# Thierry Parmentelat # Copyright (C) 2010 INRIA # import sys import os, os.path import time import base64 import utils from TestUser import TestUser from TestBoxQemu import TestBoxQemu from TestSsh import TestSsh from Completer import CompleterTask class CompleterTaskNodeSsh(CompleterTask): def __init__(self, hostname, qemuname, local_key, command=None, boot_state="boot", expected=True, dry_run=False): self.hostname = hostname self.qemuname = qemuname self.boot_state = boot_state self.local_key = local_key self.command = command if command is not None else "hostname;uname -a" self.expected = expected self.dry_run = dry_run self.test_ssh = TestSsh(self.hostname, key=self.local_key) def run(self, silent): command = self.test_ssh.actual_command(self.command) retcod = utils.system(command, silent=silent, dry_run=self.dry_run) if self.expected: return retcod == 0 else: return retcod != 0 def failure_epilogue(self): print("Cannot reach {} in {} mode".format(self.hostname, self.boot_state)) class TestNode: def __init__(self, test_plc, test_site, node_spec): self.test_plc = test_plc self.test_site = test_site self.node_spec = node_spec def name(self): return self.node_spec['node_fields']['hostname'] def dry_run(self): return self.test_plc.options.dry_run @staticmethod def is_qemu_model(model): return model.find("qemu") >= 0 def is_qemu(self): return TestNode.is_qemu_model(self.node_spec['node_fields']['model']) @staticmethod def is_real_model(model): return not TestNode.is_qemu_model(model) def is_real(self): return TestNode.is_real_model(self.node_spec['node_fields']['model']) def buildname(self): return self.test_plc.options.buildname def nodedir(self): if self.is_qemu(): return "qemu-{}".format(self.name()) else: return "real-{}".format(self.name()) # this returns a hostname def host_box(self): if self.is_real(): return 'localhost' else: try: return self.node_spec['host_box'] except: utils.header("WARNING : qemu nodes need a host box") return 'localhost' # this returns a TestBoxQemu instance - cached in .test_box_value def test_box(self): try: return self.test_box_value except: self.test_box_value = TestBoxQemu(self.host_box(),self.buildname()) return self.test_box_value def create_node(self): ownername = self.node_spec['owner'] user_spec = self.test_site.locate_user(ownername) test_user = TestUser(self.test_plc,self.test_site,user_spec) userauth = test_user.auth() utils.header("node {} created by user {}".format(self.name(), test_user.name())) rootauth = self.test_plc.auth_root() server = self.test_plc.apiserver node_id = server.AddNode(userauth, self.test_site.site_spec['site_fields']['login_base'], self.node_spec['node_fields']) # create as reinstall to avoid user confirmation server.UpdateNode(userauth, self.name(), { 'boot_state' : 'reinstall' }) # you are supposed to make sure the tags exist for tagname, tagvalue in self.node_spec['tags'].items(): server.AddNodeTag(userauth, node_id, tagname, tagvalue) if not self.test_plc.has_addresses_api(): # print 'USING OLD INTERFACE' # populate network interfaces - primary server.AddInterface(userauth, self.name(), self.node_spec['interface_fields']) else: # print 'USING NEW INTERFACE with separate ip addresses' # this is for setting the 'dns' stuff that now goes with the node server.UpdateNode(userauth, self.name(), self.node_spec['node_fields_nint']) interface_id = server.AddInterface(userauth, self.name(),self.node_spec['interface_fields_nint']) server.AddIpAddress(userauth, interface_id, self.node_spec['ipaddress_fields']) route_fields = self.node_spec['route_fields'] route_fields['interface_id'] = interface_id server.AddRoute(userauth, node_id, self.node_spec['route_fields']) pass # populate network interfaces - others if 'extra_interfaces' in self.node_spec: for interface in self.node_spec['extra_interfaces']: server.AddInterface(userauth, self.name(), interface['interface_fields']) if 'settings' in interface: for attribute, value in interface['settings'].items(): # locate node network interface = server.GetInterfaces( userauth, {'ip' : interface['interface_fields']['ip']})[0] interface_id = interface['interface_id'] # locate or create node network attribute type try: interface_tagtype = server.GetTagTypes(userauth, {'name' : attribute})[0] except: interface_tagtype = server.AddTagType(rootauth,{'category' : 'test', 'tagname' : attribute}) # attach value server.AddInterfaceTag(userauth, interface_id, attribute, value) def delete_node(self): # uses the right auth as far as poss. try: ownername = self.node_spec['owner'] user_spec = self.test_site.locate_user(ownername) test_user = TestUser(self.test_plc, self.test_site, user_spec) auth = test_user.auth() except: auth = self.test_plc.auth_root() self.test_plc.apiserver.DeleteNode(auth, self.name()) # Do most of the stuff locally - will be pushed on host_box - *not* the plc - later if needed def qemu_local_init(self): "all nodes : init a clean local directory for holding node-dep stuff like iso image..." utils.system("rm -rf {}".format(self.nodedir())) utils.system("mkdir {}".format(self.nodedir())) if not self.is_qemu(): return True return utils.system("rsync -v -a --exclude .svn template-qemu/ {}/"\ .format(self.nodedir())) == 0 def bootcd(self): "all nodes: invoke GetBootMedium and store result locally" utils.header("Calling GetBootMedium for {}".format(self.name())) # this would clearly belong in the config but, well .. options = self.node_spec['bootmedium_options'] if 'bootmedium_options' in self.node_spec else [] encoded = self.test_plc.apiserver.GetBootMedium( self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(), 'node-iso', '', options) if encoded == '': raise Exception('GetBootmedium failed') filename = "{}/{}.iso".format(self.nodedir(), self.name()) utils.header('Storing boot medium into {}'.format(filename)) # xxx discovered with python3, but a long stading issue: # encoded at this point is a str instead of a bytes # Quick & dirty : we convert this explicitly to a bytearray # Longer run : clearly it seems like the plcapi server side should # tag its result with rather than as a string bencoded = str.encode(encoded) if self.dry_run(): print("Dry_run: skipped writing of iso image") return True else: # with python3 we need to call decodestring here with open(filename,'wb') as storage: storage.write(base64.decodestring(bencoded)) return True def nodestate_reinstall(self): "all nodes: mark PLCAPI boot_state as reinstall" self.test_plc.apiserver.UpdateNode(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(),{'boot_state':'reinstall'}) return True def nodestate_upgrade(self): "all nodes: mark PLCAPI boot_state as upgrade" self.test_plc.apiserver.UpdateNode(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(),{'boot_state':'upgrade'}) return True def nodestate_safeboot(self): "all nodes: mark PLCAPI boot_state as safeboot" self.test_plc.apiserver.UpdateNode(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(),{'boot_state':'safeboot'}) return True def nodestate_boot(self): "all nodes: mark PLCAPI boot_state as boot" self.test_plc.apiserver.UpdateNode(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(),{'boot_state':'boot'}) return True def nodestate_show(self): "all nodes: show PLCAPI boot_state" if self.dry_run(): print("Dry_run: skipped getting current node state") return True state = self.test_plc.apiserver.GetNodes(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(), ['boot_state'])[0]['boot_state'] print("boot_state for {} : {}".format(self.name(), state)) return True def nodedistro_f14(self): return self.nodedistro_set('f14', 'onelab') def nodedistro_f18(self): return self.nodedistro_set('f18', 'lxc') def nodedistro_f20(self): return self.nodedistro_set('f20', 'lxc') def nodedistro_f21(self): return self.nodedistro_set('f21', 'lxc') def nodedistro_f22(self): return self.nodedistro_set('f22', 'lxc') def nodedistro_set(self, fcdistro, pldistro): "set the fcdistro tag to distro, passed in arg" self.test_plc.apiserver.SetNodeFcdistro(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(), fcdistro) self.test_plc.apiserver.SetNodePldistro(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(), pldistro) return True def nodeflavour_show(self): "display the fcdistro tag - or flavour actually - of node" if self.dry_run(): print("Dry_run: would fetch node flavour") return True flavour = self.test_plc.apiserver.GetNodeFlavour(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name()) print("Flavour for {} : {}".format(self.name(), flavour)) return True def nodeplain_set(self, plain): " set bootstrapfs-plain tag on nodes" self.test_plc.apiserver.SetNodePlainBootstrapfs(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name(), plain) return True def nodeplain_on(self): return self.nodeplain_set("True") def nodeplain_off(self): return self.nodeplain_set("") def nodeplain_show(self): "display bootstrapfs-plain tag" if self.dry_run(): print("Dry_run: would fetch node plain-bootstrapfs tag") return True plain = self.test_plc.apiserver.GetNodePlainBootstrapfs(self.test_plc.auth_root(), self.name()) print("Plain bootstrapfs for {} is {}".format(self.name(), plain)) return True def qemu_local_config(self): "all nodes: compute qemu config qemu.conf and store it locally" if not self.is_qemu(): return mac = self.node_spec['interface_fields']['mac'] hostname = self.node_spec['node_fields']['hostname'] ip = self.node_spec['interface_fields']['ip'] auth = self.test_plc.auth_root() target_arch = self.test_plc.apiserver.GetPlcRelease(auth)['build']['target-arch'] conf_filename = "{}/qemu.conf".format(self.nodedir()) if self.dry_run(): print("dry_run: skipped actual storage of qemu.conf") return True utils.header('Storing qemu config for {} in {}'.format(self.name(), conf_filename)) with open(conf_filename,'w') as file: file.write('MACADDR={}\n'.format(mac)) file.write('NODE_ISO={}.iso\n'.format(self.name())) file.write('HOSTNAME={}\n'.format(hostname)) file.write('IP={}\n'.format(ip)) file.write('TARGET_ARCH={}\n'.format(target_arch)) return True def qemu_clean(self): utils.header("Cleaning up qemu for host {} on box {}"\ .format(self.name(),self.test_box().hostname())) dry_run = self.dry_run() self.test_box().rmdir(self.nodedir(), dry_run=dry_run) return True def qemu_export(self): "all nodes: push local node-dep directory on the qemu box" # if relevant, push the qemu area onto the host box if self.test_box().is_local(): return True dry_run = self.dry_run() utils.header("Cleaning any former sequel of {} on {}"\ .format(self.name(), self.host_box())) utils.header("Transferring configuration files for node {} onto {}"\ .format(self.name(), self.host_box())) return self.test_box().copy(self.nodedir(), recursive=True, dry_run=dry_run) == 0 def qemu_cleanlog(self): "rename log.txt into log.txt.bak in the qemu dir" test_box = self.test_box() test_box.run_in_buildname("cd {}; mv -f log.txt log.txt.bak". format(self.nodedir()), dry_run=self.dry_run()) return True def qemu_start(self): "all nodes: start the qemu instance (also runs qemu-bridge-init start)" model = self.node_spec['node_fields']['model'] #starting the Qemu nodes before if self.is_qemu(): self.start_qemu() else: utils.header("TestNode.qemu_start : {} model {} taken as real node"\ .format(self.name(), model)) return True def qemu_timestamp(self): "all nodes: start the qemu instance (also runs qemu-bridge-init start)" test_box = self.test_box() test_box.run_in_buildname("mkdir -p {}".format(self.nodedir()), dry_run=self.dry_run()) now = int(time.time()) return test_box.run_in_buildname("echo {:d} > {}/timestamp"\ .format(now, self.nodedir()), dry_run=self.dry_run()) == 0 def qemu_nodefamily(self): "write nodefamily stamp in qemu working dir" auth = self.test_plc.auth_root() hostname = self.node_spec['node_fields']['hostname'] nodeflavour = self.test_plc.apiserver.GetNodeFlavour(auth, hostname) if self.dry_run(): return True nodedir = self.nodedir() nodefamily = nodeflavour['nodefamily'] self.test_box().run_in_buildname("echo {nodefamily} > {nodedir}/nodefamily".format(**locals())) return True def start_qemu(self): test_box = self.test_box() utils.header("Starting qemu node {} on {}".format(self.name(), test_box.hostname())) test_box.run_in_buildname("{}/qemu-bridge-init start >> {}/log.txt"\ .format(self.nodedir(), self.nodedir()), dry_run=self.dry_run()) # kick it off in background, as it would otherwise hang test_box.run_in_buildname("{}/qemu-start-node 2>&1 >> {}/log.txt"\ .format(self.nodedir(), self.nodedir())) def list_qemu(self): utils.header("Listing qemu for host {} on box {}"\ .format(self.name(), self.test_box().hostname())) command = "{}/qemu-kill-node -l {}".format(self.nodedir(), self.name()) self.test_box().run_in_buildname(command, dry_run=self.dry_run()) return True def kill_qemu(self): #Prepare the log file before killing the nodes test_box = self.test_box() # kill the right processes utils.header("Stopping qemu for node {} on box {}"\ .format(self.name(), self.test_box().hostname())) command = "{}/qemu-kill-node {}".format(self.nodedir(),self.name()) self.test_box().run_in_buildname(command, dry_run=self.dry_run()) return True def gather_qemu_logs(self): if not self.is_qemu(): return True remote_log = "{}/log.txt".format(self.nodedir()) local_log = "logs/node.qemu.{}.txt".format(self.name()) self.test_box().test_ssh.fetch(remote_log,local_log,dry_run=self.dry_run()) def keys_clear_known_hosts(self): "remove test nodes entries from the local known_hosts file" TestSsh(self.name()).clear_known_hosts() return True def create_test_ssh(self): # get the plc's keys for entering the node vservername = self.test_plc.vservername ### # assuming we've run testplc.fetch_keys() ### key = "keys/{vservername}.rsa".format(**locals()) # fetch_keys doesn't grab the root key anymore key = "keys/key_admin.rsa" return TestSsh(self.name(), buildname=self.buildname(), key=key) def check_hooks(self): extensions = [ 'py','pl','sh' ] path = 'hooks/node' scripts = utils.locate_hooks_scripts('node '+self.name(), path,extensions) overall = True for script in scripts: if not self.check_hooks_script(script): overall = False return overall def check_hooks_script(self,local_script): # push the script on the node's root context script_name = os.path.basename(local_script) utils.header("NODE hook {} ({})".format(script_name, self.name())) test_ssh = self.create_test_ssh() test_ssh.copy_home(local_script) if test_ssh.run("./"+script_name) != 0: utils.header("WARNING: node hooks check script {} FAILED (ignored)"\ .format(script_name)) #return False return True else: utils.header("SUCCESS: node hook {} OK".format(script_name)) return True def has_libvirt(self): test_ssh = self.create_test_ssh() return test_ssh.run("rpm -q --quiet libvirt-client") == 0 def _check_system_slice(self, slicename, dry_run=False): sitename = self.test_plc.plc_spec['settings']['PLC_SLICE_PREFIX'] vservername = "{}_{}".format(sitename, slicename) test_ssh = self.create_test_ssh() if self.has_libvirt(): utils.header("Checking system slice {} using virsh".format(slicename)) return test_ssh.run("virsh --connect lxc:// list | grep -q ' {} '".format(vservername), dry_run = dry_run) == 0 else: retcod, output = \ utils.output_of(test_ssh.actual_command("cat /vservers/{}/etc/slicefamily 2> /dev/null")\ .format(vservername)) # get last line only as ssh pollutes the output slicefamily = output.split("\n")[-1] utils.header("Found slicefamily '{}'for slice {}".format(slicefamily,slicename)) if retcod != 0: return False utils.header("Checking system slice {} using vserver-stat".format(slicename)) return test_ssh.run("vserver-stat | grep {}".format(vservername), dry_run=dry_run) == 0