#!/usr/bin/python -u # All vsys scripts should use STDOUT in unbuferred mode, or else sometimes your output will get bufferred and you will not see it till the buffer gets flushed. import sys import os vsys_config_dir = "/etc/planetlab/vsys-attributes" slicename=sys.argv[1] sliceid = pwd.getpwnam(slicename).pw_uid arglines = map(string.strip, sys.stdin.readlines()) command_name = arglines[0] device_names = arglines[1:] print "Validating interface names... ", # Validate interface names for vif in device_names: if len(vif)>16: print "Interface name %s invalid"%(vif) sys.exit(1) if re.match(r'(tun|tap)%d-\d+' % sliceid, vif ) is None: print "Interface name %s does not match slice id %d."%(vif, sliceid) sys.exit(1) print "[OK]" # The interfaces have been validated. We don't need to validate the executable # path for escape hatches because we are going to use execve. pid = os.fork() if (pid): # Close open fds before execve print "Closing file descriptors." for fd in xrange(3, 1023): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass # Execute command vserver_command = "/usr/sbin/vserver" args = [slicename] args += ['exec'] args += [command_name] os.system('touch /etc/vservers/%s/spaces/net'%slicename) try: os.execve(vserver_command, args) except: pass os.system('rm /etc/vservers/%s/spaces/net'%slicename) else: for vif in device_names: os.system('/sbin/ip link set %s netns %d'%(vif, pid))