(** directfifowatcher.ml: Routines to handle non-persistent scripts *) (* Semantics: * - The 'out' descriptor must be opened first * - As soon as the backend script dies, the connection to the entry is * closed. * - To avoid user-inflicted pain, all entries are opened at the time * that they are created. Reopening these entries is a little complicated * but nevertheless sound: * * When a script dies, its fd is reopened * * If a script fails to execute, its fd is closed and reopened to * beat a race that can happen when the user closes the connection * before the script can be launched. *) open Inotify open Unix open Globals open Dirwatcher open Printf open Splice let close_if_open fd = (try (ignore(close fd);) with _ -> ()) type in_pathname = string type directory = string type base_pathname = string type slice_name = string let direct_fifo_table: (in_pathname,(directory*base_pathname*slice_name*Unix.file_descr) option) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1024 let pidmap: (int,in_pathname * Unix.file_descr) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1024 let move_gate fname = let tmpfname=String.concat "." [fname;"tmp"] in (* XXX add a check *) Unix.rename fname tmpfname; tmpfname let move_ungate fname restore = (* XXX add a check *) Unix.rename restore fname let list_check lst elt _ = let rec list_check_rec lst = match lst with | [] -> false | car::cdr -> if (car==elt) then true else list_check_rec cdr in list_check_rec lst let fs_openentry fifoin = let fdin = try openfile fifoin [O_RDONLY;O_NONBLOCK] 0o777 with e->logprint "Error opening and connecting FIFO: %s,%o\n" fifoin 0o777;raise e in fdin (** Open entry safely, by first masking out the file to be opened *) let openentry_safe root_dir fqp_in backend_spec = let restore = move_gate fqp_in in let fd_in = fs_openentry restore in move_ungate fqp_in restore; let (fqp,slice_name) = backend_spec in Hashtbl.replace direct_fifo_table fqp_in (Some(root_dir,fqp,slice_name,fd_in)) let openentry root_dir fqp backend_spec = let fqp_in = String.concat "." [fqp;"in"] in openentry_safe root_dir fqp_in backend_spec let reopenentry fifoin = let entry = try Hashtbl.find direct_fifo_table fifoin with _ -> None in match entry with | Some(dir, fqp,slice_name,fd) -> close_if_open fd;openentry_safe dir fifoin (fqp,slice_name) | None -> () (* vsys is activated when a client opens an in file *) let connect_file fqp_in = (* Do we care about this file? *) let entry_info = try Hashtbl.find direct_fifo_table fqp_in with _ -> None in match entry_info with | Some(_,execpath,slice_name,fifo_fdin) -> begin let len = String.length fqp_in in let fqp = String.sub fqp_in 0 (len-3) in let fqp_out = String.concat "." [fqp;"out"] in let fifo_fdout = try openfile fqp_out [O_WRONLY;O_NONBLOCK] 0o777 with _-> (* The client is opening the descriptor too fast *) sleep 1;try openfile fqp_out [O_WRONLY;O_NONBLOCK] 0o777 with _-> logprint "%s Output pipe not open, using stdout in place of %s\n" slice_name fqp_out; logprint "Check if vsys script %s is executable\n" execpath; stdout in ignore(sigprocmask SIG_BLOCK [Sys.sigchld]); ( clear_nonblock fifo_fdin; let pid = try Some(create_process execpath [|execpath;slice_name|] fifo_fdin fifo_fdout fifo_fdout) with e -> logprint "Error executing %s for slice %s\n" execpath slice_name; None in match pid with | Some(pid) -> if (fifo_fdout <> stdout) then close_if_open fifo_fdout; Hashtbl.add pidmap pid (fqp_in,fifo_fdout) | None ->logprint "Error executing service: %s\n" execpath;reopenentry fqp_in ); ignore(sigprocmask SIG_UNBLOCK [Sys.sigchld]); end | None -> () (** Make a pair of fifo entries *) let mkentry fqp abspath perm uname = logprint "Making entry %s->%s\n" fqp abspath; let fifoin=sprintf "%s.in" fqp in let fifoout=sprintf "%s.out" fqp in (try Unix.unlink fifoin with _ -> ()); (try Unix.unlink fifoout with _ -> ()); (try let infname =(sprintf "%s.in" fqp) in let outfname =(sprintf "%s.out" fqp) in (* XXX add checks *) Unix.mkfifo infname 0o666; Unix.mkfifo outfname 0o666; ( (* Make the user the owner of the pipes in a non-chroot environment *) if (!Globals.nochroot) then let pwentry = Unix.getpwnam uname in (* XXX add checks *) Unix.chown infname pwentry.pw_uid pwentry.pw_gid; Unix.chown outfname pwentry.pw_uid pwentry.pw_gid ); Success with e->logprint "Error creating FIFO: %s->%s. May be something wrong at the frontend.\n" fqp fifoout;Failed) (** Close fifos that just got removed *) let closeentry fqp = let fqp_in = String.concat "." [fqp;"in"] in let entry = try Hashtbl.find direct_fifo_table fqp_in with Not_found -> None in match entry with | None -> () | Some(_,_,_,fd) -> close_if_open fd; Hashtbl.remove direct_fifo_table fqp_in let sigchld_handle s = let rec reap_all_processes () = let pid,_= try Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] 0 with _ -> (-1,WEXITED(-1)) in if (pid > 0) then begin begin try let fqp_in,fd_out = Hashtbl.find pidmap pid in begin reopenentry fqp_in; Hashtbl.remove pidmap pid end with _ -> () end; reap_all_processes () end in reap_all_processes() (** The backendhandler class: defines event handlers for events in the backend backend directory. @param dir_root The location of the backend in the server context (eg. root context for vservers) @param frontend_list List of frontends to serve with this backend *) let rec add_dir_watch fqp = Dirwatcher.add_watch fqp [S_Open] direct_fifo_handler and direct_fifo_handler wd dirname evlist fname = let is_event = list_check evlist in if (is_event Open Attrib) then let fqp_in = String.concat "/" [dirname;fname] in connect_file fqp_in let del_dir_watch fqp = () let initialize () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle sigchld_handle)