import datetime import os from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * #from sfa.util.rspecHelper import RSpec from sfa.rspecs.rspec_parser import parse_rspec from sface.config import config from sface.sfirenew import SfiRenewer from sface.sfiprocess import SfiProcess from sface.screens.sfascreen import SfaScreen already_in_nodes = [] node_status = { "in": "Already Selected", "out": "Not Selected", "add": "To be Added", "remove": "To be Removed"} tag_status = { "in": "Already Set", "out": "Not Set", "add": "To be Added", "remove": "To be Removed"} default_tags = "Default tags" settable_tags = ['delegations', 'initscript'] def itemType(index): if index.parent().parent().isValid(): return "tag" else: return "node" class NodeView(QTreeView): def __init__(self, parent): QTreeView.__init__(self, parent) self.setAnimated(True) self.setItemsExpandable(True) self.setRootIsDecorated(True) self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) # self.setSelectionMode(self.MultiSelection) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.setToolTip("Double click on a row to change its status. Right click on a host to add a tag.") def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): index = self.currentIndex() model = index.model() status_index = model.index(index.row(), 1, index.parent()) status_data = node_index = model.index(index.row(), 0, index.parent()) node_data = if itemType(node_index) == "tag": data = tagname, value = data.split(": ") if tagname not in settable_tags: # Pop up error msg QMessageBox.warning(self, "Not settable", "Insufficient permission to change '%s' tag" % tagname) return if status_data == tag_status['in']: model.setData(status_index, QString(tag_status['remove'])) elif status_data == tag_status['add']: model.setData(status_index, QString(tag_status['out'])) elif status_data == tag_status['remove']: model.setData(status_index, QString(tag_status['in'])) else: model.setData(status_index, QString(node_status['out'])) else: # This is a hostname if status_data == node_status['in']: model.setData(status_index, QString(node_status['remove'])) elif status_data == node_status['out']: model.setData(status_index, QString(node_status['add'])) elif status_data in (node_status['add'], node_status['remove']): if node_data in already_in_nodes: model.setData(status_index, QString(node_status['in'])) else: model.setData(status_index, QString(node_status['out'])) model.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)"), node_index, node_index) def mousePressEvent(self, event): QTreeView.mousePressEvent(self, event) if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: return # Right click index = self.currentIndex() model = index.model() status_index = model.index(index.row(), 1, index.parent()) status_data = node_index = model.index(index.row(), 0, index.parent()) node_data = if itemType(node_index) == "node": # This is a hostname if status_data in (node_status['in'], node_status['add'], ""): # Pop up a dialog box for adding a new attribute tagname, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Add tag", "Tag name:", settable_tags) if ok: value, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Add tag", "Value for tag '%s'" % tagname) if ok: # Add a new row to the model for the tag # For testing with the QStandardItemModel #nodeItem = model.itemFromIndex(index) #tagstring = QString("%s: %s" % (tagname, value)) #tagItem = QStandardItem(tagstring) #status = QStandardItem(QString(tag_status['add'])) #nodeItem.appendRow([tagItem, status]) # We're using the QSortFilterProxyModel here src_index = model.mapToSource(index) src_model = src_index.model() nodeItem = src_model.itemFromIndex(src_index) tagstring = QString("%s: %s" % (tagname, value)) tagItem = QStandardItem(tagstring) status = QStandardItem(QString(tag_status['add'])) nodeItem.appendRow([tagItem, status]) elif status_data in (node_status['out'], node_status['remove']): QMessageBox.warning(self, "Not selected", "Can only add tags to selected nodes") return model.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)"), node_index, node_index) def currentChanged(self, current, previous): model = current.model() node_index = model.index(current.row(), 0, current.parent()) node_data = self.emit(SIGNAL('hostnameClicked(QString)'), node_data) class NodeNameDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def __init__(self, parent): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) def paint(self, painter, option, index): model = index.model() status_index = model.index(index.row(), 1, index.parent()) status_data = fm = QFontMetrics(option.font) rect = option.rect data = rect.setHeight(rect.height() - 2) rect.setWidth(fm.width(QString(data)) + 6) rect.setX(rect.x() + 5) rect.setY(rect.y() - 1) x, y, h, w = rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.height(), rect.width() path = QPainterPath() path.addRoundedRect(x - 1, y + 1, w, h, 4, 4) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) if itemType(index) == "node": if status_data == node_status['in']: # already in the slice painter.fillPath(path, QColor.fromRgb(0, 250, 250)) painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) elif status_data == node_status['add']: # newly added to the slice painter.fillPath(path, QColor.fromRgb(0, 250, 0)) painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) elif status_data == node_status['remove']: # removed from the slice painter.fillPath(path, QColor.fromRgb(250, 0, 0)) painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) else: painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) else: if status_data == tag_status['in']: # already in the slice painter.fillPath(path, QColor.fromRgb(0, 250, 250)) painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) elif status_data == tag_status['add']: # newly added to the slice painter.fillPath(path, QColor.fromRgb(0, 250, 0)) painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) elif status_data == tag_status['remove']: # removed from the slice painter.fillPath(path, QColor.fromRgb(250, 0, 0)) painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) else: painter.setPen(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 0)) painter.drawText(option.rect, 0, QString(data)) painter.restore() class SliceWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.network_names = [] self.process = SfiProcess(self) self.slicename = QLabel("", self) self.updateSliceName() self.slicename.setScaledContents(False) searchlabel = QLabel ("Search: ", self) searchlabel.setScaledContents(False) searchbox = QLineEdit(self) searchbox.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) toplayout = QHBoxLayout() toplayout.addWidget(self.slicename, 0, Qt.AlignLeft) toplayout.addStretch() toplayout.addWidget(searchlabel, 0, Qt.AlignRight) toplayout.addWidget(searchbox, 0, Qt.AlignRight) self.nodeView = NodeView(self) self.nodeModel = QStandardItemModel(0, 2, self) self.filterModel = QSortFilterProxyModel(self) # enable filtering self.nodeNameDelegate = NodeNameDelegate(self) refresh = QPushButton("Update Slice Data", self) refresh.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Maximum, QSizePolicy.Maximum) renew = QPushButton("Renew Slice", self) renew.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Maximum, QSizePolicy.Maximum) submit = QPushButton("Submit", self) submit.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Maximum, QSizePolicy.Maximum) bottomlayout = QHBoxLayout() bottomlayout.addWidget(refresh, 0, Qt.AlignLeft) bottomlayout.addWidget(renew, 0, Qt.AlignLeft) bottomlayout.addStretch() bottomlayout.addWidget(submit, 0, Qt.AlignRight) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(toplayout) layout.addWidget(self.nodeView) layout.addLayout(bottomlayout) self.setLayout(layout) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.connect(refresh, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.refresh) self.connect(renew, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.renew) self.connect(submit, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.submit) self.connect(searchbox, SIGNAL('textChanged(QString)'), self.filter) self.connect(self.nodeView, SIGNAL('hostnameClicked(QString)'), self.nodeSelectionChanged) self.updateView() def submitFinished(self): self.setStatus("Slice data submitted.") QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.refresh) def refreshFinished(self): self.setStatus("Slice data updated.", timeout=5000) self.updateView() self.parent().signalAll("rspecUpdated") def readSliceRSpec(self): rspec_file = config.getSliceRSpecFile() if os.path.exists(rspec_file): xml = open(rspec_file).read() return parse_rspec(xml) return None def setStatus(self, msg, timeout=None): self.parent().setStatus(msg, timeout) def checkRunningProcess(self): if self.process.isRunning(): self.setStatus("There is already a process running. Please wait.") return True return False def filter(self, filter_string): # for hierarchical models QSortFilterProxyModel applies the # sort recursively. if the parent doesn't match the criteria # we won't be able to match the children. so we need to match # parent (by matching the network_names) networks = ["^%s$" % n for n in self.network_names] filters = networks + [str(filter_string)] self.filterModel.setFilterRegExp(QRegExp('|'.join(filters))) def itemStatus(self, item): statusItem = item.parent().child(item.row(), 1) return def itemText(self, item): return # Recursively walk the tree, making changes to the RSpec def process_subtree(self, rspec, item, depth = 0): change = False model = self.nodeModel if depth in [0, 1]: pass elif depth == 2: # Hostname hostname = self.itemText(item) testbed = self.itemText(item.parent()) status = self.itemStatus(item) if status == node_status['add']: print "Add hostname: %s" % hostname rspec.add_slivers(str(hostname), testbed) change = True elif status == node_status['remove']: print "Remove hostname: %s" % hostname rspec.remove_slivers(str(hostname), testbed) change = True elif depth == 3: # Tag tag, value = self.itemText(item).split(": ") status = self.itemStatus(item) tag = "%s" % tag # Prevent weird error from lxml value = "%s" % value # Prevent weird error from lxml node = self.itemText(item.parent()) testbed = self.itemText(item.parent().parent()) if status == tag_status['add']: print "Add tag to (%s, %s): %s/%s " % (testbed, node, tag, value) if node.startsWith(default_tags): rspec.add_default_sliver_attribute(tag, value, testbed) else: rspec.add_sliver_attribute(node, tag, value, testbed) change = True elif status == tag_status['remove']: print "Remove tag from (%s, %s): %s/%s " % (testbed, node, tag, value) if node.startsWith(default_tags): rspec.remove_default_sliver_attribute(tag, value, testbed) else: rspec.remove_sliver_attribute(node, tag, value, testbed) change = True children = item.rowCount() for row in range(0, children): status = self.process_subtree(rspec, item.child(row), depth + 1) change = change or status return change def submit(self): if self.checkRunningProcess(): return rspec = self.readSliceRSpec() change = self.process_subtree(rspec, self.nodeModel.invisibleRootItem()) if not change: self.setStatus("No change in slice data. Not submitting!", timeout=3000) return self.disconnect(self.process, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.refreshFinished) self.connect(self.process, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.submitFinished) self.process.applyRSpec(rspec) self.setStatus("Sending slice data (RSpec). This will take some time...") def renew(self): dlg = RenewWindow(parent=self) if (dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted): self.setStatus("Renewing Slice.") self.renewProcess = SfiRenewer(config.getSlice(), dlg.get_new_expiration(), self) self.connect(self.renewProcess, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.renewFinished) def renewFinished(self): if self.renewProcess.statusMsg: self.setStatus("Renew " + self.renewProcess.status + ": " + self.renewProcess.statusMsg) else: self.setStatus("Renew " + self.renewProcess.status) self.disconnect(self.renewProcess, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.renewFinished) self.renewProcess = None def refresh(self): if not config.getSlice(): self.setStatus("Slice not set yet!") return if self.process.isRunning(): self.setStatus("There is already a process running. Please wait.") return self.disconnect(self.process, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.submitFinished) self.connect(self.process, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.refreshFinished) self.process.getRSpecFromSM() self.setStatus("Updating slice data. This will take some time...") def updateView(self): global already_in_nodes already_in_nodes = [] self.network_names = [] self.nodeModel.clear() rspec = self.readSliceRSpec() if not rspec: return None rootItem = self.nodeModel.invisibleRootItem() #networks = sorted(rspec.get_network_list()) networks = rspec.get_networks() for network in networks: self.network_names.append(network) #all_nodes = rspec.get_node_list(network) #sliver_nodes = rspec.get_sliver_list(network) all_nodes = rspec.get_nodes(network) sliver_nodes = rspec.get_nodes_with_slivers(network) available_nodes = [ node for node in all_nodes if node not in sliver_nodes ] networkItem = QStandardItem(QString(network)) msg = "%s Nodes\t%s Selected" % (len(all_nodes), len(sliver_nodes)) rootItem.appendRow([networkItem, QStandardItem(QString(msg))]) already_in_nodes += sliver_nodes # Add default slice tags nodeItem = QStandardItem(QString("%s for %s" % (default_tags, network))) statusItem = QStandardItem(QString("")) networkItem.appendRow([nodeItem, statusItem]) attrs = rspec.get_default_sliver_attributes(network) for (name, value) in attrs: tagstring = QString("%s: %s" % (name, value)) tagItem = QStandardItem(tagstring) status = QStandardItem(QString(tag_status['in'])) nodeItem.appendRow([tagItem, status]) for node in sliver_nodes: nodeItem = QStandardItem(QString(node)) statusItem = QStandardItem(QString(node_status['in'])) networkItem.appendRow([nodeItem, statusItem]) attrs = rspec.get_sliver_attributes(node, network) for (name, value) in attrs: tagstring = QString("%s: %s" % (name, value)) tagItem = QStandardItem(tagstring) statusItem = QStandardItem(QString(tag_status['in'])) nodeItem.appendRow([tagItem, statusItem]) for node in available_nodes: nodeItem = QStandardItem(QString(node)) statusItem = QStandardItem(QString(node_status['out'])) networkItem.appendRow([nodeItem, statusItem]) self.filterModel.setSourceModel(self.nodeModel) self.filterModel.setFilterKeyColumn(-1) self.filterModel.setDynamicSortFilter(True) headers = QStringList() << "Hostname or Tag" << "Status" self.nodeModel.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers) self.nodeView.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, self.nodeNameDelegate) self.nodeView.setModel(self.filterModel) self.nodeView.expandAll() self.nodeView.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.nodeView.collapseAll() def updateSliceName(self): self.slicename.setText("Slice : %s" % (config.getSlice() or "None")) def nodeSelectionChanged(self, hostname): self.parent().nodeSelectionChanged(hostname) class RenewWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(RenewWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle("Renew Slivers") self.duration = QComboBox() self.expirations = [] durations = ( (1, "One Week"), (2, "Two Weeks"), (3, "Three Weeks"), (4, "One Month") ) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for (weeks, desc) in durations: exp = now + datetime.timedelta(days = weeks * 7) desc = desc + " " + exp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.expirations.append(exp) self.duration.addItem(desc) self.duration.setCurrentIndex(0) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setDefault(True) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.duration) layout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(layout) self.connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) self.connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) def accept(self): QDialog.accept(self) def get_new_expiration(self): index = self.duration.currentIndex() return self.expirations[index] class MainScreen(SfaScreen): def __init__(self, parent): SfaScreen.__init__(self, parent) slice = SliceWidget(self) self.init(slice, "Main Window", "OneLab SFA crawler") def rspecUpdated(self): self.mainwin.rspecWindow.updateView() def configurationChanged(self): self.widget.updateSliceName() self.widget.updateView() self.mainwin.rspecWindow.updateView() def nodeSelectionChanged(self, hostname): self.mainwin.nodeSelectionChanged(hostname)