from portal.templateviews import LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView # from manifold.core.query import Query from manifold.manifoldapi import execute_query from portal.actions import manifold_update_user # from myslice.viewutils import topmenu_items, the_user # from django.http import HttpResponse from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required import json # requires login class AccountView(LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView): template_name = "my_account.html" def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(AccountView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): user_query = Query().get('local:user').select('config','email') user_details = execute_query(self.request, user_query) # not always found in user_details... config={} for user_detail in user_details: #email = user_detail['email'] if user_detail['config']: config = json.loads(user_detail['config']) platform_query = Query().get('local:platform').select('platform_id','platform') account_query = Query().get('local:account').select('user_id','platform_id','auth_type','config') platform_details = execute_query(self.request, platform_query) account_details = execute_query(self.request, account_query) # initial assignment needed for users having no account platform_name = '' account_type = '' account_usr_hrn = '' account_pub_key = '' platform_name_list = [] account_type_list = [] usr_hrn_list = [] pub_key_list = [] for account_detail in account_details: for platform_detail in platform_details: if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']: platform_name = platform_detail['platform'] account_type = account_detail['auth_type'] account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config']) # a bit more pythonic account_usr_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A') account_pub_key = account_config.get('user_public_key','N/A') platform_name_list.append(platform_name) account_type_list.append(account_type) usr_hrn_list.append(account_usr_hrn) pub_key_list.append(account_pub_key) # combining 4 lists into 1 [to render in the template] lst = [{'platform_name': t[0], 'account_type': t[1], 'usr_hrn':t[2], 'usr_pubkey':t[3]} for t in zip(platform_name_list, account_type_list, usr_hrn_list, pub_key_list)] #print "test" #print lst context = super(AccountView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['data'] = lst context['person'] = self.request.user context ['firstname'] = config.get('firstname',"?") context ['lastname'] = config.get('lastname',"?") context ['fullname'] = context['firstname'] +' '+ context['lastname'] context ['authority'] = config.get('authority',"Unknown Authority") #context['users'] = userlist.render(self.request) # XXX This is repeated in all pages # more general variables expected in the template context['title'] = 'Platforms connected to MySlice' # the menu items on the top context['topmenu_items'] = topmenu_items('My Account', self.request) # so we can sho who is logged context['username'] = the_user(self.request) # context ['firstname'] = config['firstname'] #context.update(page.prelude_env()) return context @login_required #my_acc form value processing def account_process(request): user_query = Query().get('local:user').select('password','config') user_details = execute_query(request, user_query) if 'submit_name' in request.POST: edited_first_name = request.POST['fname'] edited_last_name = request.POST['lname'] config={} for user_config in user_details: #email = user_detail['email'] if user_config['config']: config = json.loads(user_config['config']) config['firstname'] = edited_first_name config['lastname'] = edited_last_name config['authority'] = config.get('authority','Unknown Authority') updated_config = json.dumps(config) # updating config local:user in manifold user_params = { 'config': updated_config} manifold_update_user(request,user_params) # this will be depricated, we will show the success msg in same page return HttpResponse('Sucess: First Name and Last Name Updated!') elif 'submit_pass' in request.POST: edited_password = request.POST['password'] for user_pass in user_details: user_pass['password'] = edited_password #updating password in local:user user_params = { 'password': user_pass['password']} manifold_update_user(request,user_params) return HttpResponse('Success: Password Changed!!') elif 'generate' in request.POST: # Generate public and private keys using SFA Library from import Keypair k = Keypair(create=True) public_key = k.get_pubkey_string() private_key = k.as_pem() private_key = ''.join(private_key.split()) public_key = "ssh-rsa " + public_key # Saving to DB keypair = '{"user_public_key":"'+ public_key + '", "user_private_key":"'+ private_key + '"}' # keypair = re.sub("\r", "", keypair) # keypair = re.sub("\n", "\\n", keypair) # #keypair = keypair.rstrip('\r\n') # keypair = ''.join(keypair.split()) #get_user.keypair = keypair return HttpResponse('Success: New Keypair Generated! %s' % keypair) elif 'upload_key' in request.POST: up_file = request.FILES['pubkey'] file_content = file_name = file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] allowed_extension = ['.pub','.txt'] if file_extension in allowed_extension and'ssh-rsa',file_content): file_content = '{"user_public_key":"'+ file_content +'"}' file_content = re.sub("\r", "", file_content) file_content = re.sub("\n", "\\n",file_content) file_content = ''.join(file_content.split()) #get_user.keypair = file_content return HttpResponse('Success: Publickey uploaded! Old records overwritten') else: return HttpResponse('Please upload a valid RSA public key [.txt or .pub].') else: message = 'You submitted an empty form.' return HttpResponse(message)