next_url, mentioned_in=interface.url()) # locate or create node in graph try: # if found, we're good with this one next_node = graph.get_node(next_interface.uid()) except: # otherwise, let's move on with it graph.add_node(next_interface.uid()) next_node = graph.get_node(next_interface.uid()) node2interface[next_node] = next_interface to_scan.append(next_interface) graph.add_edge(interface.uid(), next_interface.uid()) scanned.append(interface) to_scan.remove(interface) # we've scanned the whole graph, let's get the labels and shapes # right for node in graph.nodes(): interface = node2interface.get(node, None) if interface: for (k, v) in interface.get_layout().iteritems(): node.attr[k] = v else: logger.error("MISSED interface with node %s" % node) class SfaScan: default_outfiles = ['sfa.png', 'sfa.svg', ''] def main(self): usage = "%prog [options] url-entry-point(s)" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="sfi_dir", help="config & working directory - default is " + Sfi.default_sfi_dir(), metavar="PATH", default=Sfi.default_sfi_dir()) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", action='append', dest='outfiles', default=[], help="output filenames (cumulative) - defaults are %r" % SfaScan.default_outfiles) parser.add_option("-l", "--left-to-right", action="store_true", dest="left_to_right", default=False, help="instead of top-to-bottom") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbose", default=0, help="verbose - can be repeated for more verbosity") parser.add_option("-c", "--clean-cache", action='store_true', dest='clean_cache', default=False, help='clean/trash version cache and exit') parser.add_option("-s", "--show-cache", action='store_true', dest='show_cache', default=False, help='show/display version cache') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logger.enable_console() # apply current verbosity to logger logger.setLevelFromOptVerbose(options.verbose) # figure if we need to be verbose for these local classes that only # have a bool flag bool_verbose = logger.getBoolVerboseFromOpt(options.verbose) if options.show_cache: VersionCache().show() sys.exit(0) if options.clean_cache: VersionCache().clean() sys.exit(0) if not args: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if not options.outfiles: options.outfiles = SfaScan.default_outfiles scanner = Scanner(left_to_right=options.left_to_right, verbose=bool_verbose) entries = [Interface(entry, mentioned_in="command line") for entry in args] try: g = scanner.graph(entries)"creating layout") g.layout(prog='dot') for outfile in options.outfiles:"drawing in %s" % outfile) g.draw(outfile)"done") # test mode when pygraphviz is not available except: entry = entries[0] print("GetVersion at %s returned %s" % (entry.url(), entry.get_version()))