(** Watches directories for events. Agnostic to vsys semantics of backends and frontends *) open Inotify open Fdwatcher open Printf open Globals (* I don't know if a wd corresponding to a deleted directory is evicted or just * leaks - fix implementation of rmdir accordingly *) let wdmap = Hashtbl.create 1024 let masks = Hashtbl.create 1024 let fd = Inotify.init () let rec list_check lst elt = match lst with | [] -> false | car::cdr -> if (car==elt) then true else list_check cdr elt let handle_dir_event dirname evlist str = let fname = String.concat "/" [dirname;str] in fprintf logfd "File: %s. " fname;List.iter (fun e -> fprintf logfd "Event: %s\n" (string_of_event e)) evlist; flush logfd let add_watch dir events handler = let evcheck = list_check events in let wd = Inotify.add_watch fd dir events in Hashtbl.add masks dir (wd,handler); Hashtbl.add wdmap wd (dir,Some(handler)) (* Ignore the possibility that the whole directory can disappear and come * back while it is masked *) let mask_watch dir = try let wd,_ = Hashtbl.find masks dir in Inotify.rm_watch fd wd; Hashtbl.remove wdmap wd with _ -> () let unmask_watch dir events = let _,handler = try Hashtbl.find masks dir with Not_found->fprintf logfd "unmask called without mask: %s\n" dir;flush logfd;raise Not_found in try Hashtbl.remove masks dir; add_watch dir events handler with Not_found -> () let asciiz s = let rec findfirstnul str idx len = if ((idx==len) || (str.[idx]==(char_of_int 0))) then idx else findfirstnul str (idx+1) len in let nulterm = findfirstnul s 0 (String.length s) in String.sub s 0 nulterm let receive_event (eventdescriptor:fname_and_fd) (bla:fname_and_fd) = let (_,fd) = eventdescriptor in let evs = Inotify.read fd in List.iter (fun x-> match x with | (wd,evlist,_,Some(str)) -> begin let purestr = asciiz(str) in let (dirname,handler) = try Hashtbl.find wdmap wd with Not_found->("",None) in match handler with | None->fprintf logfd "Unhandled watch descriptor\n";flush logfd | Some(handler)->handler wd dirname evlist purestr end | _ -> ()) evs let initialize () = Fdwatcher.add_fd (None,fd) (None,fd) receive_event