# config for sface # uses in this order # command-line args # /sfi_config ### import os import types from optparse import OptionParser class Config: d_registry= "http://www.planet-lab.org:12345" d_slicemgr= "http://www.planet-lab.org:12347" # d_aggmgr= "http://www.planet-lab.org:12346" supported = [ # local code name, config variable name, default ('slice', 'SFI_SLICE' , None, '-s','--slice', "slice HRN"), ('user', 'SFI_USER', None, '-u','--user', "user HRN"), ('authority', 'SFI_AUTH', None, '-t','--auth', "users's authority HRN"), ('registry', 'SFI_REGISTRY', d_registry, '-r','--registry', "registry API URL"), ('slicemgr', 'SFI_SM' , d_slicemgr, '-m','--slicemgr', "slice API URL"), # ('aggmgr', 'SFI_AM', d_aggmgr, '-a','--aggregate', "aggregate manager's URL"), ('verbose', 'SFACE_VERBOSE',True, '-v','--verbose', "UI verbosity"), ('debug', 'SFACE_DEBUG', False, '-D','--debug', "UI debug flag"), ] def __init__ (self): # no need to do anything here, we need set_dirname later on pass def get_dirname (self): return self.dirname # warning, might lose unsaved data.. def set_dirname (self, dirname): self.dirname=dirname self.read_config() def fields (self): return [ tup[0] for tup in Config.supported ] def field_labels (self): return [ (tup[0],tup[5]) for tup in Config.supported ] def sfi_field (self, sfi): for tuple in Config.supported: if tuple[1]==sfi: return tuple[0] return None def sfi_name(self, field): for tuple in Config.supported: if tuple[0] == field: return tuple[1] return None def field_default (self, field): for tuple in Config.supported: if tuple[0]==field: return tuple[2] return None # xxx todo - need for validators - not even sure this is still useful def define_accessors (self): for (field,sfi,default,_,__,___) in Config.supported: self.define_accessor (field,sfi,default) def define_accessor (self,field,sfi,default): get_name="get" + field.capitalize(); if not hasattr(Config,get_name): def get_call (self): return getattr(self,field) setattr (Config, get_name, get_call) set_name="set" + field.capitalize(); if not hasattr(Config,set_name): def set_call (self, newvalue): setattr (self, field, newvalue) setattr (Config, set_name, set_call) # the generic form of accessors def get(self,field): return getattr(self,field) def set(self,field,value): setattr(self,field,value) def config_file (self): return os.path.join(self.get_dirname(),"sfi_config") def read_config(self): tmp={} try: execfile(self.config_file(), tmp) except: print "Warning - no config file found %s"%self.config_file() pass for (field,sfi,default,_,__,___) in Config.supported: if tmp.has_key(sfi):setattr(self,field,tmp[sfi]) else: setattr(self,field,default) self.display("After reading config from %s"%self.config_file()) def display (self, msg): if self.debug: print msg for k in self.fields(): print "%-20s: %r"%(k, self.get(k)) def save_config(self): configdir = self.get_dirname() if not os.path.exists(configdir): os.makedirs(configdir) configfile = self.config_file() if not os.path.exists(configfile): open(configfile, "w").close() tmpfile = configfile + ".tmp" out = open(tmpfile, "w") lineno = 0 written_fields = [] fields = self.fields() for line in open(configfile, "r"): lineno += 1 try: sfi, val = line.split('=') sfi = sfi.strip() val = val.strip() field = self.sfi_field(sfi) if field: written_fields.append(field) newval = self.get(field) if not self.is_bool_field(field): newval="'%s'"%newval line = "%s = %s\n" % (sfi, newval) except: if self.debug: import traceback print 'line',lineno,'ignored',line out.write(line) # append other field in the end new_fields = [f for f in fields if f not in written_fields] for field in new_fields: sfi = self.sfi_name(field) val = self.get(field) if not self.is_bool_field(field): val="'%s'" % val out.write("%s = %s\n" % (sfi, val)) out.close() os.unlink(configfile) os.rename(tmpfile, configfile) if self.debug: print 'stored config in %s'%configfile # check if a field is a boolean field def is_bool_field(self, field): for (f,_,default,__,___,____) in Config.supported: if field==f: return isinstance(default,bool) return None # to accept strings as bools def is_true(self,value): if value==True: return True if isinstance(value,types.StringTypes) and value.lower()=='true': return True def add_options_to_OptionParser (self, parser): parser.add_option ("-d","--dir",dest='dirname',action='store', default=os.path.expanduser("~/.sfi/"), help="sfi config dir") for (field,_,default,short,long,msg) in Config.supported: if isinstance(default,bool): parser.add_option(short,long,dest=field,action="store_true",help=msg) else: parser.add_option(short,long,dest=field,action="store",default=None, help=msg) def update_from_OptionParser (self, optparse_options): self.set_dirname(optparse_options.dirname) print 'setting dir',self.dirname for field in self.fields(): if not hasattr(optparse_options,field) : continue value=getattr(optparse_options,field) if value is not None: setattr(self,field,getattr(optparse_options,field)) def fullpath (self, filename): return os.path.join(self.get_dirname(),filename) def getSliceRSpecFile(self): return self.fullpath("%s.rspec" % self.getSlice()) def getResourcesRSpecFile(self): return self.fullpath("resources.rspec") def getSliceRecordFile(self): return self.fullpath ("%s.record" % self.getSlice()) def getAuthorityRecordFile(self): return self.fullpath ("%s/%s.record" % self.getAuthority()) def getAuthorityListRecordFile(self, i=None): # DEPRECATED if (i != None) and (i != 0): return self.fullpath ("%s_list.record.%d" % (self.getAuthority(),i)) else: return self.fullpath ("%s_list.record" % self.getAuthority()) def getAuthorityListFile(self): return self.fullpath ("%s_list.xml" % self.getAuthority()) # configuration singleton config = Config() config.define_accessors()