import os.path, re import json from random import randint from hashlib import md5 from django.views.generic import View from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from import Page from unfold.loginrequired import FreeAccessView from ui.topmenu import topmenu_items_live from manifoldapi.manifoldapi import execute_admin_query from manifold.core.query import Query from portal.models import PendingUser from django.contrib.auth.models import User #Pedro from portal.actions import create_pending_user from myslice.theme import ThemeView import activity.user # since we inherit from FreeAccessView we cannot redefine 'dispatch' # so let's override 'get' and 'post' instead # class RegistrationView (FreeAccessView, ThemeView): template_name = 'registration_view.html' def post (self, request): return self.get_or_post (request, 'POST') def get (self, request): return self.get_or_post (request, 'GET') def get_or_post(self, wsgi_request, method): """ """ errors = [] authority_hrn = None authorities_query = Query.get('authority').select('name','authority_hrn') authorities = execute_admin_query(wsgi_request, authorities_query) if authorities is not None: authorities = sorted(authorities) print "############ BREAKPOINT 1 #################" # Page rendering page = Page(wsgi_request) page.add_js_files ( [ "js/jquery.validate.js", "js/my_account.register.js", "js/jquery.qtip.min.js","js/jquery-ui.js" ] ) page.add_css_files ( [ "css/onelab.css", "css/registration.css", "css/jquery.qtip.min.css" ] ) page.add_css_files ( [ "" ] ) print "############ BREAKPOINT 2 #################" if method == 'POST': reg_form = {} # The form has been submitted # get the domain url current_site = Site.objects.get_current() current_site = current_site.domain print "############ BREAKPOINT 3 #################" for authority in authorities: if authority['name'] == wsgi_request.POST.get('org_name', ''): authority_hrn = authority['authority_hrn'] # Handle the case when the template uses only hrn and not name if authority_hrn is None: authority_hrn = wsgi_request.POST.get('org_name', '') print "############ BREAKPOINT 4 #################" post_email = wsgi_request.POST.get('email','').lower() salt = randint(1,100000) email_hash = md5(str(salt)+post_email).hexdigest() #email_hash = md5(post_email).digest().encode('base64')[:-1] user_request = { 'first_name' : wsgi_request.POST.get('firstname', ''), 'last_name' : wsgi_request.POST.get('lastname', ''), 'organization' : wsgi_request.POST.get('org_name', ''), 'authority_hrn' : authority_hrn, 'email' : post_email, 'username' : wsgi_request.POST.get('username','').lower(), 'password' : wsgi_request.POST.get('password', ''), 'reasons' : wsgi_request.POST.get('reasons', ''), 'current_site' : current_site, 'email_hash' : email_hash, 'pi' : '', 'validation_link': 'https://' + current_site + '/portal/email_activation/'+ email_hash } print "############ BREAKPOINT 5 #################" # Construct user_hrn from email (XXX Should use common code) # split_email = user_request['email'].split("@")[0] # split_email = split_email.replace(".", "_") # user_request['user_hrn'] = user_request['authority_hrn'] \ # + '.' + split_email username = user_request['username'] if user_request['authority_hrn'] == "fibre" : user_request['username'] = user_request['username'] + "@" + "rnp" # catch-all island split_authority = user_request['authority_hrn'] else : split_authority = user_request['authority_hrn'].split(".")[1] user_request['username'] = user_request['username'] + '@' + split_authority split_authority = user_request['authority_hrn'].split(".")[0] user_request['user_hrn'] = split_authority + '.' + user_request['username'] # Validate input UserModel = get_user_model() if ('^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', user_request['first_name']) == None): errors.append('First name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.') if ('^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', user_request['last_name']) == None): errors.append('Last name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.') if ('^[\w,]+$' , username) == None): errors.append('Username may contain only letters,numbers and -/_ characters.') # checking in django_db !! if PendingUser.objects.filter(email__iexact = user_request['email']): errors.append('Email is pending for validation. Please provide a new email address.') # if UserModel._default_manager.filter(email__iexact = user_request['email']): # errors.append('This email is not usable. Please contact the administrator or try with another email.') if User.objects.filter(username__iexact = user_request['username']): errors.append('This username is already in use, try another one') # Does the user exist in Manifold? user_query = Query().get('local:user').select('user_id','email') user_details = execute_admin_query(wsgi_request, user_query) for user_detail in user_details: if user_detail['email'] == user_request['email']: errors.append('Email already registered. Login with your existing account. Forgot your password?') # Does the user exist in sfa? [query is very slow!!] #user_query = Query().get('user').select('user_hrn','user_email') # XXX Test based on the user_hrn is quick user_query = Query().get('user').select('user_hrn','user_email').filter_by('user_hrn','==',user_request['user_hrn']) user_details_sfa = execute_admin_query(wsgi_request, user_query) # for user in user_details_sfa: # if user['user_email'] == user_request['email']: # errors.append('Email already registered in SFA registry. Please use another email.') # if user['user_hrn'] == user_request['user_hrn']: # # add random number if user_hrn already exists in the registry # user_request['user_hrn'] = user_request['authority_hrn'] \ # + '.' + split_email + str(randint(1,1000000)) # checking in django unfold db portal application pending users # sqlite3 /var/unfold/unfold.sqlite3 # select email from portal_pendinguser; if PendingUser.objects.filter(email__iexact = user_request['email']): errors.append('Account pending for validation. Please wait till your account is validated or contact OneLab support.') # checking in django_db !! # sqlite3 /var/unfold/unfold.sqlite3 # select email from auth_user; if UserModel._default_manager.filter(email__iexact = user_request['email']): errors.append('Please try with another email.') # XXX TODO: Factorize with portal/ # XXX TODO: Factorize with portal/ # XXX TODO: Factorize with portal/ if 'generate' in wsgi_request.POST['question']: user_request['auth_type'] = 'managed' # XXX Common code, dependency ? from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA private = RSA.generate(1024) # Example: private_key = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIC...' # Example: public_key = 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3...' user_request['private_key'] = private.exportKey() user_request['public_key'] = private.publickey().exportKey(format='OpenSSH') else: user_request['auth_type'] = 'user' up_file = wsgi_request.FILES['user_public_key'] file_content = file_name = file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['.pub','.txt'] if file_extension not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS or not'ssh-rsa',file_content): errors.append('Please upload a valid RSA public key.') # user_request['private_key'] can't be Null because all db fields are set as NOT NULL user_request['private_key'] = "" user_request['public_key'] = file_content if not errors: create_pending_user(wsgi_request, user_request, user_detail) self.template_name = 'user_register_complete.html' # log user activity #activity.user.registered(self.request) return render(wsgi_request, self.template, {'theme': self.theme, 'REQINST':wsgi_request.POST.get('org_name', '').split(".")[1].upper()}) else: print "############ BREAKPOINT A #################" user_request = {} ## this is coming from onelab website reg_form = { 'first_name': wsgi_request.GET.get('first_name', ''), 'last_name': wsgi_request.GET.get('last_name', ''), 'email': wsgi_request.GET.get('email', ''), } # log user activity activity.user.signup(self.request) print "############ BREAKPOINT B #################" template_env = { 'topmenu_items': topmenu_items_live('Register', page), 'errors': errors, 'authorities': authorities, 'theme': self.theme, 'section':'Registration' } template_env.update(user_request) template_env.update(reg_form) template_env.update(page.prelude_env ()) print "############ BREAKPOINT C #################" return render(wsgi_request, self.template,template_env)