# # Vsys shell - sliverland utility # # RPM spec file %define name vsyssh %define version 0.99 %define taglevel 4 %define release %{taglevel}%{?pldistro:.%{pldistro}}%{?date:.%{date}} Vendor: PlanetLab Packager: PlanetLab Central Distribution: PlanetLab %{plrelease} URL: %{SCMURL} Summary: Vsys shell - a sliverland vsys client Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} License: GPL Group: System Environment/Libraries BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot Source0: vsyssh-%{version}.tar.gz %description vsyssh is a utility designed to be installed in the slivers, a helper to ease the invokation of vsys scripts. %prep #%setup -q -n vsys-%{version} %setup %build rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make -C vsyssh %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin cp -p vsyssh/vsyssh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) /usr/bin/vsyssh %changelog * Mon Jan 07 2019 Thierry - vsys-0.99-4 - building on fedora29 requires to tweak ocaml compile environment * Tue Feb 26 2013 Thierry Parmentelat - vsys-0.99-3 - only cosmetic changes * Mon Sep 26 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - vsys-0.99-2 - split the vsyssh package in a separate specfile - so we can preinstall vsyssh in the sliver space * Thu Jan 27 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - vsys-0.99-1 - vsyssh is a simple shell to use vsys through, in the vsys-vsyssh rpm - fix build dep to require ocaml-ocamldoc instead of ocaml-docs * Thu Dec 16 2010 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.99-0 - Fixed a memory leak, mainly. The other changes are simply commits that got lost between the move from svn/head to - git/master. * Sun Dec 27 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - vsys-0.9-4 - fix build for f12 * Mon May 18 2009 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.9-3 - The previous tag (0.9-2) doesn't build. This one is tested to build and install (or rather, upgrade) fine with the previous version of vsys. * Mon May 18 2009 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.9-2 - Getting rid of factory scripts from the main vsys. They now live elsewhere. * Tue Mar 31 2009 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.9-1 - * The main change in version 0.9 is file-descriptor passing support. The way this works in Vsys is that you write a - script whose name has the prefix "fd_". Such scripts show up within slices as ".control" files and can be used to - exchange file descriptors with root context. Vsys scripts inherit the socket that corresponds to this channel, so they - do not need to deal with connection setup and teardown. Please see vsys-wrappers/ and vsys-factory/fuse, - vsys-factory/bm_socket for more details. - * Version 0.9 is the current stable version of Vsys. It has a fix for a vulnerability in 0.7, and has undergone a - stability audit. - * Version 0.95 (trunk) is the new development version. * Tue Feb 24 2009 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-26 - Tagging to force an update. * Fri Feb 20 2009 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-25 * Fri Feb 20 2009 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-24 * Thu Feb 19 2009 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-23 * Tue Sep 30 2008 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-22 - Tagging a trivial fix. * Thu Sep 25 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-21 - includes new portsummary script for CoMon * Mon Aug 11 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-20 - trying to fix the taglevel relative to the branch name * Thu Jul 17 2008 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-18 - Change for someone at Imperial.ac.uk, who wants access to Netflow data. * Tue Jul 15 2008 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-17 - * Don't kill vsys twice on restarts, do it only once - * Restart vsys following a reinstall * Wed Jul 02 2008 Thierry Parmentelat - vsys-0.7-16 - Usability changes that are necessary for the stability of CoMon * Wed Jun 25 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-15 - added patch to pl-ps needed by slicestat - - * Mon Jun 23 2008 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-14 - This change is an attempt to fix unexpected blocking after many days of uptime, reported by KyoungSoo. * Thu Jun 19 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-13 - accept '-' in filenames also - * Wed Jun 18 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-12 - don't overwrite the config file that already exists. - * Wed Jun 18 2008 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-11 - Suppress some temp file that RPM creates frmo showing up as a vsys script. - - * Wed Jun 18 2008 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-10 - Changed a policy in vsys. When an acl is empty, the script doesn't show up in ANY slice. The previous behavior was for - it to show up in all slices. - - * Wed Jun 18 2008 Sapan Bhatia - vsys-0.7-9 - Added a vsys script for CoMon. - * Mon Jun 16 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-8 - ignore non-existent directories after restart. - * Fri May 16 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-7 - added logrotate configuration to package. - * Mon May 12 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-6 - Added two new scripts for CoMon on 4.2 - * Tue May 06 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-5 - - Corrected directory that the script mounts to the correct one: - /var/local/fprobe - * Wed Apr 23 2008 Stephen Soltesz - vsys-0.7-4 - Pulling the latest changes for the 4.2rc2 release - * Fri Feb 15 2008 Faiyaz Ahmed - vsys-0.7-2 vsys-0.7-3 - * daemonization, writing to a logfile, and saving the pid -