load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $data=array(); $data['stage'] = 0; $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage0', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } function stage1_addpcu() { global $api, $plc; $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); $rules['model'] = "trim|required"; $rules['hostname'] = "trim|required"; $rules['ip'] = "trim|required|valid_ip"; $rules['username'] = "trim"; $rules['password'] = "trim|required"; $rules['notes'] = "trim"; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $fields['model'] = "Model"; $fields['hostname'] = "Hostname"; $fields['ip'] = "IP Address"; $fields['username'] = "Username"; $fields['password'] = "Password"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $person = new Person($plc->person); $data = array(); if ($this->validation->run() == TRUE) { if ($this->validation->model != "none-selected" ) { /* b/c the submit is valid, it doesn't matter if pcu_register is set */ $this->pcu_id = $this->add_pcu($data); } } $data = $this->get_stage1_data($person, $data); $data['stage'] = 1; $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage1_pcu_choose', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } function add_pcu(&$data) { global $api, $plc; /* add pcu, get pcu info */ $site_id = intval( $_REQUEST['site_id'] ); $fields= array( 'protocol'=> '', 'model'=> $_REQUEST['model'], 'hostname'=> $this->validation->hostname, 'ip'=> $this->validation->ip, 'username'=> $this->validation->username, 'password'=> $this->validation->password, 'notes'=> $_REQUEST['notes'], ); $pcu_id= $api->AddPCU( $site_id, $fields ); if( $pcu_id == 0 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } $data['pcu_id'] = $pcu_id; return $pcu_id; } function get_stage1_data($person, $data=NULL) { global $api, $plc; if ( $data == NULL ){ $data = array(); } $data['default_site_list'] = $person->getSites(); $data['pcu_types'] = $api->GetPCUTypes(NULL, array('model', 'name')); $data['pcu_list'] = $this->getpculist($person); $data['site_list'] = $this->getsitelist($person); return $data; } function getpculist($person) { global $api, $plc; $plc_pcu_list = $api->GetPCUs(array('site_id' => $person->getSites())); return PlcObject::constructList('PCU', $plc_pcu_list); } function getsitelist($person) { global $api, $plc; // get sites depending on role and sites associated. if( $person->isAdmin() ) { $site_info= $api->GetSites(array('peer_id' => NULL,'-SORT'=>'name'), array( "name", "site_id", "login_base" ) ); } else { $site_info= $api->GetSites( $person->getSites(), array( "name", "site_id", "login_base" ) ); } //sort_sites( $site_info ); return $site_info; } var $run_update = True; var $disp_errors = True; function stage2_confirmpcu() { global $api, $plc; $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); $person = new Person($plc->person); if ( isset($_REQUEST['pcu_choose']) ) { $rules['pcu_id'] = "required"; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $fields['pcu_id'] = "PCU id"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $result = $this->validation->run(); /* I don't know, shouldn't we redirect to the first stage in this case? */ $this->run_update = False; $this->disp_errors = False; print $this->validation->error_string . "
"; } else { # Information update $rules['pcu_id'] = "required"; $rules['hostname'] = "trim|required"; $rules['ip'] = "trim|required|valid_ip"; $rules['username'] = "trim"; $rules['password'] = "trim|required"; $rules['notes'] = "trim"; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $fields['pcu_id'] = "PCU id"; $fields['hostname'] = "Hostname"; $fields['ip'] = "IP Address"; $fields['username'] = "Username"; $fields['password'] = "Password"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); if ( $this->validation->run() == FALSE ) { print $this->validation->error_string . "
"; $this->run_update = False; } } $data = $this->get_stage2_data($person); $data['stage'] = 2; $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage2_pcu_confirm', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } function update_pcu($data) { global $api, $plc; /* add pcu, get pcu info */ $pcu_id = intval($this->validation->pcu_id); $fields= array( 'protocol'=> '', 'model'=> $_REQUEST['model'], 'hostname'=> $this->validation->hostname, 'ip'=> $this->validation->ip, 'username'=> $this->validation->username, 'password'=> $this->validation->password, 'notes'=> $_REQUEST['notes'], ); $ret = $api->UpdatePCU( $pcu_id, $fields ); if( $ret != 1 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } return $pcu_id; } function get_stage2_data($person) { global $api, $plc; $data = array(); if ( $this->run_update && isset($_REQUEST['pcu_update']) ) { $this->update_pcu($data); } if ( isset($_REQUEST['pcu_id']) ) { $pcu_id = intval($_REQUEST['pcu_id']); $pcu_data = $api->GetPCUs(array('pcu_id'=>$pcu_id)); $pcu = new PCU($pcu_data[0]); $data['pcu'] = $pcu; $data['pcu_id'] = $pcu_id; $data['site_id'] = $pcu_data[0]['site_id']; } $data['default_site_list'] = $person->getSites(); $data['pcu_types'] = $api->GetPCUTypes(NULL, array('model', 'name')); $data['pcu_site'] = $api->GetSites( $pcu_data[0]['site_id'], array( "name", "site_id", "login_base" ) ); return $data; } var $node_id = 0; function stage3_addnode($pcu_id, $site_id) { global $api, $plc; $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); $person = new Person($plc->person); $data = array(); $data['pcu_id'] = intval($pcu_id); $data['site_id'] = intval($site_id); if ( isset($_REQUEST['pcu_proceed']) ) { $rules['hostname'] = ""; $rules['model'] = ""; $rules['method'] = ""; $rules['ip'] = ""; $rules['netmask'] = ""; $rules['network'] = ""; $rules['gateway'] = ""; $rules['broadcast'] = ""; $rules['dns1'] = ""; $rules['dns2'] = ""; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $fields['hostname'] = "Hostname"; $fields['model'] = "Model"; $fields['method'] = "Method"; $fields['ip'] = "IP Address"; $fields['netmask'] = "Netmask Address"; $fields['network'] = "Network Address"; $fields['gateway'] = "Gateway Address"; $fields['broadcast'] = "Broadcast Address"; $fields['dns1'] = "Primary DNS Address"; $fields['dns2'] = "Secondary DNS Address"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $result = $this->validation->run(); /*print "RESULT: ".$result . "
";*/ # TODO: if result is false, redirect to beginning. $this->disp_errors = False; print $this->validation->error_string . "
"; } else { $rules['hostname'] = "trim|required"; $rules['model'] = "trim|required"; $rules['method'] = "required"; $rules['ip'] = "trim|required|valid_ip"; if ( isset ($_REQUEST['method']) && $_REQUEST['method'] == 'static' ) { $rules['netmask'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['network'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['gateway'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['broadcast'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['dns1'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['dns2'] = "trim|valid_ip"; } else { $rules['netmask'] = ""; $rules['network'] = ""; $rules['gateway'] = ""; $rules['broadcast'] = ""; $rules['dns1'] = ""; $rules['dns2'] = ""; } $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $fields['hostname'] = "Hostname"; $fields['model'] = "Model"; $fields['method'] = "Method"; $fields['ip'] = "IP Address"; $fields['netmask'] = "Netmask Address"; $fields['network'] = "Network Address"; $fields['gateway'] = "Gateway Address"; $fields['broadcast'] = "Broadcast Address"; $fields['dns1'] = "Primary DNS Address"; $fields['dns2'] = "Secondary DNS Address"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); if ($this->validation->run() == TRUE) { /* b/c the submit is valid, all values are minimally consistent. */ $this->node_id = $this->add_node($data); } } $data = $this->get_stage3_data($person, $data); $data['stage'] = 3; $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage3_node_choose', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } function add_node(&$data) { global $api, $plc; $hostname = trim($_REQUEST['hostname']); $model= trim($_REQUEST['model']); $method = trim($_REQUEST['method']); $ip = trim($_REQUEST['ip']); if ( $method == 'static' ) { $netmask = trim($_REQUEST['netmask']); $network = trim($_REQUEST['network']); $gateway = trim($_REQUEST['gateway']); $broadcast = trim($_REQUEST['broadcast']); $dns1 = trim($_REQUEST['dns1']); $dns2 = trim($_REQUEST['dns2']); } // used to generate error strings for static fields only $static_fields= array(); $static_fields['netmask']= "Netmask address"; $static_fields['network']= "Network address"; $static_fields['gateway']= "Gateway address"; $static_fields['broadcast']= "Broadcast address"; $static_fields['dns1']= "Primary DNS address"; if( $method == 'static' ) { if( !is_valid_network_addr($network,$netmask) ) { $errors[] = "The network address does not coorespond to the netmask"; } } if( !isset($errors) || count($errors) == 0 ) { // add new node and its network $optional_vals= array( "hostname"=>$hostname, "model"=>$model ); $site_id= $data['site_id']; // Try to get node in case this is from an error: $nodes = $api->GetNodes($optional_vals); if ( count($nodes) > 0 ) { $node_id= $nodes[0]['node_id']; } else { $node_id= $api->AddNode( intval( $site_id ), $optional_vals ); if( $node_id <= 0 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } } // now, try to add the network. $optional_vals= array(); $optional_vals['is_primary']= true; $optional_vals['ip']= $ip; $optional_vals['type']= 'ipv4'; $optional_vals['method']= $method; if( $method == 'static' ) { $optional_vals['gateway']= $gateway; $optional_vals['network']= $network; $optional_vals['broadcast']= $broadcast; $optional_vals['netmask']= $netmask; $optional_vals['dns1']= $dns1; if (!empty($dns2)) { $optional_vals['dns2']= $dns2; } } $interface_id= $api->AddInterface( $node_id, $optional_vals); if( $interface_id <= 0 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } $pcus = $api->GetPCUs(array('pcu_id' => $data['pcu_id'])); if ( count($pcus) > 0 ) { $pcu = $pcus[0]; # if $node_id in $pcu['node_ids'] if ( ! in_array( $node_id , $pcu['node_ids'] ) ) { $success = $api->AddNodeToPCU( $node_id, $data['pcu_id'], 1); if( !isset($success) || $success <= 0 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } } } $data['interface_id'] = $interface_id; $data['node_id'] = $node_id; if ( isset($errors) ) { $data['errors'] = $errors; } return $node_id; } else { $data['error'] = $errors[0]; return 0; } } function get_stage3_data($person, $data=NULL) { global $api, $plc; if ( $data == NULL ){ $data = array(); } $data['default_site_list'] = array($data['site_id']); $data['node_list'] = $this->getnodelist($data['site_id']); $data['site'] = $this->getsite($data['site_id']); return $data; } function getnodelist($site_id) { global $api, $plc; $plc_node_list = $api->GetNodes(array('site_id' => intval($site_id) )); $ret = array(); foreach ($plc_node_list as $plc_node) { $ret[] = new Node($plc_node, True); } return $ret; } function getsite($site_id) { global $api, $plc; $site_info = $api->GetSites($site_id, array( "name", "site_id", "login_base" ) ); return $site_info[0]; } function stage45_mappcu($pcu_id=0, $site_id=0, $node_id=0) { global $api, $plc; $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); $fields['port_number'] = "Port Number"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $data = array(); $data['pcu_id'] = intval($pcu_id); $data['site_id'] = intval($site_id); $data['node_id'] = intval($node_id); if ( isset($_REQUEST['node_confirm']) ) { /* skip the rules, since we're just displaying the page. */ $rules['port_number'] = ""; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); } else { /* setup rules, to validate the form data. */ $rules['port_number'] = "trim|required|intval"; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $result = $this->validation->run(); if ( ! $result ) { print "ERROR"; } else { $port = $this->validation->port_number; /* if we do not delete the node from the PCU first, a fault is raised */ $ret = $api->DeleteNodeFromPCU($data['node_id'], $data['pcu_id']); $ret = $api->AddNodeToPCU($data['node_id'], $data['pcu_id'], $port); if ( $ret != 1 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } } $this->disp_errors = False; print $this->validation->error_string . "
"; } $data['node'] = $this->getnode($data['node_id']); if ( sizeof($data['node']->pcu_ids) == 0) { $data['pcu_assigned'] = False; $data['pcu_port'] = -1; } else { $data['pcu_assigned'] = True; $api_pcus = $api->GetPCUs($data['node']->pcu_ids); $pcu = $api_pcus[0]; # NOTE: find index of node id, then pull out that index of $index = array_search($data['node_id'], $pcu['node_ids']); $data['pcu_port'] = $pcu['ports'][$index]; } $data['stage'] = 4.5; #$data = $this->get_stage4_data($person, $data); $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage45_pcuport', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } function stage4_confirmnode($pcu_id=0, $site_id=0) { global $api, $plc; $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); $person = new Person($plc->person); $fields['hostname'] = "Hostname"; $fields['model'] = "Model"; $fields['method'] = "Method"; $fields['ip'] = "IP Address"; $fields['netmask'] = "Netmask Address"; $fields['network'] = "Network Address"; $fields['gateway'] = "Gateway Address"; $fields['broadcast']= "Broadcast Address"; $fields['dns1'] = "Primary DNS Address"; $fields['dns2'] = "Secondary DNS Address"; $fields['node_id'] = "NODE id"; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $data = array(); $data['pcu_id'] = intval($pcu_id); $data['site_id'] = intval($site_id); if ( isset($_REQUEST['node_choose']) ) { $rules['node_id'] = "required|intval"; $rules['hostname'] = ""; $rules['model'] = ""; $rules['method'] = ""; $rules['ip'] = ""; $rules['netmask'] = ""; $rules['network'] = ""; $rules['gateway'] = ""; $rules['broadcast'] = ""; $rules['dns1'] = ""; $rules['dns2'] = ""; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $result = $this->validation->run(); /*print "RESULT: ".$result . "
";*/ # TODO: if result is false, redirect to beginning. $this->disp_errors = False; print $this->validation->error_string . "
"; } else { $rules['hostname'] = "trim|required"; $rules['model'] = "trim|required"; $rules['method'] = "required"; $rules['ip'] = "trim|required|valid_ip"; if ( isset ($_REQUEST['method']) && $_REQUEST['method'] == 'static' ) { $rules['netmask'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['network'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['gateway'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['broadcast'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['dns1'] = "trim|valid_ip"; $rules['dns2'] = "trim"; } else { # NOTE: There are no conditions that must be met for these fields. $rules['netmask'] = ""; $rules['network'] = ""; $rules['gateway'] = ""; $rules['broadcast'] = ""; $rules['dns1'] = ""; $rules['dns2'] = ""; } $rules['node_id'] = "required|intval"; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); if ($this->validation->run() == TRUE) { /* b/c the submit is valid, all values are minimally consistent. */ $this->node_id = $this->update_node($data); } } $data['node_id'] = intval($this->validation->node_id); $data['stage'] = 4; if ( $this->checknodeid($data['node_id']) ) { $data = $this->get_stage4_data($person, $data); $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('debug', $data); $this->load->view('stage4_node_confirm', $data); $this->load->view('footer', $data); } else { print "You must select a valid Node before continuing."; } } function update_node(&$data) { # TODO: RECODE To update values instead of adding them... global $api, $plc; $hostname = trim($_REQUEST['hostname']); $model= trim($_REQUEST['model']); $node_id = intval($this->validation->node_id); $ret = $api->UpdateNode( $node_id, array('hostname' => $hostname, 'model' => $model)); if( $ret <= 0 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } $api_node_list = $api->GetNodes($node_id); if ( count($api_node_list) > 0 ) { $node_obj = new Node($api_node_list[0], True); } else { print "broken!!!"; exit (1); } $optional_vals= array(); $method = trim($_REQUEST['method']); if ( $node_obj->method != $method ) { $optional_vals['method']= $method; } $ip = trim($_REQUEST['ip']); if ( $node_obj->ip != $ip ) { $optional_vals['ip']= $ip; } // used to generate error strings for static fields only $static_fields= array(); $static_fields['netmask']= "Netmask address"; $static_fields['network']= "Network address"; $static_fields['gateway']= "Gateway address"; $static_fields['broadcast']= "Broadcast address"; $static_fields['dns1']= "Primary DNS address"; if ( $method == 'static' ) { $netmask = trim($_REQUEST['netmask']); $network = trim($_REQUEST['network']); $gateway = trim($_REQUEST['gateway']); $broadcast = trim($_REQUEST['broadcast']); $dns1 = trim($_REQUEST['dns1']); $dns2 = trim($_REQUEST['dns2']); if( !is_valid_network_addr($network,$netmask) ) { $errors[] = "The network address does not coorespond to the netmask"; } } if ( !isset($errors) || count($errors) == 0 ) { // now, try to add the network. if( $method == 'static' ) { if ( $node_obj->gateway != $gateway ) { $optional_vals['gateway']= $gateway; } if ( $node_obj->network != $network ) { $optional_vals['network']= $network; } if ( $node_obj->broadcast != $broadcast ) { $optional_vals['broadcast']= $broadcast; } if ( $node_obj->netmask != $netmask ) { $optional_vals['netmask']= $netmask; } if ( $node_obj->dns1 != $dns1 ) { $optional_vals['dns1']= $dns1; } if ( $node_obj->dns2 != $dns2 ) { $optional_vals['dns2']= $dns2; } } if ( count($optional_vals) > 0 ) { print_r($optional_vals); $ret = $api->UpdateInterface( $node_obj->interface_id, $optional_vals); if( $ret <= 0 ) { $data['error'] = $api->error(); print $data['error']; } } } $data['node_id'] = $node_id; if ( isset($errors) ) { $data['errors'] = $errors; } return $node_id; } function get_stage4_data($person, $data=NULL) { global $api, $plc; if ( $data == NULL ){ $data = array(); } $data['node'] = $this->getnode($data['node_id']); $data['site'] = $this->getsite($data['site_id']); /*print "SITENAME: " . $data['site']['login_base'] . "
";*/ return $data; } function checknodeid($node_id) { global $api, $plc; $plc_node_list = $api->GetNodes(array('node_id' => intval($node_id) ), array('node_id')); if ( count($plc_node_list) > 0 ) { return True; } else { return False; } } function getnode($node_id) { global $api, $plc; $plc_node_list = $api->GetNodes(array('node_id' => intval($node_id) )); if ( count($plc_node_list) > 0 ) { return new Node($plc_node_list[0], True); } else { return NULL; } } } ?>