(** Fdwatcher - The main event loop. Agnostic to the type of file descriptors involved.*) open Printf open Globals open Printexc let fdset = ref [] let cbtable = Hashtbl.create 1024 let add_fd (evpair:fname_and_fd) (fd_other:fname_and_fd) (callback:fname_and_fd->fname_and_fd->unit) = let (fname,fd) = evpair in fdset := (fd::!fdset); Hashtbl.replace cbtable fd (callback,(evpair,fd_other)) let del_fd fd = fdset:=List.filter (fun l->l<>fd) !fdset; flush logfd let start_watch () = while (true) do let (fds,_,_) = try Unix.select !fdset [] [] (-1.) with e-> ([],[],[]) in List.iter (fun elt-> let (func,(evd,fd_other)) = Hashtbl.find cbtable elt in try (* Never fail *) func evd fd_other with e-> let wtf = Printexc.to_string e in fprintf logfd "%s\n" wtf ) fds done