import os from myslice.configengine import ConfigEngine from myslice.settings import TEMPLATE_DIRS class ThemeView (object): @property def theme(self): self.config = ConfigEngine() if self.config.myslice.theme : return self.config.myslice.theme @property def template(self): # Load a template from the theme directory if it exists # else load it from the common templates dir #print "THEME = ",self.theme #print "TEMPLATE = ",self.template_name #print "TEMPLATE_DIRS = ",TEMPLATE_DIRS filename = self.theme + '_' + self.template_name #print any(os.path.exists(os.path.join(d,filename)) for d in TEMPLATE_DIRS) #print (os.path.exists(os.path.join(d,filename)) for d in TEMPLATE_DIRS) if any(os.path.exists(os.path.join(d,filename)) for d in TEMPLATE_DIRS): return filename else: return self.template_name