from sfa.util.sfatime import utcparse, datetime_to_string from types import StringTypes from datetime import datetime from sfa.util.xml import XML from import GID class Record: def __init__(self, dict=None, xml=None): if dict: self.load_from_dict(dict) elif xml: xml_record = XML(xml) xml_dict = xml_record.todict() self.load_from_dict(xml_dict) def get_field(self, field): return self.__dict__.get(field, None) # xxx fixme # turns out the date_created field is received by the client as a 'created' int # (and 'last_updated' does not make it at all) # let's be flexible def date_repr (self,fields): if not isinstance(fields,list): fields=[fields] for field in fields: value=getattr(self,field,None) if isinstance (value,datetime): return datetime_to_string (value) elif isinstance (value,(int,float)): return datetime_to_string(utcparse(value)) # fallback return "** undef_datetime **" # it may be important to exclude relationships, which fortunately # def todict (self, exclude_types=None): if exclude_types is None: exclude_types=[] d=self.__dict__ def exclude (k,v): if k.startswith('_'): return True if exclude_types: for exclude_type in exclude_types: if isinstance (v,exclude_type): return True return False keys=[k for (k,v) in d.items() if not exclude(k,v)] return dict ( [ (k,d[k]) for k in keys ] ) def toxml(self): return self.save_as_xml() def load_from_dict (self, d): for (k,v) in d.iteritems(): # experimental if isinstance(v, StringTypes) and v.lower() in ['true']: v=True if isinstance(v, StringTypes) and v.lower() in ['false']: v=False setattr(self,k,v) # in addition we provide convenience for converting to and from xml records # for this purpose only, we need the subclasses to define 'fields' as either # a list or a dictionary def fields (self): fields = self.__dict__.keys() return fields def save_as_xml (self): # xxx not sure about the scope here input_dict = dict( [ (key, getattr(self,key)) for key in self.fields() if getattr(self,key,None) ] ) xml_record=XML("") xml_record.parse_dict (input_dict) return xml_record.toxml() def dump(self, format=None, dump_parents=False, sort=False): if not format: format = 'text' else: format = format.lower() if format == 'text': self.dump_text(dump_parents,sort=sort) elif format == 'xml': print self.save_as_xml() elif format == 'simple': print self.dump_simple() else: raise Exception, "Invalid format %s" % format def dump_text(self, dump_parents=False, sort=False): print 40*'=' print "RECORD" # print remaining fields fields=self.fields() if sort: fields.sort() for attrib_name in fields: attrib = getattr(self, attrib_name) # skip internals if attrib_name.startswith('_'): continue # skip callables if callable (attrib): continue # handle gid if attrib_name == 'gid': print " gid:" print GID(string=attrib).dump_string(8, dump_parents) elif attrib_name in ['date created', 'last updated']: print " %s: %s" % (attrib_name, self.date_repr(attrib_name)) else: print " %s: %s" % (attrib_name, attrib) def dump_simple(self): return "%s"%self