#!/usr/bin/python import commands import os import sys import traceback from optparse import OptionParser from random import Random from time import localtime from qa.sendmail import sendmail from qa.utils import commands from qa.logger import Logfile from qa import utils from qa.Config import Config from qa.Step import Step from qa.tests.vserver_create import vserver_create from qa.tests.vserver_delete import vserver_delete from qa.tests.plc_configure import plc_configure from qa.tests.plc_stop import plc_stop from qa.tests.plc_start import plc_start from qa.tests.add_test_data import add_test_data from qa.tests.api_unit_test import api_unit_test from qa.tests.sync_person_key import sync_person_key from qa.tests.boot_node import boot_node from qa.tests.node_run_tests import node_run_tests def create_vserver(vserver_name, vserver_home, mailto): # create vserver for this system test if it doesnt already exist if not os.path.isdir('%(vserver_home)s/%(vserver_name)s' % locals()): vserver_create(config)(vserver_name, distro, mailto) def stop_vservers(prefix = 'plc', exempt = []): # stop all running vservers vserver_stat = "vserver-stat | grep %(prefix)s | awk '{print$8}'" % locals() (stdin, stdout, stderr) = os.popen3(vserver_stat) vservers = [line.strip() for line in stdout.readlines()] vservers = filter(lambda x: x not in exempt, vservers) for vserver in vservers: try: utils.header("Stopping %(vserver)s " % locals()) stop_cmd = "vserver %(vserver)s stop" % locals() (status, output) = commands("vserver %(vserver)s stop" % locals()) except: print "Failed to stop %(vserver)s" % locals() utils.header("%s" % traceback.format_exc()) def cleanup_vservers(max_vservers, vserver_home, vserver_basename): # only keep the newest MAX_VSERVERS vservers = os.listdir("%(vserver_home)s" % locals()) valid_vservers = lambda vserver: vserver.startswith(vserver_basename) and os.path.isdir(vserver) vservers = filter(valid_vservers, vservers) vservers.sort() vservers.reverse() expired_vservers = vservers[max_vservers:] for vserver in expired_vservers: utils.header("Deleting vserver: %(vserver)s" % locals(), logfile = config.logfile) #vserver_delete()(vserver) usage=""" Usage: %prog [options] """ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,add_help_option = False) parser.add_option("-v", "--vserver", help = "Vserver where tests should run") parser.add_option("-d", "--distro", help = "Fedora distro to use") parser.add_option("-p", "--plcname", help = "Which plc do we use (from config file)") parser.add_option("-m", "--mailto", help = "Vserver build mailto address") # Define globals # Determine vserver name, distribution and mailto # The distribution and current date will be part of of the vserver name MAX_VSERVERS = 3 VSERVER_HOME = '/vservers/' VSERVER_BASENAME = 'plc' distro = 'f8' # use todays date and defaults to determine which vservers to run tests in year, month, day = localtime()[:3] YEAR, MONTH, DAY = [str(x) for x in [year,month,day]] DATE = ".".join([YEAR, MONTH, DAY]) vserver_name = "%(VSERVER_BASENAME)s-%(distro)s-%(DATE)s" % locals() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # choose which distros to use if options.distro is not None: distros = [options.distro] else: distros = ['f8'] # did the user specify a vserver or plc if options.vserver is not None: vserver_name = options.vserver if options.plcname is not None: plc_name = options.plcname else: plc_name = 'TestPLC' # who gets emailed if options.mailto is not None: mailto = options.mailto else: mailto = 'tmack@cs.princeton.edu' # Setup configuration logfile_dir = "/var/log/qaapi/%(vserver_name)s" % locals() config = Config(logdir = logfile_dir) config.load("qa/qa_config.py") vserver_names = [] for distro in distros: vserver_names.append("%(VSERVER_BASENAME)s-%(distro)s-%(DATE)s" % locals()) stop_vservers(exempt = vserver_names) for distro in distros: try: vserver_name = "%(VSERVER_BASENAME)s-%(distro)s-%(DATE)s" % locals() config.plcs[plc_name]['vserver'] = vserver_name config.plcs[plc_name]['host'] = config.hostname config.plcs[plc_name]['ip'] = config.ip config.plcs[plc_name].update_ip() person_email = config.persons.values()[0]['email'] # Set plc configuration options config_options = {} for service in ['API', 'WWW', 'BOOT',' DB']: config_options['PLC_'+service+'_HOST'] = config.plcs[plc_name]['ip'] config_options['PLC_'+service+'_IP'] = config.plcs[plc_name]['ip'] config_options['PLC_ROOT_USER'] = 'root@localhost.localdomain' config_options['PLC_ROOT_PASSWORD'] = 'root' # Set node configuration options nodelist = ['vm1.paris.cs.princeton.edu'] node_tests = ['node_cpu_sched.py', 'pf2test.pl' ] slice = config.slices['ts_slice1'] steps = {} steps[1] = Step("Create vserver %s" % vserver_name, create_vserver, (vserver_name, VSERVER_HOME, mailto), config.logfile.filename) steps[2] = Step("Mount plc %s " % plc_name, config.plcs[plc_name].commands, ("/sbin/service plc mount",), config.logfile.filename) steps[3] = Step("Configure plc %s" % plc_name, plc_configure(config), (plc_name, config_options,), config.logfile.filename) steps[4] = Step("Start plc %s " % plc_name, plc_start(config), (plc_name,), config.logfile.filename) steps[5] = Step("Add test data", add_test_data(config), (plc_name,), config.logfile.filename) steps[6] = Step("Sync person public key", sync_person_key(config), (person_email,), config.logfile.filename, False) # XX fix logfile parameter step_method = api_unit_test(config) steps[7] = Step("API unit test", step_method, (plc_name,), step_method.logfile.filename, False) for node in nodelist: if not node in config.nodes.keys(): continue node = config.nodes[node] step_num = max(steps.keys()) + 1 steps[step_num] = Step("Boot node %s" % node['hostname'], boot_node(config), (plc_name, node['hostname']), node.logfile.filename) ready_step = Step("Check %s is ready" % node['hostname'], node.is_ready, (), node.logfile.filename) steps[step_num].next_steps.append(ready_step) download_scripts = Step("Download test scripts onto %s" % node['hostname'], node.download_testscripts, (), config.logfile.filename) steps[step_num].next_steps.append(download_scripts) # XX fix logfile parameter # XX node_run_tests should only run the test, download test on node before calling node_run_test for test in node_tests: # Create a separate logfile for this script log_filename = "%s/%s-%s.log" % (config.logfile.dir, test, node['hostname']) test_logfile = Logfile(log_filename) step_method = node_run_tests(config, test_logfile) test_step = Step("%s test on node %s" % (test, node['hostname']), step_method, (node['hostname'], plc_name, test), step_method.logfile.filename, False) steps[step_num].next_steps.append(test_step) # Now that all the steps are defined, run them order = steps.keys() order.sort() results = {} for num in order: steps[num].run() steps[num].notify_contacts() if steps[num].fatal and not steps[num].passed: break # Generate summary email to = ["tmack@cs.princeton.edu"] subject = "[QA Results] PLC - %(distro)s - %(DATE)s" % locals() body = """ MyPLC %(distro)s results Build: %(DATE)s \n\n""" % locals() utils.header("Sending summary email") # add results to summary body for num in order: step = steps[num] body += step.get_results() sendmail(to, subject, body) except: utils.header("ERROR %(vserver_name)s tests failed" % locals(), logfile = config.logfile) utils.header("%s" % traceback.format_exc(), logfile = config.logfile)