#!/usr/bin/python # VSYS script to configure per-slice virtual network interfaces from the root slice # Thom Haddow - 06/10/09 # # Gets slice name as argv[1] # Takes remaining args on stdin: # - Interface name (eg [tun|tap]-) # - (private) IP address (eg # - Netmask (as int, e.g. 24) # - Followed by options as name=value pairs # # Options: # - pointopoint=IP: other endpoint's (private) IP (sets routing) # - snat=1: enables SNAT ip rules # - dropkern=1: drops RST packets generated by the kernel # - txqueuelen=N: sets TX queue # - gre=<> : enable GRE tunnelling - several formats supported # - gre=true|yes|name : computes GRE key as a hash of slice name (so it's valid across federations) # - gre=id : uses for GRE key the slice id (the one from the myplc database) # - gre=somestring : computes GRE key as a hash of the provided string # - gre=somekey : use the provided key as is # - remote=IP : when using GRE, the (public) IP for the remote endpoint # - mtu=N : set the MTU for the device import sys import pwd import re import socket import struct import os import string vsys_config_dir = "/etc/planetlab/vsys-attributes" if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit(1) # VSYS scripts get slicename as $1 slicename=sys.argv[1] # the local xid for this slice sliceid = pwd.getpwnam(slicename).pw_uid netblock_config=os.path.join(vsys_config_dir,slicename,"vsys_vnet") # Read netblock allocation file base = None for netblock in open(netblock_config,'r'): base, mask = netblock.split('/') if base is None: print >>sys.stderr, "Could not find entry for slice %s in netblock config file %s" % (slicename, netblock_config) sys.exit(1) ### Read args from stdin arglines = map(string.strip, sys.stdin.readlines()) if len(arglines)<3: print >>sys.stderr, "Insufficient argument lines." sys.exit(1) vif = arglines[0] # interface name vip = arglines[1] # IP vmask = int(arglines[2]) # netmask as int # Create options list if len(arglines)>3: options = arglines[3:] else: options = [] # Convert network base addr to int format by unpacking as 32bit net-ordered long (!L) base_int = struct.unpack('!L',socket.inet_aton(base))[0] mask = int(mask) ### Validate args # Validate interface name if len(vif)>16: print >>sys.stderr, "Interface name %s invalid"%(vif) sys.exit(1) if re.match(r'(tun|tap)%d-\d+' % sliceid, vif ) is None: print >>sys.stderr, "Interface name %s does not match slice id %d."%(vif, sliceid) sys.exit(1) # Validate requested IP and convert to int format. try: vip_int = struct.unpack('!L',socket.inet_aton(vip))[0] except socket.error: print >>sys.stderr, "Invalid IP: %s" % vip sys.exit(1) # Check IP is in netblock if (vip_int>>(32-mask)) != (base_int>>(32-mask)): print >>sys.stderr, "Requested IP %s not in netblock %s/%d" % (vip,base,mask) sys.exit(1) # TODO. Check IP is not in use? # Validate mask: Check requested mask is sane and within our netblock if vmask>32 or vmask <8: print >>sys.stderr, "Requested netmask /%d is invalid" %(vmask) sys.exit(1) if vmask>sys.stderr, "Requested netmask /%d larger than allocation /%d" %(vmask, mask) sys.exit(1) ### Process options opt_txqueuelen = None opt_rp_filter = None opt_snat = None opt_dropkern = None opt_ovs_dp = None opt_pointopoint = None opt_gre = None opt_gre_remote = None opt_mtu = None for optionline in options: if len(optionline)==0: continue try: opt, val = optionline.split('=') except: print >>sys.stderr, "Bad option line: \"%s\"" % (optionline) sys.exit(1) if opt=="rp_filter": if val=="0": opt_rp_filter="0" elif val=="1": opt_rp_filter="1" else: print >>sys.stderr, "rp_filter value invalid: \"%s\"" % (val) sys.exit(1) elif opt=="txqueuelen": intval = int(val) if intval<1 or intval>10000: print >>sys.stderr, "txqueuelen value %s out of range 1-10000" % (val) sys.exit(1) opt_txqueuelen = intval elif opt=="snat": intval = int(val) if val=="1": opt_snat = True elif opt=="dropkern": intval = int(val) if val=="1": opt_dropkern = True elif opt=="pointopoint": opt_pointopoint = val.strip() try: socket.inet_aton(opt_pointopoint) except socket.error,e: print >>sys.stderr, "could not parse pointopoint: %s" % (e,) sys.exit(1) elif opt=="vswitch": opt_ovs_dp = val # support several formats, parse later on elif opt=="gre": opt_gre = val elif opt=="remote": opt_gre_remote = val.strip() try: socket.inet_aton(opt_gre_remote) except socket.error,e: print >>sys.stderr, "could not parse remote: %s" % (e,) sys.exit(1) elif opt=="mtu": intval = int(val) if intval<1: print >>sys.stderr, "MTU value %s out of range" % (val) sys.exit(1) opt_mtu = intval else: print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown option: \"%s\"" % (opt) sys.exit(1) # post processing for gre mode if opt_gre: if not opt_pointopoint: print >>sys.stderr, "GRE tunnels need a pointopoint address" sys.exit(1) if not opt_gre_remote: print >>sys.stderr, "GRE tunnels need a pointopoint address" sys.exit(1) if vif.startswith('tun'): opt_gre_type = 'gre' else: opt_gre_type = 'gretap' opt_gre=opt_gre.lower() # helper - keys are expected between 0 and 2**32-1 def gre_hash (string): return hash(string) & 0xffffffff # compute gre_key according to option format if opt_gre in ('yes','true','name'): gre_key=gre_hash(slicename) elif opt_gre in ('id','sliceid'): # use slice_id as the key - this is the one from myplc - won't work across federation gre_key = int(open("/etc/vservers/%s/slice_id" % (slicename,),"r").read().strip()) elif opt_gre.isdigit(): # use as-is gre_key=int(opt_gre) else: # hash the provided string gre_key=gre_hash(opt_gre) ### temporary - debug ### use ip tunnel show to obtain the key, but it only works with IP over GRE #open('/tmp/%s.key'%vif,'w').write('%s\n'%gre_key) ### Configure interface cmd_ifconfig = "/sbin/ifconfig %s %s" % (vif, vip) if opt_pointopoint is None: cmd_ifconfig += "/%d" % (vmask,) else: # point-to-point mask cmd_ifconfig += " netmask" if opt_txqueuelen is not None: cmd_ifconfig += " txqueuelen %d" % (opt_txqueuelen,) if opt_pointopoint is not None: cmd_ifconfig += " pointopoint %s" % (opt_pointopoint,) if opt_mtu is not None: cmd_ifconfig += " mtu %d" % (opt_mtu,) # Add iptables rules (Clearing old ones first, if they exist) cmd_iptables_in = "/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i %s -m mark -m state --state NEW ! --mark %d -j DROP" % (vif, sliceid) cmd_iptables_del_in = "/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -i %s -m mark -m state --state NEW ! --mark %d -j DROP 2>/dev/null" % (vif, sliceid) cmd_iptables_out = "/sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -o %s -m state --state NEW -m mark ! --mark %d -j DROP" % (vif, sliceid) cmd_iptables_del_out = "/sbin/iptables -D OUTPUT -o %s -m state --state NEW -m mark ! --mark %d -j DROP 2>/dev/null" % (vif, sliceid) # this initial form should work again now, but for some reason on 2.6.27, 'ip route get ...' returns an empty line #public_src = os.popen("ip route get | head -1 | awk '{print $7;}'").read().rstrip(); public_src = os.popen("ifconfig | grep $(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F. '{print $1\"[.]\"$2}') | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F : '{print $2}'").read().rstrip() cmd_iptables_pr = "/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s %s/%d -j SNAT --to-source %s --random" % (vip, vmask, public_src) cmd_iptables_del_pr = "/sbin/iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s %s/%d -j SNAT --to-source %s --random > /dev/null 2>&1" % (vip, vmask, public_src) cmd_iptables_dk = "/sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp -s %s/%d --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP"%(vip,vmask) cmd_iptables_del_dk = "/sbin/iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp -s %s/%d --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP > /dev/null 2>&1"%(vip,vmask) if opt_gre: cmd_gre_setup = "modprobe ip_gre ; ip link add %s type %s remote %s local %s ttl 64 csum key %s" % ( vif, opt_gre_type, opt_gre_remote, public_src, gre_key ) cmd_iptables_gre_pr = "/sbin/iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i %s -m mark --mark 0 -j MARK --set-mark %s 2>/dev/null" % ( vif, int(sliceid)) os.system(cmd_gre_setup) os.system(cmd_iptables_gre_pr) os.system(cmd_ifconfig) os.system(cmd_iptables_del_in) os.system(cmd_iptables_in) os.system(cmd_iptables_del_out) os.system(cmd_iptables_out) # always remove snat rules # in case there are leftovers from previous calls os.system(cmd_iptables_del_pr) if (opt_snat): os.system(cmd_iptables_pr) os.system(cmd_iptables_del_dk) if (opt_snat): os.system(cmd_iptables_dk) # Process additional options if opt_rp_filter is not None: rp_cmd = "/sbin/sysctl net.ipv4.conf.%s.rp_filter=%s" % (vif, opt_rp_filter) os.system(rp_cmd) # OVS datapath if opt_ovs_dp is not None: cmd_ovs_addif = "ovs-dpctl add-if %s %s"%(opt_ovs_dp,vif) os.system(cmd_ovs_addif)