load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); # TODO: if result is false, redirect to beginning. /*$result = $this->validation->run();*/ /*print "RESULT: ".$result . "
";*/ /*print $this->validation->error_string . "
";*/ $data = array(); $data['pcu_id'] = intval($pcu_id); $data['node_id'] = intval($node_id); $data['site_id'] = intval($site_id); $data['stage'] = 5; $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage5_bootimage', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } function stage6_download($pcu_id=0, $site_id=0, $node_id=0) { global $api, $plc; $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->helper('download'); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); $person = new Person($plc->person); $fields['action'] = "Download Action"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $rules['action'] = "required"; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); # TODO: if result is false, redirect to beginning. $result = $this->validation->run(); $data = array(); $data['pcu_id'] = intval($pcu_id); $data['node_id'] = intval($node_id); $data['site_id'] = intval($site_id); $data['action'] = $this->validation->action; $data['stage'] = 6; $data['generic_iso_name'] = $this->get_bootcd_version(); $data = $this->get_stage6_data($person, $data); print $this->validation->error_string . "
"; $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage6_download', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } function getnode($node_id) { global $api, $plc; $plc_node_list = $api->GetNodes(array('node_id' => intval($node_id) )); return $plc_node_list[0]; } function get_stage6_data($person, $data=NULL) { global $api, $plc; if ( $data == NULL ){ $data = array(); } $data['api'] = $api; $data['has_primary'] = 1; $node_detail = $this->getnode($data['node_id']); $data['node_detail'] = $node_detail; $node_id = $data['node_id']; $action = $_REQUEST['action']; switch ($action) { case "download-generic-iso": case "download-generic-usb": if ($action=="download-generic-iso") { $boot_action="generic-iso"; $basename=PLC_NAME."-BootCD.iso"; } else { $boot_action="generic-usb"; $basename=PLC_NAME."-BootCD.usb"; } $api->UpdateNode( $hostname, array( "boot_state" => 'disabled', "version" => $this->get_bootcd_version() ) ); /* exits on success */ $success = $this->deliver_bootmedium($node_id, $boot_action, $basename); if (! $success ) { $error="Unexpected error from deliver_bootmedium - probably wrong directory modes"; print ("
\n"); print ("

Back to node \n"); return ; } break; case "download-node-floppy-with-iso": case "download-node-floppy-with-usb": case "download-node-floppy": case "download-node-iso": case "download-node-usb": case "download-node-usb-partition": $return= $api->GetNodes( array( $node_id ) ); $node_detail= $return[0]; // non-admin people need to be affiliated with the right site if( !in_array( 10, $person->data['role_ids'] ) ) { $node_site_id = $node_detail['site_id']; $in_site = in_array ($node_site_id,$person->data['site_ids']); if( ! $in_site) { $error= "Insufficient permission. You cannot create configuration files for this node."; } } $hostname= $node_detail['hostname']; $return= $api->GetInterfaces( array( "node_id" => $node_id ), NULL ); $can_gen_config= 1; $data['has_primary']= 0; if( count($return) > 0 ) { foreach( $return as $node_network_detail ) { if( $node_network_detail['is_primary'] == true ) { $data['has_primary']= 1; break; } } $data['node_network_detail'] = $node_network_detail; } if( !$data['has_primary'] ) { $can_gen_config= 0; } else { if( $node_detail['hostname'] == "" ) { $can_gen_config= 0; $node_detail['hostname']= "Missing"; } $fields= array("method","ip"); foreach( $fields as $field ) { if( $node_network_detail[$field] == "" ) { $can_gen_config= 0; $node_network_detail[$field]= "Missing"; } } if( $node_network_detail['method'] == "static" ) { $fields= array("gateway","netmask","network","broadcast","dns1"); foreach( $fields as $field ) { if( $node_network_detail[$field] == "" ) { $can_gen_config= 0; $node_network_detail[$field]= "Missing"; } } } if( $node_network_detail['method'] != "static" && $node_network_detail['method'] != "dhcp" ) { $can_gen_config= 0; $node_network_detail['method']= "Unknown method"; } } if( $can_gen_config && isset($_REQUEST['download']) ) { $download = $_REQUEST['download']; if (method_exists($api, "GetBootMedium")) $file_contents= $api->GetBootMedium($node_id, "node-floppy", ""); else $file_contents= $api->GenerateNodeConfFile($node_id, true); switch ($action) { case 'download-node-floppy-with-iso': case 'download-node-floppy-with-usb': case 'download-node-floppy': $boot_action='node-floppy'; $basename = "plnode.txt"; break; case 'download-node-iso': $boot_action='node-iso'; $basename = "$hostname.iso"; break; case 'download-node-usb': $boot_action='node-usb'; $basename = "$hostname.usb"; break; case "download-node-usb-partition": $boot_action='node-usb-partition'; $basename = "$hostname-partition.usb"; break; } if ($action != 'download-node-floppy') { $api->UpdateNode( $hostname, array( "boot_state" => 'disabled', "version" => $this->get_bootcd_version() ) ); } /* exits on success */ $success = $this->deliver_bootmedium($node_id, $boot_action, $basename); if (! $success ) { $error="Unexpected error from deliver_bootmedium - probably wrong directory modes"; print ("

\n"); print ("

Back to node \n"); return ; } } $action_labels = array ( 'download-node-floppy' => 'textual node config (for floppy)' , 'download-node-floppy-with-iso' => 'textual node config (for floppy)' , 'download-node-floppy-with-usb' => 'textual node config (for floppy)' , 'download-node-iso' => 'ISO image', 'download-node-usb-partition' => 'USB image', 'download-node-usb' => 'USB image' ); $format = $action_labels [ $action ] ; /*drupal_set_title("Download boot material for $hostname");*/ break; default: echo "Unknown action $action."; exit(); break; } $data['format'] = $format; $data['can_gen_config'] = $can_gen_config; return $data; } function get_bootcd_version() { $BOOTCD="/usr/share/bootcd"; $BOOTCDVERSION="$BOOTCD/build/version.txt"; $version = trim(file_get_contents($BOOTCDVERSION)); $bootcd_version = PLC_NAME . "-BootCD-".$version; return $bootcd_version; } function deliver_bootmedium($node_id, $action, $filename) { global $api; ini_set("memory_limit","300M"); $options = array(); switch ($action) { case "node-usb-partition": $action = "node-usb"; $options[] = "partition"; break; } $b64_data = $api->GetBootMedium($node_id,$action,"", $options); $error= $api->error(); if ( empty($error) ) { if ( $action == "node-floppy" ) { # data comes back in plain text for node-floppy. $data = $b64_data; } else { $data = base64_decode($b64_data); } $size = strlen($data); /* exits on success */ force_download($filename, $data); } return False; } } ?>